under fire

Chapter 1344

Devils standard squadron generally 180 people.

There are 19 people in the squadron: squadron leader, executive officer (also known as assistant), three sergeants, and four health workers.

Plus the officer orderly, bugleman, and eight correspondents.

The squadron governs three combat squads, each with 54 standard squadrons.

Each squad has three infantry squads of 14 people. The infantry squad is also called a detachment. Each squad has 13 people. The squad leader plus four machine guns and eight riflemen.

In the combat state, the squad leader will assign an additional two-person bomb-throwing team to the squad that needs to be strengthened according to the actual situation.

The county garrison is a garrison brigade, and not all garrisons are stationed in the county.

Most of them are stationed in various townships, towns and even blockhouses.

There is an armory in the county seat, and there is actually a little more than one squadron left behind in the county seat. The squadron has strengthened two mortars and a heavy machine gun group.

The leader of the left-behind squadron was killed, and the squad leader immediately replaced him.

With two bangs, the heads under the helmets of the two devils who were lying on the ground preparing to fight back were knocked dizzy.

Everyone was so nervous that they stared and whispered, the puppet army started fighting by themselves?

The second lieutenant's experience is not bad, and his judgment is very accurate!
Thinking of this, he immediately yelled loudly to the bugleman under the barracks: "Signal flares, signal flares for rallying back to defense."

Mortars are a bit tasteless, and their ballistic trajectory is a parabola. If you have to shoot to get out of the barracks, otherwise you have to smash the roof first.

In the county seat.

In the yard where the underground organization is hiding.

The flames flickered.

The sharp-shooting soldier with a slanted rifle at the head saw a figure crouching on the ground at the corner of the front wall: the shiny black guy in front of him was a light machine gun.

Captain Xiao hurriedly left the courtyard door, ran to the door of the room, looked at the half-grown child who came in from the back door: "What's going on?
The little six were out of breath: "Chengdong shopkeeper Guo said that two devils led more than 100 puppet troops, and escorted many ordinary people into the city from the east gate, followed those puppet troops to seize the east gate, followed the team into the city, and fought on the East Street. The vice-captain of the investigation team who was drinking in Xianglou died, and then... part of the team marched into the county office, and part of the team went to attack the devil's barracks."

Judging from the current situation, there are not many troops besieging the barracks, and there are only three light machine guns in total!

One of the possibilities: there are siege troops outside the city, but they were all looking into the city just now. This possibility is ruled out!

Seeing Li Xiang on the West Street, one platoon of the puppet army ambushed and repelled the third platoon leader of the puppet army.

"Yes! Uh, they're here." The correspondent was about to run towards the east gate when he suddenly stopped.

Da da da.
The Czech light machine gun suddenly started howling, seeing that the devils running ahead had entered a distance of more than [-] meters.

Luo Fugui leaned against the wall and yelled, "Sandbags, are the carts ready? Where is Li Xiang?"

Seven or eight grenades that were smoking were smashed down from the side roof.

Until one body after another was pierced by bullets.
Shot several times in the body, the Devil Sergeant Cao was turned face up in the gutter of the back alley.

After a series of orders, the Devil Grenadier who retreated into the barracks finally fired the first grenade, and the priority target was the barracks gate!
There are two light machine guns behind the simple fortifications outside the gate, which is too threatening.

Possibility [-]: The troops guarding the city gate did not move, because they did not receive the order to reinforce the barracks!

"Hey, I've asked the Jade Emperor to bless you, nothing is wrong." The half ear on the other side of the gate shook the dust on the military cap.

Another team member asked: "Could it be that the puppet army turned back?"

Second Lieutenant Guizi finally climbed onto the roof from the barracks.

A middle-aged man's voice came from the room: "Captain Xiao's six sons have returned from the back door!"

"... Captain, our team is attacking the railway, it should not be ours."

The second target was the roof of the county office next door, because there was a light machine gun there earlier.

The team asked the observing team members on the roof: "Little Six, go and find out the news, why haven't you come back now?"

Fortunately, sacks were piled up at the gate in advance, otherwise Luo Fugui would be seriously injured if he didn't die this time.

But now, the devil's barracks was fighting even more fiercely, and the sound of gunfire and explosions made ears buzz.
Is the county going to change?
For a moment, I couldn't figure out what happened.

Retracting from the crack of the door, the squad leader frowned and shook his head: "Impossible, what kind of virtue is a puppet army, don't you know?"

The grenade exploded at the gate of the barracks.

The devil who kept the signal gun heard the order and hurried up to the roof.

The commander's ability to command is not much worse than that of the squadron leader.

The roof of the county office is higher than the posts on the wall of the barracks.

The devils who came out from the back door and were about to outflank were led by the sergeant, and ran against the back wall, trotting all the way to the county office for security.

Looking at the blood-red smoke billowing sky with gray eyes, he was a little frightened: he didn't die on the battlefield, but died in the gutter
He probably didn't know it when he set foot on this land.

There's an ambush in the backyard!
The devils walking behind the team hurriedly turned around and went back through the back door of the barracks.

The body of the devil who was squatting on the ground and against the wall shook involuntarily.

It's not over.

Captain Xiao's mind turned sharply. However, the situation is too complicated now, and there is no source of information, so he can only speculate: "I think they are probably Li Youhua's subordinates. The devil killed their brigade commander and forcibly organized them into a brigade. One battalion escaped, and then pretended to be a puppet army and waited for an opportunity to retaliate."

Most of the devils who died in the camp city died from these two machine guns and must be killed.

The middle-aged man in the room immediately yelled: "Captain, no matter who they are, let's take this opportunity to rescue the brothers who are locked in the gendarmerie and police prisons!"

The devil sticking to the bottom of the wall just pulled out the safety pin of the grenade
Boom boom boom.
The grenade that expired after the delay exploded suddenly.

The machine gun team hiding in the corner opened fire without hesitation.

"Correspondent, tell Mancang to move faster."

He took out the signal gun and fired three shots at the sky.

After thanking the Taishang Laojun in his heart, Luo Fugui held the machine gun and retreated while shouting: "Half an ear, your grandma is not dead, hurry up and get out of here."

Just relying on a few sharpshooters, the imperial army was completely taken by surprise!

"Shots going off all over West Avenue, he might have to take a detour"

More than a dozen armed workers dressed in ragged clothes crowded behind the gate and looked out through the crack of the gate.

Dense rifle bullets followed the impact.

Then I came back to my senses and looked carefully, it seemed that several of them were warriors of the imperial army!
The others are the Royal Association Army!
Immediately turned his mind to think: From the time the gun was fired at the gate of the barracks, the lieutenant couldn't get through the phone. It can be concluded that the imperial army and the imperial association army stationed on the tower should not have received the order to return to defense!
Then the one who attacked the barracks should have nothing to do with the Imperial Association Army defending the city.

Bullets shuttled through the crowd of devils.

Shrapnel and gunpowder smoke squeezed the blood mist upwards, overflowing the wall of the barracks and continuing to billow into the sky.

At this time, no devil dared to go up to the high point of the sentry towers around the barracks.

"This is too strange. There is no our team nearby. Even if the superior wants to attack the county, at least he will notify us first to prepare for it?"

Immediately holding up the binoculars to look around, he suddenly found that there were looming figures everywhere on the tower not far away, and he couldn't help being shocked.

Sergeant Cao held a Nanfang pistol in one hand and waved it in the other, signaling the devils not to make any noise.

Clouds of blood mist after cloud of blood filled the alley, and there was no need to consider the target at all. The narrow alley became the grave of the devils.

Every inch of land is a battlefield.

"If it's really Captain Cheng, then this matter is great. I suggest, send someone over to contact him now?" The middle-aged man was overjoyed.

"That's right, even if it's not Captain Cheng and the others, as long as we fight the devils, we must unite! Explain the situation and they should not embarrass us."

A staff member gritted his teeth: "You guys wait here, I'll take Little Six."

"We don't know who the enemy is now, and both sides are wearing puppet military uniforms. I'm familiar with the situation, so I'll go." The middle-aged man turned around after speaking, and was about to take the little six out from behind.

Captain Xiao waved his hand to stop it, with a serious expression on his face: "Don't panic, according to what Xiaoliuzi said, combined with what we have learned before, a battalion of puppet troops can easily take down the county seat, which shows that the enemy in the city is indeed a paper tiger!"

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