under fire

Chapter 1349 A Motherless Child Is a Grass

Chapter 1349 A Motherless Child Is a Grass
The sunset is full of sky.

Night is about to cover the cascading mountains, the light in the mountain stream is much dimmed, and the valley is about to fall into a deep sleep.

At the end of a valley, on low cliffs on both sides.

The guard platoon leader is setting up firepower points.

Seeing those former brothers behind him determined to be traitors, he was going to teach them an indelible lesson.

Send people to catch up and say that they are going into the mountains to fight guerrillas, and they don't even bring food into the mountains!Do you really think of yourself as a fool?

Standing on a high place, looking at the team that stopped more than a hundred meters away, the flood that had almost subsided next to the team was still roaring.

Nothing was heard from either side.

The false company commander in the valley frowned, originally planning to disarm those former brothers in front and let them survive.

Even because his team did not bring food, the guard platoon saw through his "white" lie.

But now, the guard platoon took advantage of the opportunity without appreciating it, and arranged a blocking position in advance.

Both sides know the bottom line. If they attack by force, it will not be a big problem to take down most of the guard platoons equipped with short-range submachine guns with one company.

But it must pay at least two platoon casualties!

Going home empty-handed won’t make a difference, neither will you fight, and neither will you if you don’t fight.
The false company commander was in a dilemma, and it took him a while to make up his mind: "Bring two boxes of grenades, with an average of [-] bullets, you, you, you. Follow me to the front!"

"Yes!" The orderly and two guards beside him responded immediately.

Seeing the four people approaching, the guard platoon leader held up his binoculars and ordered: "Don't shoot, it's Company Commander Chen."

Company Commander Chen took the ammunition, walked to the mountain pass with one foot high and one foot low, stood about [-] or so away from the guard platoon leader, and said loudly: "Platoon Zhang, although we didn't deal with it before, now the brothers have to make compromises in order to survive. This bit of ammunition is a little bit of kindness from my brother."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Platoon Leader Jiang to reply, he immediately waved his hand to let the three puppet soldiers put down the grenades and bullets on their shoulders, and turned and left without hesitation.

Things seem to be going well.

On the ridge.

"There are more than a hundred guns, why did these things go back?" Li Laoba slapped his thigh next to Old Qi's ear and muttered.

"Don't worry, look who's behind the puppet army." Old bandit Qi handed the binoculars to Li Laoba.

Li Laoba took the binoculars and looked at them for a long time: "It's not just mountains. What do you want me to see?"

"Look at the gray shadows behind the rocks in the valley far to the east, and one of them has a scar on his face." The old gangster Qi was biting a sweet grass root in his mouth, and called the bugler Banxian behind him: " Signal the flag"

With a dark face, Banxian pulled out the bamboo tube containing the small flag from his body: "What signal?"

"Just say we are the Eighth Route Army. Let them stop the group of puppet troops who are going back." After finishing speaking, he ordered to the correspondent next to him: "Prepare for battle, first take down this platoon of puppet troops!"

"I'll go." Captain Ma Liang, whose face was red in the setting sun, suddenly made a voice, which confused the platoon leaders next to him.

Seeing the surprise of the people next to him, Ma Liang handed the binoculars to the deputy captain next to him: "It's Qi. Eighth Route Army, Lingqiu Guerrilla Squadron."

The signal flag can't convey too many signals, and the distance is a bit far away, so I can't see what the flag waver looks like.

However, the skillful movement of Tiaoshen summoning the soul can be seen as a half-immortal at a glance.

Followed by the assignment of combat missions: "All retreat to the mountains and stop this group of puppet troops!"

A student next to him was puzzled: "Why did you stop it? Wouldn't it be better for us to attack before dark?"

Ma Liang explained: "It's enough to block them, and the Lingqiu guerrilla squadron will launch the attack."

Unable to understand the semaphore at all, the deputy captain next to him had no choice but to put down his binoculars: "How could the guerrilla squadron beat a full-strength puppet army company? Or, let's go up?"

Ma Liang didn't explain further: "Obey the order!"

After a long time, the valley was quiet. Several seriously wounded were still lying on abandoned stretchers basking in the sun. Near the scene, now tremblingly poked his head out of the green roadside, and suddenly noticed the Eighth Road behind him, he was still standing there?

under the sunset.

There are many mountains and peaks.

"I planted this road, and opened this tree"

"Your mother, you won't even be able to yell, get out of here." Old Bandit Qi kicked him.

"I've never been a bandit before." Li Laoba had a dark face, why would he be nervous?

The praying mantis beats the cicada, and the oriole follows behind, it seems to be the case.

Platoon Leader Zhang looked at the hundreds of black muzzles protruding from the mountain ridge with a livid face.

Don't even think about it, it must be a damn eight way.

Fortunately, the other party did not shoot, and platoon leader Zhang let out a breath of depression.

The binoculars swept over the faces of each of Ba Lu, and suddenly stopped.

After being stunned for a while, he raised his hands high, stood up and looked up at the sky, and shouted, "Qi, what do you mean?"

They are all old acquaintances, and the old gangster Qi who was recognized opened his throat: "My surname is Zhang, what do you think I can mean now?"

"You motherfucker deliberately created friction!"

"Oh, your hat is so big that the king of Benshan can't afford to wear it!" The old bandit didn't know what to do. The crime of causing friction can be big or small. If they are really guerrillas of the national army, it will be difficult to handle. ?”

"Hey, you voted for the devils and traitors, how do you ask me?" This guy followed Zhang Weimin and voted for the devils as a puppet army. This is a fact, and thinking of this gives him confidence.

"Fart, we have betrayed the water, and now we are guerrillas of the national army!"

"National army guerrillas? Is it awesome? I am now the Black Tiger Army!"

The platoon leader Zhang below was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses: "Black Tiger Army? Do you know how hard I have to endure to not laugh?"

The old gangster Qi yelled: "Hurry up and put down your weapon, don't be shameless!"

Platoon Leader Zhang thought for a while: "I can leave some guns and ammunition for you, and let us go there!"

"You think it's a business? I'm going to ask you for a price, and let you pay back the money?"

"Stay on the front line today, and see you later!" Platoon Leader Zhang is not afraid. Although he has only one platoon, most of them are automatic weapons. beat.

As long as it is dragged until dark, the long range of the rifle will be useless!
"Don't try to procrastinate. Before dark, I just need to give an order and throw [-] to [-] grenades down. Do you think you still have a chance?" Seeing that these guys didn't move, the old gangster Qi turned his head and ordered loudly to the side after he shouted : "Brothers, prepare the grenade!"

Platoon Leader Zhang's face changed drastically: "You can't do this."

"Don't talk nonsense, put down your weapon and surrender immediately!" Seeing that the threat was effective, the old gangster Qi was even more proud: "I still want to deal with the boneless guys behind you."

The soldiers in the guard platoon all looked at platoon leader Zhang, and the first squad leader suggested: "Platoon leader, why don't you fight them!"

"That's right, the 'battalion' commander is dead anyway, one is worth the money, two are for one!"

"That's right, as long as we can persist until dark, even if only one of us runs out, we will sue them and let them go around without food!"

"If they really threw the grenade, how much do you think we can live?" Platoon Leader Zhang shook his head, unable to wave his hand to stop it.

The squad leader next to him has been with the platoon leader for so long, and understood what the platoon leader meant. After thinking for a while, he immediately changed his mind and came up with an idea, and lowered his voice: "Platoon leader, even if you give them the gun, no matter if they are the King of the Mountain or the Eighth Route, as long as we all If you can survive the crisis in front of you, with your brothers' abilities, you won't be able to catch them by then?"

The second squad leader is no worse than the first squad leader: "That's right, all of our guard platoons are the best fighters selected by the whole army, and it's time to reorganize them!"

Platoon Leader Zhang's eyes were a little blurred, and he shook his head weakly: "A child without a mother is a grass."

The first squad leader persuaded: "Platoon leader, don't be discouraged! Our brothers in the security platoon share life and death, even with bare hands, we can fight for the sky!"

The third squad leader rolled his eyes: "A dead fellow Taoist will not die a poor monk. Didn't the surname Chen want to piss us off? Just let them fight!"

"That's right, we can actually go undercover in the old bandit team of Qi, and just use the hands of Ba Lu to kill the staff officer to avenge the head of the regiment!" They are all human beings.

The puppet troops hiding in the mountains finally all came out of their hiding places.

The platoon leader Zhang yelled at the mountain beam: "My surname is Qi, I will give you face!"

The old bandit Qi spit out the grass roots in his mouth, and proudly praised: "Those who know current affairs, platoon leader Zhang is really a hero!"

Then he ordered a platoon of soldiers to go down with a gun and disarm, while the rest continued to be on guard.

"Hey, let go quickly!" A thin and patchy soldier with stars in his eyes tearing apart the sturdy pseudo-guard in front of him clenched the submachine gun hanging on his chest.

"I give you all the guns. This telescope is a relic left to me by our battalion commander!" Platoon Commander Zhang pulled the telescope with one hand, and put the other hand into the grenade ring on his chest: "Believe it or not, I pulled him now!"

His eyes are full of aggrieved, extremely aggrieved!

[Repayment, thanks to Hanjiang Chuxue and brothers for rewarding, subscribing, and voting]

(End of this chapter)

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