under fire

Chapter 1345 The battle seems to be coming to an end

Chapter 1345 The battle seems to be coming to an end
Maybe it's because the county seat is in a security zone and has been safe for a long time.

There is less than one squad of devils stationed at the four gates of the county seat, and one platoon of puppet troops.

There were gunshots in the city earlier, but the situation is unknown.

None of the people sent by the devil to inquire about the news came back.

There was loud gunshots and even explosions from behind, but the phone to the barracks couldn't get through.

No phone order was received, nor was the messenger come to notify, so no one dared to move.

It wasn't until three signal flares appeared in the direction of the barracks that the devils stationed on the city wall hurriedly shouted for the puppet troops to gather quickly and send reinforcements to the city.

The second floor of the County Office.

Seeing a signal flare rising from the sky, the two soldiers leaned against the wall and entered the room on the second floor facing the devil's barracks again.

Ignoring the twitching corpse of his comrade-in-arms on the ground, he stuck out his gun after reaching the window.

"Let it go, instead of leaving, they are picking up the clothes of those traitors in the county office, rummaging through boxes and cabinets!" the correspondent quickly replied.

In other words, even though he is one of his own, the other party regards him as Cheng Haibo regiment of the autonomous army!

"I'll go back and call someone." The middle-aged man was overjoyed, and trotted away.

"I saw it." Hu Yi looked at Luo Fugui, who was covered in dust, in a daze. The bear who was once afraid of death seemed to be no longer afraid of the battlefield.

Luo Fugui waved his hand: "Don't make the hole too big."

Seven or eight devils were hiding in the barracks not far away, and the second lieutenant who was in charge of the devil also died.

bang bang
A bullet pierced through the devil's bugler who had just fired the signal flare.

Suddenly there was a piercing crooked sound, accompanied by the characteristic whistling sound of [-]mm bullets.

There was a burst of gunfire in the west of the city before, but there was no movement for a while.

There are multiple layers of soaked quilts hanging in front of more than a dozen carts on the street, and soldiers are placing sandbags on them.

The middle-aged man looked at Hu Yi and stretched out his hand: "Hello, we are the Armed Task Force behind the enemy's rear of the South Detachment of Sanzong Road. Are you the head of Cheng Tuan?"

Two soldiers ran over: "Company commander, uh, battalion commander, the heavy machine gun position is set up, should we dig a shooting hole in the courtyard wall now?"

"Report, reinforcements from the defenders from the north of the city are coming"

The middle-aged man didn't realize that the people in front of him were his own people, so he quickly replied: "The armed task force in the county only has a team of 11 people. We are going to rescue comrades who have been captured by the enemy."

Hu Yi heard that the gunshots on the North and South Streets were not dense, and Li Ying should be able to stop the puppet troops brought by the small number of guards and devils.

"Go! Get out of here first"

Then two clouds of gunpowder smoke rushed out from the door in succession, and the messy debris flew in all directions. If you slowed down a step, blood would splatter on the spot!
The walls trembled, and the beams of the roof could no longer bear the pressure, and began to creak, and then collapsed suddenly.

The middle-aged man was overjoyed, turned and ran away.

The soldiers under him kept throwing grenades outside the devil's side.

After the Ninth Battalion entered the county office, they immediately occupied the telecommunications room and cut off the communication between the devils' barracks and the enemies guarding the city wall.

Hu Yi immediately made arrangements: "Order Li Xiang to block the attack along the street, and Li Laosi immediately leads people along the city wall to take down the south gate!"

The three of them went out and slipped away against the wall. A soldier squatted down and rolled his comrades' eyelids, and shouted to the guarding soldiers next to him: "It's hopeless!"

The only good news is that it is getting dark, leaving a platoon guarding the back door of the barracks.

To cover him from close range to shoot the devil's grenadier and the black gun of the machine gun team.

Sporadic gunshots were heard successively on the North and South Streets of the county seat.

The platoon leader said, shoot and run!
Before the return bullet flew over, the two yelled and quickly pulled up the body of the twitching comrade on the ground and exited the room.

The middle-aged people did not hesitate to tell the people they knew: "Your liaison officer is called a monkey. There is also a cut nine"

Seeing the formation of the earthen tank, he immediately ordered: "Suppress the firepower of all ministries, attack the devil's barracks head-on, and take down the armory within half an hour."

Another bullet directly blasted the head of the second lieutenant who was holding up the binoculars to continuously observe the movements of the devils and puppet troops on the city wall.

Hu Yi turned to the front of the barracks, and there was a long row of tables outside the courtyard wall, with figures squatting on top of the tables.

Luo Fugui who was yelling at the side immediately came up: "Boss Hu, there are grenade launchers and mortars in the barracks!"

Hu Yi turned his head and asked the correspondent next to him: "Have the people locked up in the prison of the county police force been released yet?"

Be wrong!During this period of studying at the Anti-University, he has learned a lot, and he still understands the principle of making a big tree attract the wind
If even one's own people don't know the origin of the guard battalion, the enemy doesn't even know it!
It's not easy to be caught by the little devil. Moreover, the telegram that the little devil released Hu Liela has been sent, and then he has to go back to Longzhen to find the little girl.

The county town was a mess, and without the consent of the Autonomous Army, the armed task force did not dare to run around in the city.

All the police investigation teams of the county government office with combat effectiveness were all taken over in one pot.

According to Hu Yi's previous plan, a heavy machine gun shooting hole was opened on the courtyard wall to the east of the barracks gate to provide fire suppression for the earth tanks attacking from the front of the barracks.

Hu Yi was stunned: "Do you know Chojiu?"

Now there is a problem. After the devils who came out of the back door of the barracks were beaten back, the attack from the back door turned into a strong attack.

Just as Hu Yi was about to issue an order to storm the barracks, a guard soldier hurried over: "Report to the battalion commander, this guy said he is from the armed task force."

"I've seen it twice." The middle-aged man didn't know the actual situation of Cheng Haibo Tuan, so he quickly got close: "Last winter to early spring, all the coal you burned was brought from our side."

There are not many devil gendarmes, and the county police next door dispatched some people to go to the railway line, and the rest were mainly civilians and had little combat effectiveness.

"Report to the battalion commander, the devils from the south of the city are leading the puppet army to reinforce the barracks."

The middle-aged man was overjoyed: "Hi Battalion Commander Hu, I heard that you have withdrawn from Huilong Town. My surname is Pei."

The Ninth Battalion dared to unscrupulously launch an attack on the Devils Barracks.

Luo Fugui whispered: "I don't know if Li Xiang robbed the county hospital or not."

Crazy Yang is indeed good at leading people to sabotage.

There is no heavy weapon attack, whether it is through the gate or over the wall, entering the barracks will become a living target.

The dialogue between the few people seems to be a little bit wrong
More than ten people can't do much at all. Before Hu Yi recovered, Luo Fugui who was next to him waved first: "Then you hurry up and take someone to pick him up, and evacuate the county government and the county police by the way."

Hu Yi finally came to his senses, Cheng Haibo's regiment secretly voted eight ways, and it is impossible for ordinary members of the armed work team to know.

The Eighth Route Army did not take needles and needles from the masses, and the county office and police force had to loot and seize them.

More than ten meters to the east of the gate, Mancang is directing heavy machine guns against the courtyard wall behind the pile of sandbags
Not far away, soldiers were giving first aid to injured soldiers.

Correspondents kept reporting to Hu Yi the situation on various battlefields.

Bang, another bullet hit a devil who had just rebuilt the machine gun team lying on the ground at the entrance of the barracks.

Hu Yi ordered again: "Notify Li Xiang to block the attack along the street and beat all the enemies back."

Hu Yi hesitated for a moment: "Why should I trust you?

Hu Yi frowned: "From the guard battalion of the First Brigade and First Regiment, my surname is Hu"

Hu Yi forgot to identify himself: "How many people do you have in the city?"

As soon as he turned around the door, there was a violent explosion behind him.

The other devil finally reacted from his surprise, and smashed the grenade on the ground hard. He didn't care about waiting for the delay time, turned around and ran behind the pile of debris next to him.

Crazy Yang saw that the number of devils was getting smaller and smaller, and he fought harder and harder.

He wasn't worried at all, as long as the gang of devils in the barracks were recruited, the puppet army reinforcements guarding the city gate would not be opponents of the Ninth Battalion at all.

In his opinion, devils are not scary, not to mention that this time the nine battalions are all elite.

If you can't even take down a county seat, you will lose face to the gendarmerie if you talk about it.

(End of this chapter)

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