under fire

Chapter 1348 Not good, they have guns

Chapter 1348 Not good, they have guns

The sky slowly turned red, and it was almost dusk.

The sound of intensive shooting and explosions from the barracks did not last long before becoming sparse.

There were not many devils, and the leader of the three-person group of devils was shot and knocked down.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the subsequent sergeant immediately kicked away and hid in the puppet army barracks next to him.

After entering the barracks, he immediately ordered the puppet troops lying on the wall and sticking to the courtyard to leave the camp and attack the city.

The barracks of the puppet army was close to the west gate, backed by the imperial army, and nearly a hundred puppet troops immediately began to divide.

The Royal Army Sergeant Cao personally commanded and set up observers.

A direct attack from the main street can be used as a target, the puppet army is divided into three groups: the puppet [-]st platoon attacks from the west street, the puppet [-]nd platoon walks in the alley behind the barracks, the puppet [-]rd platoon retreats after being beaten just now, this time it takes the initiative to ask to go to the roof .

The puppet army was ordered to set up a machine gun team at the high point of the roof for fire reinforcement, and it was divided into three groups to hold the formation behind the three-way team.

The pseudo-company commander followed and yelled at his subordinates to prepare for the attack.

The puppet army trained by the devils looked good, and the puppet [-]st platoon immediately dispatched sharp soldiers, sticking to the wall like mice and heading east along the street.

The coordinated advance of the three-way joint army is really spectacular.

No one noticed that when the gunshot rang out just now, the tower behind him had changed hands.

The puppet army advancing eastward has been trained by devil instructors for several years, and their tactical coordination is fairly proficient.

The light machine guns of the puppet army on the roof were suppressed by fire, and the other puppet troops began to crawl eastward on the roofs with different heights.

From time to time, swing your arms and throw grenades in the direction of blocking.

It was found that the sound of returning gunfire did not appear to be intensive.
Li Xiang frowned, lying on the roof on the south side of West Avenue.

Facing the setting sun, I looked at the figures on the street who slipped from the walls and climbed to the roof.

There are too many enemies!

It is very difficult for the soldiers under his command to defend against the Japanese and puppet reinforcements coming from three directions at the same time.

Quickly ask the correspondent to signal the county office for reinforcements.

Hearing the report from the signal soldier next to him, Hu Yi turned to West Street with his binoculars in hand, and continuously issued orders to the communication waiting beside him: "The militia will gather with the armed task force, immediately move the ammunition out of the east gate, then go up the tower and go around to the north and south gates for reinforcements. Big dog, Mr. Li will go down the tower and advance into the city, annihilating the puppet troops who are reinforcing the city from the north and south gates!"

"The mule company immediately assembled to reinforce Li Xiangxi Street"

"Notify Yang Chengzhi to lead people and blow up the devils who fled into the houses."

After the devil's ammunition depot was installed, the devil's playground below was full of people's voices, and the soldiers moved out boxes of ammunition as if in a dream.
Although there is no devil grenade, the grenade is enough.

After receiving the order to gather reinforcements, Luo Fugui got out of the ammunition depot, pulled his helmet and said in a loud voice: "The fourth row will continue to work, and the first, second and third rows will push the ground tanks and follow me."

The devil's marksmanship cannot be underestimated. Many militiamen and soldiers were killed, and it is not known how many were injured.

Soldiers No. 70 and No. [-] came out of the barracks and looked at the armed workers who were stopped by the guard soldiers at the gate of the barracks. Army, part of the guns will be given to you.”

Captain Xiao was a little embarrassed: "Can you add thirty rifles to us first?"

Commander Xiong immediately waved his hands to the subordinates behind him, scolding: "Grandma, why are you carrying so many guns?"

The careless commander Xiong just noticed that almost everyone in his men had a [-]-cap rifle with no bullets on their shoulders.

The seven or nine rifles I am used to on my back are also reluctant to throw away
A Japanese-style belt is tied around the waist, and the three bullet boxes on the belt are all squeezed in front of the waist, and the bullet bag is hung diagonally on the chest.
"For the first row, leave [-] caps and bullets, and give the rest to the brother troops!" Commander Xiong immediately waved his hands and cursed: "The second and third rows of guys have thrown away all the rifles on their backs. A rifle. It’s inconvenient to move around, are you planning to let Laosi Li overthrow it?”

Then turn around: "Observer, immediately take the machine gun team to the roof to occupy a high point after crossing the North and South Streets, the leader of the fifth platoon, immediately organize the earth tanks to form a formation!"

The armed staff next to him took the rifle and put the bullet bag on his body, it was heavy!
Even if he became a member of the armed forces through fierce competition, he has never personally carried so many bullets that are all his own.

It is customary to pull the bolt and push the bomb to check the weapon.
Regardless of the quality, the maintenance of any rifle is better than that of the soldiers in my previous platoon!
"Hey, Captain Luo, I have something to discuss." Looking at the tower-like body without a single patch on the military uniform, Captain Xiao suddenly said.

"Fart!" Commander Xiong said confidently.

"There are enemy grain depots in the south of the city."

"Then arrange to move quickly."

"Hey, what I'm waiting for is your words." Captain Xiao was overjoyed: "I'll leave a part for your regiment when the time comes"

"Our group?"

"When the time comes, send a letter to your head, saying that our Lunan Detachment Armed Task Force owes him a favor."

Luo Fugui was a little confused, and didn't understand what this man meant by saying this.
The avenue is not wide, and half-eared "three" earth tanks drove into the avenue and lined up.

"Report to the company commander, the fifth platoon is ready!"

Command Xiong to give a jolt, and then lie down on the ground.
What's wrong with the company commander?was about to ask.

The bear cursed on the ground: "Grandma's battlefield is not allowed to salute, believe it or not, I will kick you to death?"

"Hey, forgot"

Just as Luo Fugui's reinforcement team left, the devils were stripped off from behind, and militiamen with helmets on their heads carried ammunition boxes and pushed a cart out of the camp to the east.

Hiding in the shops on both sides of the East Avenue, a few detectives who escaped by chance boldly observed through the cracks in the doors.

Looking at this scene, I originally planned to copy the retreat of these anti-Japanese elements, but now I don't have that thought anymore.

A shop board was loose, and a white-haired old man poked his head out: "Baby, where are you from?"

Carrying ammunition boxes and wearing steel helmets, the soldier replied casually: "The Eighth Route Army!"

The uncle's legs stopped shaking immediately, and he raised his voice: "Folks, the Eighth Route Army has come back, and our county has been restored, so hurry up and help."

So another door opened
An old lady poked her head out cautiously
On West Street, more than [-] puppet troops are advancing eastward.

Suddenly found that "three flowers" appeared in front of him.

The flower was still shining.
Da da da.
The light machine gun on the earth tank rang loudly.

A few puppet soldiers stuck to the wall have not yet recovered, their body machine guns were penetrated by bullets

"Not good, retreat quickly!" The false first platoon leader immediately yelled strangely.

Luo Fugui hid behind a spare earthen tank and personally directed the grenadier to shoot.
The angle was not adjusted properly, this shot flew over two hundred meters and hit the roof
It landed 20 meters in front of the puppet army's machine gun group that was advancing alternately, and scared the puppet army's deputy shooter half to death: "Quick retreat, there are guns on the eighth road"

Disgraced and disheveled, Li Xiang popped up. After the puppet troops launched their attack, they were constantly pressed down by the puppet army's machine guns.

Hiding around like rabbits on the roofs of scattered high and low houses, the fighters who are good at blocking did not take advantage of it.

Say to the strange communicator next to you: "Hurry up and ask the mule to carry two boxes of grenades to the roof!"

The roof of the county hall.

Hu Yi looked at the common people pouring out on the East Street, and felt bad in his heart.

The soldiers have never been allowed to advertise that they are the Eighth Route Army.

The main consideration is that Wucheng County is located on a plain and in the hinterland of the devils, so even if it is defeated, it cannot be defended at all.

You have to leave sooner or later. If the common people get involved, the devils will definitely retaliate after Jiuying leaves!

Frowning, he couldn't think of a countermeasure for a while.

In the past, he might not have considered the life and death of the people in the city at all!
Ma Liang held up his binoculars and looked at the darkened valley
(End of this chapter)

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