under fire

Chapter 1347 Who Says Devils Can't Escape

Chapter 1347 Who Says Devils Can't Escape

Part of the puppet army was transferred to defend the railway, and the devils in the county town were still able to fight.

It's a pity that more than one small team was scattered to garrison at the four city gates, resulting in the weak strength of the barracks.

As a result, the gendarmerie, police force, and criminal investigation team were taken over in one pot.

The lieutenant died, and the second lieutenant who succeeded him died on the roof. The clever sergeant stopped going to the roof and ordered the observers to check the situation around the barracks.

The devils who desperately went to the roof to observe were not bad in professional ability, and soon found that the troops coming for reinforcements from three directions were all blocked.

The sergeant was terrified.

His thinking was different from that of the second lieutenant. This was not a small group of troops bluffing and making trouble in the city, but the rhythm of taking down the county.

As a grassroots commander, he still has no access to the secrets of the headquarters' plans to release bacteria.

The strength of the imperial army must be preserved. It doesn't matter if you lose a county. Anyway, the Eighth Route can't defend it. When the troops who strengthen the railway defense return to help, they can fight back again at any time.

The elites of the invincible imperial army fought less and less, and the military officer began to feel nervous.

The barracks must be withdrawn and joined with the reinforcements defending the city, and there is still a chance for a battle.

Sergeant Cao began to gather his men.

The barracks is actually a courtyard house, and there is a munitions warehouse near the corner of the county office. Since they want to retreat, the munitions warehouse must be blown up.

There are a lot of ammunition in the warehouse that he despises and that the imperial association army in the county can use.

And innocuous grenades and some gun accessories.

There are also explosives and mortar shells for the Royal Association Army.

It seemed inappropriate to go out of the barracks to blow up the warehouse, so he decided to ask his men to break through the wall of the barracks to ignite the explosives in the warehouse.
He didn't dare to let his subordinates directly blow up the brick wall with a grenade, in case it caused a martyrdom explosion, he would have to finish the game.

The double-layer brick wall is not difficult to dismantle. Immediately, the little devil prepares a bayonet to pick out the three-in-one ash in the brick seam
Crazy Yang had roughly judged the location of the ammunition depot before he came in.

Wen Wuquan next to him held up his binoculars to observe, staring at the location of the ammunition depot through the window from time to time: "Crazy Yang, the devil seems to be tearing down the wall."

Just after knocking out a little devil's grenadier, Crazy Yang was admiring the attack of the Ninth Battalion's earthen tanks, and turned his head when he heard this.

Through the window you can just see the ghost who demolished the wall
Is this still available?

Then raise the gun.

Bang bang bang.
Empty the remaining bullets in the gun, and then load the bullets into the rifle again.

The two devils who demolished the wall fell to the ground, staring wretchedly at the window and the door, staring at the devil of the earth tank coming in from the direction of the barracks gate. on the spot.

He was scared to death by the earth tank attacking from the front, how could the companion who was tearing down the wall next to him get shot?
The ballistic angle of the bullets fired from the machine gun and rifle on the earth tank is wrong?Could it be that the opponent's bullet will bend?

Something is wrong, the devil knows ballistics, after thinking for a while, he immediately understood something, and then shouted: "There are enemies on the top of the toilet on the east side!"

The bullets that could hit the wall demolition devils could only come from the direction of the toilet, and it was immediately judged that someone climbed to the top of the toilet to fire a black gun.

There is nothing wrong with the idea of ​​the devil itself. There has been no enemy attacking in the east, and he didn't think about someone hiding in the toilet in advance.

Then, he raised his gun and pointed at the roof of Donglian toilet.

The sergeant in the room next to him had already issued an assembly order, the bullets whistling in front of him made the walls thump, and the sawdust that smashed the doors and windows was chaotic.

For Juncao, there is an opponent's earthen tank on the front, and the high point of the county office on the west is in the opponent's hands. Although there is no movement in the direction of the toilet, it is a typical siege tactic!

Although there were people ambushing at the back door, he still planned to break out from the back door.

The reason is very simple, as long as you don't go to the two alleys after going out the back door, nothing will happen.

Blowing open the walls of the houses on the opposite side of the alley, and throwing two smoke bombs, the Sergeant believes that no matter how many opponents there are, he will not be afraid.

As long as the warriors can enter the civilian houses and then fight in the streets, the invincible imperial army will never be afraid of any opponent.

Looking at the devil in the toilet, he heard the footsteps of his companions climbing the rear window and jumping to the barracks and the rear wall.

After hesitating for a while, no target appeared at all.

The earth tank is getting closer and closer, if you stay behind, you will die!

Turn around quickly, and throw two grenades into the arsenal next door from the small hole that the dead companion just took out.
Then with a diving leap, he swiftly flipped out of the rear window.

The soldiers guarding the alley in the backyard of the barracks were a little confused, and found that the little devil kept throwing grenades out of the back door of the barracks
After a rumbling explosion, the alley was filled with gunpowder smoke, and nothing could be seen
The machine gunner wondered if the devil wanted to use the gunpowder to rush over, regardless of the 3723, the butt of the machine gun rested on his shoulder, and beat into the smoke.
From time to time, there were strange screams in the gunpowder smoke!
After shooting a shuttle, quickly change the magazine and continue to be on guard.

For a long time, I didn't notice that the devil fought back, and I didn't see any figure approaching.

The machine gunner is a veteran, after thinking for a while, he immediately yelled: "No, the devil wants to enter the civilian house!"

The platoon leader guarding the roof of the back alley was stunned for a moment, and had no plan for the devils to enter the barracks.

During this period of time, I followed Liu Yuanqing's ears and eyes, and learned a lot of street fighting.

Immediately ordered: "Pistol team, immediately occupy the house facing the devil's back door!"

Then he yelled to the correspondent next to him: "Signal to the observer, the devil will run through the back door"

An important learning content for grassroots commanders during the Anti-Japanese War is to take contingency measures according to the actual situation in the face of emergencies.

Adhere to textbooks, not Jiuying style
Suddenly, there were two loud explosions in the barracks.
The gate of the ammunition depot was directly thrown seven or eight meters away..
Crazy Yang, who was squatting at the door of the toilet, thought he was finished.
After a while, it seemed that the sound of the explosion was not heard?

The half-ear lying on the earth tank only fired two magazines, and the devil's grenadier, machine gun and rifle did not return fire.

In the entire playground, only the heavy machine guns full of warehouses were still howling.

Luo Fugui held up the binoculars, leaned over the observation hole with the size of a fist, and stared at the deep part of the devil's barracks: "Little devil ran away?"

The observer next to him saw the flag waving on the roof of the county office, and suddenly shouted: "Company commander, the kid in the barracks ran to the back door, and it should have entered the private house behind."

Commander Xiong sighed and retracted the binoculars: "Order, all attack!"

He sighed because the earth tanks hadn't shown their power yet
It is the tradition of the commanders of the Eighth Route Army to take the lead in the charge.

However, Commander Bear is an exception.

Started fiddling with the Czech machine gun next to him.

The county seat is huge.

Behind the barracks are criss-cross slums with low earthen walls and private houses.

The passages between the rooms are narrow.

One by one, blurred shadows crawled out of the house, ready to disperse into nearby houses.

Sticking to the root of the wall, the muzzle flames of the killing guns flickered in the hands of soldiers, and the passage became dark after dusk.

The mottled earth wall was instantly illuminated, and the flash was so short that it was indescribable.

The shell gun was not very lethal. The first devil who got out of the low earth wall house immediately fell to the ground, and the devil who was not dead took out the grenade and threw it on the helmet.
Another bullet whizzed by.

This time, he hit a fixed target and aimed directly at the head. After the devil's grenade hit the helmet, he dropped his hand and spun around his head.

The ghost following behind just passed through the gunpowder smoke in the alley and the darkness in the low house, and didn't notice the grenade with the cap on the ground.

Then he rushed out of the door of the earthen wall house, swung the muzzle of the gun, and planned to suppress the fire in the direction of the shot next to it.

It took time to swing the long barrel of a rifle, and the buckler didn't give him a chance.

The devil was shot in the arm, and it seemed that something hit his shoulder violently, shaking his whole body.

The severe pain instantly released his tense nerves, and he fell to the ground.
"Ah!" The scream was horrible.

Maybe it was just getting out of the darkness, and the eyes were still a little uncomfortable on the ground, next to the blooming head of the dead compatriots. It seemed that there was a grenade?
A rifle bullet flew out ferociously, passed through his body heat arrogantly, and continued to fly along the alley in the darkness.

The delay of the grenade lying quietly finally ended.

The sound wave of the explosion resounded in the alley again.

Then, all kinds of things collided randomly in the narrow space, the sound was ear-piercing, and the brain was buzzing.
There was more clamor of bullets, piercing sounds, screams, and debris of wood and tiles splashed in the darkness, and blood flowed in the splash.

Finally it has nothing to do with him.

(End of this chapter)

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