under fire

Chapter 1351 Someone is pretending to be the 8th Route Army on the top of the mountain?

Chapter 1351 Someone is pretending to be the Eighth Route Army on the top of the mountain?

After a gunshot rang out in the valley.

Then there was no movement.

"Company Commander Ma, the puppet army is hitting us with machine guns, why don't you let us throw grenades?"

"This group of puppet troops is different. If we arouse their ferocity, we will not be able to stop them if we arouse their ferocity!" Ma Liang looked at the darkness in the west and replied lightly.

"Commander Ma is right. The puppet army is also divided into three, six, and nine ranks. These guys can roughly be counted as seven or eight ranks." The deputy captain next to him interrupted.

"You know them?" Ma Liang was curious.

"These are the puppet soldiers of the New Fifth Army and the Forty Army. Although they can't beat the devils, if they really want to fight us, we can't take advantage of it." The deputy captain shook his head.

"Don't worry. It's dark now and no one can see anyone. Whoever attacks will suffer. The puppet army is blocked by our people. They are the ones who are worried." Ma Liang didn't plan to confront the puppet army head-on, just stay here.

Ma Liang was actually very worried. The students he led were all grassroots commanders, and it would not be worthwhile to directly participate in the battle to fight casualties with the puppet army.

A gust of mountain wind passed by slightly, but it still failed to take away the panic in the hearts of the puppet soldiers.

On the west side of the valley, the puppet company commander arranged a squad of more than ten puppet troops to guard.

"I said, is there any way you can capture them all?"

Hey, those are your brothers from the past, if we beat you to death, wouldn't your heart ache?

"Do you think they will believe me when I go there?" Platoon Leader Zhang has roughly explained why the false company commander is going to chase them.

A hidden flash line slowly approached the puppet guard post on the west side of the valley.

The environment in this area is not particularly familiar. The most likely reason is that Eighth Road got between himself and the staff from some ravine.

Thinking of this, he immediately ordered the men around him: "Don't fire, ask who they are!"

God bless, don't let it rain like the last two days.

"That guy probably wanted to come down from here to steal our way, so I shot him, and it was probably a pity that I missed it."

The fire doesn't shine very far.

"Then wait, the dry food on their bodies can only last for three days at most."

You can meet them anywhere.

"I'm afraid the enemy will throw a grenade." The militiaman shrank his neck.

In order to prevent the brothers from disappearing for no reason, the puppet army was divided into two parts, muttering something in a low voice.

The puppet soldiers who got the opportunity to retreat began to think of ways to light the fire.

Ma Liang was speechless: "Can you go up to this place?"

It seems to be a bit of a dilemma now. The guard platoon on the west clearly doesn't understand him, and he can't tell if they are going or not.

"You call it yourself?"

The false company commander began to feel uneasy
Thinking of this, I ordered again: "Leave a platoon on guard, the others retreat 200 meters, and get some food first."

"Can you make a detour from behind?"

"I can't go around. The mountains in this area are strange, like blades. Both sides of the valley are full of cliffs. It is extremely dangerous to climb up in the daytime. If you go up in the dark, you are looking for death."

Up to now, the false company commander didn't know that not long after he left, the guard platoon on the west side didn't fire a single shot, and they were all captured by the Eighth Route Army.

"It's okay, I don't mind if you want to keep it."

Most of the broken brothers have already been murdered.

Otherwise, if you have one hundred and ten people under your command, if the other party has fewer people, you won't dare to make up your own mind.

The expressions of the puppet soldiers around the fire became more rigid.

"Then what do you want?"

People are like iron, rice is like steel, if you don't eat dinner, you will be hungry.

"Go to hell, I was about to slip down, and almost got shot by them."

Listening to the occasional coughing of the guard post in the bushes, the old gangster Qi was a little impatient: "Your mother, hurry up!"

The puppet army is not stupid either. Both sides are in the ravine, and the attacking side will naturally show their head and body. The possibility of being shot is far greater than that of the opponent guarding in the dark.

"I always feel that you are holding back, brat." Old Bandit Qi looked puzzled.

"So simple?"

After the heavy rain, the river water was a bit muddy, and the puppet soldiers skillfully took off their uniforms and filtered them.

The east valley is not good. Most of the staff officers have left the entrance of the valley with people, otherwise these guys would not have appeared.

This sudden scene made the false company commander a little confused.


Then, a black shadow fell from the sky, and as soon as the black shadow fell to the bottom of the valley, Li Laosi began to shout: "Where is the surname Qi?"

They are traitors now, and they will die when they die. If anyone is willing to surrender, I don't mind giving them another chance to repent.

The vigilant soldier quickly replied: "It's at the puppet army's security post in front!"

Therefore, the pseudo-company commander didn't panic, and he showed his favor to Wang Pai, at least they would not copy their own backs.

Although it had just rained and could not find enough dry firewood, it was not difficult for the puppet army who had been tossing and turning in the mountains for many years.

A class brother who can silently and self-injure his broken back, although the other party only fired one shot, he can still be sure that the other party's background is definitely not simple.

"I gave you all the guns and bullets of my brothers, and you still doubt me?"

It suddenly occurred to him that the imperial army was attacked a few days ago and the head of the regiment was injured. How similar is the current situation?

"It's not easy."

"I reported it, people don't believe it"

Tuba Road is really lingering, this mountain seems to belong to his family.

It wasn't that there were puppet troops running back and forth with torches, but they got annoyed at the end and left three puppet troops in the west, and the remaining eleven puppet troops simply started to light a fire and cook porridge with lunch boxes.

All afternoon, no guns were fired in the valley.

Li Laosi angrily moved forward to the side of old bandit Qi: "When will the fight start?"

The atmosphere in the valley was very depressing.

"Then why didn't you wait for him to come down and catch the work?" Ma Liang's face was dark, this guy probably had to be repaired by Li Laosi.

"Don't you know your name?"

"Everyone is here to survive, don't you really think that brothers are really willing to be traitors?"

"That's my own person, take me there to have a look.
Ma Liang looked up at the sky. The cliff beside him was at least fifty meters away. He turned his head and asked, "Where are they?"

Between two people talking.

With a dark face, Ma Liang looked at the security guards in the back area: "What did you say? Li Laosi"

The top priority is to find out the identity of the opponent.

"You didn't contact Ma Liang and the others?"

Some people continued to look at the darkness, some people didn't think about anything at all, and focused on building a fire, and some people went to the nearby ditch to fill water to prepare porridge.

"Just say that you have enough food, and they can fight guerrillas with you!"

A hundred meters behind, a rock suddenly fell from the top of the mountain with a clatter.

"You mean that Lao Tzu took the captives and they belonged to you?"

"any solution?"

"It has just rained. If you have a rope, you can go down the mountain, but you will definitely not be able to go up."

"After I fired a shot, there was no movement up there."

The river was still rushing.

The big deal is to nest in the ravine for one night, and I will beat their shit out at dawn.

The long valley runs from east to west, the bottom of the valley has not seen the sun for many years, and the vegetation is not dense.


I only brought three days of rations, and I can last for three days at most. If it is really impossible, I will go west.

Apparently, the old bandit Qi arranged for Li Laosi to come over the mountain to contact him, but was frightened back by the district team.

With my own skills and no rope, it is unrealistic to climb up, so I can only wait.

Besides, it is uncertain whether the puppet army will rush to the east to break through the encirclement.

Can only wait.

(End of this chapter)

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