under fire

Chapter 1342 Training "well-trained" puppet army

A dozen grenades smashed into the group of devils.

On the wall, more than a dozen rifles followed and shot at the devils who had picked up the grenades and were about to throw them at the gate of the barracks.

Bang bang bang.
Boom boom boom.
One after another, the sound of explosions spread in the county.

Those who do business have closed their doors and closed their doors.

Intentionally versus unintentionally, Hu Yi led his people to occupy the county office where the Devils Gendarmerie Command is located without any accidents.

The commander of the Devil's Gendarmerie on the second floor was a little taken aback. Seeing that the imperial association troops in the yard dared to turn against him, he immediately returned to the house and ordered his civilian staff to take up weapons and prepare for battle.

The devils in the gendarmerie had no preparations at all, except for a bastard box and a few bayonets for collection.

Two of the devils couldn't find a suitable weapon, so they picked up the broom from behind the door and prepared to fight back against the "rebellious" Imperial Association Army.

Using the cover of the office wall, the devil gendarmes with guns immediately shot at the Imperial Association Army in the yard.

The Royal Association Army was indeed vulnerable, and immediately "scattered" after hearing the gunshots.
The captain of the gendarmerie was shaking the phone violently, but he couldn't get through.

"That Company Commander Yang is in the enemy camp, what should we do?"

West of the city.

The front sight and the ear of the devil who was loading the grenade into the grenade in the gunpowder smoke formed a line.

Let the puppet army barracks in Xicheng immediately become a mess.

Hu Yi went up to the second floor, looked at the radio station of the Devil's Gendarmerie Telecommunications Section which was not turned on, and ordered the telegrapher behind him: "Send a report to the former enemy headquarters immediately."

The pseudo-company commander took it very seriously, and retracted his head: "That's right, third platoon leader, this company commander now orders you to lead troops to reinforce the gendarmerie, and this company commander will sit in the middle army and suppress it for you."

At any rate, they can be given machine gun fire support on the roof to suppress the formation or something.

The pseudo-company commander came out and heard gunshots from the county office, so he hurriedly asked his subordinates to hold up the ladder and prepare to go up to the roof to take command of the Chinese army.

Are you singing?Still sitting in the army?
No, I seem to have become a pioneer?
The third platoon leader raised his hand and gave himself a slap in the ear: "I'll make you talk."

The fake platoon leader next to him shook his head: "The battalion commander is also true, how can I find a stutterer to pass the order."

"Fuck off, this is to have an attitude towards the officer. Do you understand what an attitude is?" After the false company commander finished speaking, he turned around and prepared to go to the roof to see the situation of the third platoon leader's reinforcements.

"Yes!" The operator put on the earphones and started to tune the frequency.

The puppet army, who was pulled by the pseudo-platoon leader to block the bullet, fell down on the street with the pseudo-platoon leader, and just avoided the bullet. The puppet army was full of gratitude: "Thank you, platoon leader, for saving your life. I will set up a longevity tablet for you later. "

The false company commander was so frightened that he fell off the ladder.

"That's right, the situation is unclear now. According to the instructor of the Imperial Army, it is not appropriate to rush to send troops!" The second platoon leader who posted it to watch the excitement seconded.

Just popped off the roof.

The third platoon leader who had just assembled the team came over and said righteously: "No, the Imperial Army Gendarmerie is under attack now. If we don't go to reinforce it, if the Imperial Army pursues it later, it's not easy to get rid of it."

call out.
A bullet flew from a distance, and the machine gunner who went up to the top of the building first to grab the commanding heights shot a cloud of blood in the head.

Suddenly, gunshots and explosions sounded in the city.

The next row under Li Xiang rushed to the yard of the detective team not far from the police force.

The police force next door didn't even have a fight, and the [-] or so police officers who stayed in the district team were escorted out to the street.

As the distance got closer and closer, when some people were transferred to the detective team by the railway, there were not many people.

Hu Yi ordered again: "Machine gun team four, go up to the roof and seize the high point to suppress the enemy."

Bang bang bang.
Seven or eight puppet soldiers raised their rifles and beat the gate of the reconnaissance team with sawdust and bricks flying across the gate.
The puppet army who can be stationed in the city is under the nose of the devil every day, and the training is decent.

A puppet army from the west tower ran into the barracks: "Report. Report. Two. Two. The company commander and battalion commander asked me to ask you what's going on!"

There was no suspense in the battle. A grenade was thrown into the corridor on the second floor, and the battle had come to an end.

Li Xiang smashed the door lock of the police weapon storage room with the butt of his gun, turned his head and ordered to the soldiers in the yard: "First row, go to the detective team immediately, and seize the pistol bullets!"

Then slipped down the roof and let the puppet army go to the courtyard wall to establish a guard.

The machine gun team was deployed on the side of the street, and a squad of puppet soldiers quickly stuck to the wall.

As a result, large-scale construction projects began in the barracks of the puppet army.
It seems that there are two brothers standing at the gate of the detective team's compound?
The false third platoon leader who was going east for reinforcements was about to say hello and ask about the situation.

The other squad immediately raised their guns for vigilance, had no target, and did not shoot indiscriminately.

"I don't know..." The black-faced false company commander struggled to stand up.

"Brother, the battalion commander is on the west side, does he know more than we do?" The first platoon leader looked surprised.

Even the owner was being beaten, and the dog traitors who lost their backbone immediately ran to the back door with their tails between their legs.

At the door, I saw a large group of puppet soldiers coming: "Run, they are coming"

"Where did everyone die, hurry up and see what happened!"

Feeling that everything was under control, he went to the door and looked into the street.

The pseudo-company commander looked around, and it seemed that there was nothing unusual about anyone, and immediately shouted to the courtyard below: "Machine gun team, hurry up to the roof to seize the commanding height!"

"You know what, that guy is the commander's nephew." The pseudo-company commander rolled his eyes, and when he heard the gunshots from the east getting more and more intense, he immediately yelled: "Set up a position immediately."

"Pay attention, they have white towels wrapped around their arms." Hu Yi said that he put his rifle firmly on the window that opened to the devil's barracks next door.

Muttering, the third platoon leader had no choice but to bite the bullet and lead more than [-] men out of the barracks, opened the formation and ran towards the middle of the county town
No way, a platoon of more than [-] people, some of the subordinates took leave early in the morning and two squatted in the hut with diarrhea.

There is only one wall between the county government office and the Devils Barracks.

The false company commander who was sleeping turned over and got up, grabbed the phone and was about to shake the gendarmerie headquarters to inquire about the situation.

It's a pity that after shaking for a long time, the phone couldn't get through at all.

If there is an abnormal situation, how can we not seize a commanding height first?
In the yard, the puppet troops who were supposed to wait until the shift change at night gathered in a hurry.

call out.
The false company commander always felt that something was wrong: "Orderman, hurry to the west and ask the battalion commander what happened."

The arrangement looks good.

West of the city.

Followed by the fake company commander next to the fake company commander who has rich experience: "Company commander, I think it's better to hide in the courtyard for safety"

"Uh" the puppet army turned around and ran away.

Seeing the opponent suddenly raised his gun, his heart sank suddenly. Since he had been running eastward sullenly, he couldn't stop, so he resolutely pulled the brother next to him over, and he used this force to throw himself to the side.
bang. bang.
Two bullets came one after another.

The observers had already climbed onto the roof and reported the battle situation next door from time to time.

"That's right, we didn't receive the order anyway, let's guard the barracks and do our job well!" The first row felt that the world was too big, and they didn't keep their own lives.

They missed the target at such a short distance, and the soldiers on guard at the gate of the reconnaissance team quickly dodged into the yard.

The puppet squad who had just fired a round pulled the bolts neatly and loaded the bullets for the next round of vigilance.

At this time, it doesn't matter whether you are at the gate of the investigation team or not, you can't identify the enemy and yourself, as long as the one who shoots you is the enemy's imperial army!

The fake third platoon leader who got up from the ground waved: "Throw a grenade. Machine gun suppression"

The instructor of the Imperial Army said, the formula for attacking the fortifications: the enemy is in the dark and we are in the light, the grenade opens the way, the machine gun suppresses, and the infantry charges alternately.

The people in the yard also seemed to hear the pseudo platoon leader's command, and threw three grenades.
Grenades swirl and smoke in the sky

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