under fire

Chapter 1343 Surrounding the kennel with ruthless hands

Chapter 1343 Surrounding the kennel with ruthless hands

The puppet army's desire to survive is so strong that it is invincible in the world!
Seeing the grenade flying out of the yard of the detective team, he immediately lay down on the ground.

The grenade exploded when it hit the ground.

All the puppet soldiers have nothing to do.

Bang bang bang.
The bullets of the large-caliber shelling gun suddenly slipped from the top of the wall to the back of the puppet army who was lying on the ground at the bottom of the wall and greeted!

Something happened this time.
The second floor of the County Office.

Hu Yi pressed the butt of his rifle against his right shoulder, pressed his cheek, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

In front of the concave rear sight, the straight sight swayed twice by the ear of the devil's grenade thrower.

Press the trigger with your right index finger straight to the end...

A cloud of blood protruded from the Devil Grenadier's right jaw, and the grenade in his hand could not be inserted into the mouth of the throwing barrel.

To get Lieutenant Devil into the barracks, the lieutenant's body had to be pulled up.

Then, the machine gun team on the roof began to pour bullets into the backs of the devils who were laying on the ground and establishing positions!

The two devil guards next to the lieutenant were extremely flustered, and hurried forward to pull the lieutenant who was struggling to stand up.

Waiting for this moment.

In fact, no one can beat anyone.

The location of the hut on the right side of the barracks.

You must not go out at this time, you may get shot if you go out.

Hu Yi retracted his gun and retreated to the side of the window, took a deep breath and let it out slowly, and waved his hand slightly to the back.

Haven't figured out what's going on until now.

In the middle of the bullet, the muzzle of the gun turned to the eye socket under the devil's helmet on the flank, and a large cloud of bloody red and white matter sprayed out from the back of the devil's head.

Shot in the side, the bullet directly broke the arm bone.

Crazy Yang squatted in the hut. After losing the shooter of the Devil's machine gun team, the [-] rifle in his hand had been aiming at the Devil's lieutenant for a long time.

"Notice the fart, there are six grenadiers on the ground, let him find a way to get them back."

The two devil guards chanted and worked together to lift the lieutenant up on the ground.

There was another shot from the front courtyard wall.

Following the two soldiers, they pulled the grenade rope again: "One two. Throw."

Another wave of grenades was thrown at the crowd of devils.

The right index finger exerted force extremely slowly, and the trigger was already close to the critical point of firing.

Soon two squads of more than [-] devils were organized, and the second lieutenant gave an order: "Go out of the back door of the barracks and unfold, and counter-outflank the militants!"

The yelling of the dead devil made the nearby devils who heard the sound start looking for the target.
It was soon discovered that there was half a head on the second floor of the county office next door outside the courtyard wall.
Before the devils' rifles were adjusted in place, a few grenades fell from the sky.


They hurriedly rushed into the barracks.

The devil struggling among the corpses on the ground completely stood still.

"Ah" "There are enemies on the left flank." "Shooting."

"Where did grandma's Li Xiang go?" Luo Fugui shrank his neck.


Boom boom boom.
The grenade exploded in the crowd of devils.

The muzzle of the gun was fine-tuned, aiming at the shoulder under the helmet of the grenadier who was picking up grenades next to the corpse.

The ever-nervous observer yelled.

The military doctor next to him has been following closely, and it only takes two seconds to bandage the lieutenant after entering the barracks.

Since the gunfire, there was not even a chicken or a dog in the alley behind the barracks.

The Second Lieutenant Guizi immediately took over the command and yelled loudly: "Observer, find the anti-Japanese elements who shot black guns."

Rifles on the front wall, start looking for the devils' grenade team and machine gun team in order of training targets
The devil commander has been hiding in the group of devils after the gunshot, and the cat is stooping to hide tightly, and there will be no chance for a while.

More than 100 people came out, but less than half of them went back!
"Grandma's little devil is also afraid of death!" Luo Fugui looked at the devil who retreated to the barracks from the crack of the door, pulled out the magazine and threw it to the ammunition hand next to him.

Up to now, no one knows where the team came from, but they are so bold that they dare to touch the imperial army's pig's nest!
The second bullet was pushed into the barrel neatly, and the tapered and slightly curved brass bullet was ferocious and cold, eager to try to complete its ultimate mission.

The devils who hid in the barracks were immediately recruited to fight back from the edge of the door and window.

Braving the hail of bullets, the devils who fought back while covering their retreat saw the commanding army enter the barracks.

The bullet hit the arm accurately, and the devil next to him was taken aback. He immediately judged from the position where the devil next to him was shot that the bullet came from the side of the county office.

Gunshots continued, grenades exploded and smoke filled the air, and no one noticed the direction the bullets were coming from.

In the barracks, the devil's second lieutenant who transferred from the main force to the garrison has rich experience.

"Company Commander, do you want to notify Company Commander Li?" The correspondent next to him asked quickly.

The line of sight is not good, even with a white towel tied on your hand!
"Dead!" Crazy Yang murmured silently in his heart, pointing at the filthy body blocked by the two devil guards who were pulling and pushing.

Then order the devils who retreated to the barracks to regroup.

This time I didn't aim, I just shot with the feel of the gun.

With cover, no matter how many anti-Japanese elements are in the home court of the imperial warriors, they will die here today!
call out.
A bullet flew from inside without knowing it, and directly penetrated into the lieutenant's back waist, circling in the body, and the bullet with strong penetrating power was finally blocked by the ribs and stopped in the lieutenant's body.

There are always a few figures shaking around this guy to protect him.

Wen Wuquan next to him acted as an observer, holding a southern pistol as a self-defense weapon in his hand.

The devil is now in the middle of the barracks near the gate, the front and the left flank are under attack at the same time.

The lieutenant who was hiding among the devils behind was furious: "A small team covers, retreat!"

The ghost lieutenant, who was just about to lead the devils back to the barracks, was staggered by a bullet flying from the side and fell to the ground.

A devil who was pretending to be dead was knocked off half of his head by this bullet, and white-gray bean curd residue mixed with chili oil was splashed all over the ground.

There is no such heroic courage as invincible in the past when he drew out his sword and called Zhutu.

Hu Yi took a general look at the layout of the barracks, and ordered again: "The machine gun team on the roof is withdrawn, and the back door of the Devil's barracks is blocked!"

The two sides exchanged fire at a distance of more than 100 meters, the gunfire continued, and the military camp playground was filled with gunpowder smoke.

Hu Yi was calm, his right hand mechanically pulled and pushed the round and smooth bolt, and the slightly hot [-]-style rifle made a clatter.

Da da da.
The ballistics tore back and forth, back and forth, left and right on the back of the devil lying on the ground.

After the gunshot, he hid in the crowd of his subordinates, narrowly escaping the guns of more than [-] soldiers from the Ninth Battalion who specialized in machine guns, grenades, and commanders.

Chi la The second shell jumped out of the gun briskly, rolled and threw a small arc to the floor of the building and fell beside Hu Yi's feet.

Then he ordered a devil to climb on the roof of the barracks.

There is a step under the eaves of the barracks.

"If you have a future, you will be the leader of the fifth platoon!" Luo Fugui hurriedly called.

Half-Ear, who was lying behind the sandbag, suggested: "Hey, it's not easy. Why don't we find two carts and two earthen tanks outside?"

Immediately, they got down on the ground, one grabbed the lieutenant's uninjured arm, the other pushed behind, and crawled towards the barracks behind, trying to leave the open land of death first.

Immediately rolled over on the spot, turned the muzzle of the gun to look for the target, and kept shouting: "There are enemies on the left wing."

After dragging the devil lieutenant into the barracks, the four devils fell to the ground one after another, splashing a cloud of dust.
The military doctor was dumbfounded. The lieutenant was only shot in the arm, so why was he out of breath?

Immediately yelling at the devils in the barracks facing the gate, setting up grenade launchers and mortars to show color to the despicable attackers!

There was obviously a lot of gunfire in front, but there seemed to be no sound at all in the back alley separated by a wall, it was as quiet as hell.

"Ready for battle." Hu Yi shouted in a low voice, and pulled the bolt of the gun cleanly with a crash.

On the roof at the end of the alley, a machine gun tripod swings.

Three or forty meters away, gray figures appeared one after another from the back door of the Devils Barracks...

(End of this chapter)

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