under fire

Chapter 1352

Chapter 1352
South of Hua County.

There are fires everywhere on the endless grass.

There are tents next to the fire.

A puppet patrol team of more than [-] people swayed back and forth from east to west.

Shangli, a dark village not far away, was also blazing with flames.

At night, the puppet army did not live in the village, but lived in the wilderness, which is unusual.

A tall Balu holds a telescope and looks south.

Gao Yidao, the second battalion commander of the Independent Regiment, hid in Tibet for several days after entering the plain.

The team rested in the village not far behind him, and he had been lying quietly here for a long time.

The pair of binoculars kept looking at the fire to the south.

"Is there any news about Jiuying?" Gao Yidao sat up and hesitated for a while.

Goudan came out of the house, crying in his tone: "Seventh Aunt, Grandpa Zhou is dead."

Hearing someone talking outside the yard, the crying in the house stopped. Then it turned into crying: "Grandpa, grandpa"

The independent group once suffered collective diarrhea and sacrificed a lot of people. I really didn't know the reason before, but now I can roughly confirm that it was infected by Huliela bacteria.

"The face of our independent group must have made him lose all face!" Gao Yidao took a long time to let out a bad breath.

Grandpa, who had been coughing all day for fear of waking up and finally fell asleep, walked out on tiptoe.

"If it wasn't for the damn heavy rain a few days ago, maybe we would have passed through the defense line of the puppet army." Gao Yidao didn't have a temper.

Goudan woke up from his sleep, his heart beating violently, as if some disaster was imminent.

Goudan trots to the door.

Goudan had a bad feeling in his heart again: "Aunt Seven, look at Sanya, I'll go back and see Grandpa!"

After entering the house, I lit a match, looked around by the dim light of the match, went straight to the doorless wing, found an oil lamp and lit it.

Did not answer Gao Yidao's words, and changed the subject: "By the way, the former enemy has sent an order that all teams prepare more vinegar and are not allowed to drink unboiled water. Violators will be imprisoned for three days!"

Sanya was still calling Grandpa, as if she didn't hear Gousheng's voice at all.

Immediately realizing that something was wrong, he quickly reached out and put his hand under Grandpa Zhou's nose, his heart started beating violently, and followed He Gensheng to touch Grandpa Zhou's neck.

It is habitual to turn the door leaf to avoid the creaking sound of the door shaft.

Goudan was stunned for a moment, he didn't bother to knock on the door again, and went directly over the wall into the yard from the side.

After finishing speaking, he ran desperately in the dark.

"Old Li, is there any new news from the mountains?"

Goudan has seen dead people. He originally learned Kung Fu from Li Gang.

"About ten miles to the east of Wujia Village" Lao Li sat down next to Gao Yidao, and pushed Gao Yidao up: "It has just rained, and the ground is not completely dry. If you sleep like this, you will get sick."

The fire was endless from the east, and it was still a fire when it disappeared into the invisible distance.

The crying seems to come from Grandpa Zhou's house?
That's right, it was the voice of Grandpa Zhou's 12-year-old granddaughter Sanya.

Sanya didn't sleep in her little bed, but was curled up in the corner of the big bed where Grandpa Zhou usually slept.

Sneaked quietly into the yard.

Walking behind him was his instructor, Lao Li, who was indeed the instructor. The last time the position of the independent group was adjusted, Lao Li didn't take the turn.

Lao Li was actually tricked into the second battalion by Gao Yidao. When he led the Black Tiger Army to sweep up the "bandit soldiers" everywhere, he ran into Lao Li by chance, and the two hit it off.

"What's wrong? Don't be surprised." Lao Li was almost startled.

It rained heavily two days ago, and I came back because I was worried that Jiujianfang Village would flood.

Raise your ears and listen carefully to the east end of the village, as if someone is crying?

Seeing the lights on in the room, Sanya cried even louder: "Brother Goudan, my grandpa ignores me"

Gao Yidao put down the binoculars, lay down on the ground and interrupted Lao Li: "Where are Wu Yan and the others?"

"The team is developing very fast, but the food can't keep up. The superiors have arranged to fight in the branch school to find a way."

In two or three steps, he rushed into grandpa's house.

Walk to the yard and carefully open the door, and start walking towards the east of the village.

Lao Li, the instructor, was also given by Gao Yidao privately, so he knew a little about the bloody past of the Second Camp and the Ninth Camp, but he didn't know much about it.

Sanya's cries poured out from the window of the wing room, but the wing room was still completely dark.

Then I looked up at the sky, the dark sky was full of stars, and the familiar Big Dipper twinkled from time to time.

Grandpa Zhou didn't move at all.

Grandpa Geng, who was sleeping next door, finally stopped coughing and slept soundly.

He was relieved.

Under the starlight, I can barely see my fingers when I stretch out my hands. Fortunately, I am familiar with the alleys and alleys of the village, and I kept walking along the familiar walls.

Tried to fall asleep again, but couldn't.

The cry of the village east began to be heard.

"Reorganization, can he train good soldiers?" Gao Yidao suddenly yelled strangely: "Not good!"

Up to now, I haven't found a chance to bring back the independent group to show my face in front of the political commissar of the head of the group.

He leaned his ear to the door and listened carefully for a while, then knocked on the door lightly: "Sanya, why are you crying?"

"Confinement? Three more days, where can we find a confinement room?" Gao Yidao was annoyed.

"Sanya, what's wrong with Grandpa Zhou?" Hearing that Sanya kept calling Grandpa, Goudan hurriedly took out a match.

"There are a lot of things, I will tell you one by one."

"How long can the food last?" Gao Yidao first asked the question he cared about.

"What are you talking about?" A thin woman who followed behind yelled, "You son of a bitch, don't talk nonsense!"

Panting heavily, he then took out a match and lit the lamp first.

"The higher-ups reported that the puppet army's Taihang security brigade entered the mountain to encircle and suppress them a few days ago, and was ambushed by the Lingqiu squadron. The security brigade captain was shot and seriously wounded. He rested at the mountain pass for two days and went to Tangyin this afternoon."

Gently got out of bed, took out the shell gun from under the pillow and stuck it in the back waist.

Enduring it and not being willing to paddle, he stepped forward and pushed the door, which was locked from the inside: "Sanya, open the door quickly."

Originally planned to return to Baidaokou tomorrow.

Gou Sheng was helpless, took out a small knife and inserted it into the crack of the door and began to fiddle with the latch.

"Xiao Bing was sent by the regiment to say that the enemy might drop the Huliella bacteria." Seeing that Gao Yidao stopped asking, Lao Li began to talk about his work as a guide.

Goudan threw away the match that was about to burn, hurried to the bed, and pushed Grandpa Zhou who was sleeping soundly.

Jiujianfang Village.

"Eat less, and you can last for two or three days."

After talking about the trivial matters, Lao Li asked, "When do we have to wait?"

Going through the alley and turning the corner, he ran into the yard without stumbling or fighting all the way.

"I heard from Huza some time ago. I heard people from Jiuying talk about it. You don't have to worry too much about it. As long as you don't drink unboiled water, if someone coughs, you can immediately isolate yourself." Gao Yidao didn't care much about Hu Liela .

"How is the situation in Black Tiger Village?"

Then, footsteps came from outside the yard, and an old lady with a torch came into the yard and shouted, "Uncle Zhou."

I heard that Liu Yuanqing said that as long as you have mastered the temper of bacteria, you don't have to worry too much. Besides, can bacteria be as powerful as Lao Tzu's bayonet?

"I heard that it was borrowed by the three verticals to reorganize the autonomous army."

Not good, I didn't have that familiar light jumping feeling, and I tore off the quilt covering Grandpa Zhou's body.

The movements are very skilled, and it seems that he has done a lot in normal times.

Then he yelled at the grandfather on the bed: "Grandpa, Grandpa Geng."

He didn't hear the familiar voice of grandpa calling his "dog egg".

Goudan's heart trembled, looking at the protruding body of Grandpa lying on the bed and covered with a quilt.

Goudan seemed to have roots under his feet, and he didn't dare to go forward, crying in his mouth: "Grandpa, don't scare me."

There was still no movement on the bed, not even the familiar ups and downs of the quilt before
Goudan burst into tears, and wanted to get close to the bed to see Grandpa, but his feet refused to obey, and he fell to the ground with a plop.
(End of this chapter)

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