under fire

Chapter 1353 Little devil's big conspiracy

Chapter 1353 Little devil's big conspiracy
Sudden heavy rain in the Weihe River Basin.

The plain land, which has been dry for more than a year, is saturated with water.

The excess water is drained down the canals and into the river channels.

The torrential rain came quickly and violently, and the amount of precipitation far exceeded the drainage capacity of the river.

The situation in the upper reaches is fine, but it is a different scene when you arrive at the first visit.

The river water soared, and the accumulated water in the fields could not be drained out for a short time, immediately forming a waterlogging situation.

The eight-way guerrilla activities in the lower reaches of the Wei River were rampant, and there was a faint tendency to expand the base area.

The puppet county offices established in the occupied areas are mainly used to raise food for the little devils, provide coal, labor and other resources.

The education they engage in is also slavery education.

As for meteorology, medical care, industry, etc., there are almost no such things, and the largest factory is the county match factory.

Three rounds of grenades were thrown, but the devil was unmoved at all.

Commander Xiong ran up to Hu Yi panting, and said with a grin: "Boss Hu, the common people have emptied the grain depot, and those devils can't eat it for the time being. Are we considering retreating now?"

"Then be careful, bring the battalion mortar team!" Wang Peng thought for a while, and ordered again: "The reconnaissance platoon, immediately send people along the road to reconnaissance southward, all the way to Cheng'an County!"

Can't let them stay!Because the devil will definitely retaliate.

With Dagou and Li Laosi leading people from the city gate to surround them from behind, the number of devils who led the reinforcements to the barracks was not many, and there were corpses of devils lying on the ground.

The puppet soldiers who thought they could experience the feeling of riding in a car had to jump out of the car and push the armored vehicle forward.

The road after rain was full of mud, and the wheeled armored vehicle looked at the scenery, pressed into the road full of water, and the wheels slipped and did not move forward.

I have already dismantled more than a dozen steel rails. Even if the enemy chases them, they should come from the railway side. Thinking of this: "Correspondent, have you found any signs of the enemy coming from the railway side?"

Crazy Yang looked at the corpse of the soldier brought back, and his heart twitched: "Stop attacking!"

It took until dark to walk halfway for more than [-] miles.

The company commander under him said, "Isn't there constant noise in the southeast direction in the afternoon, could it be that there is movement in the south?"

The level of science and technology of the little devil is far from that of the county office, which can't study anything.

Guizi Juncao took the remaining men into the house and found that he could not join other teams.

"Battalion Commander, I think so, should we stab them?"

Your division of Tuba Road, that division has jumped so much, this time I will give you a cut and root!
Immediately following, the gendarmerie units of the counties were dispatched: to assess the results of the germ warfare.

No breaking, no building, the devil finally figured out the meaning of this word.

The law and order purge plan can be considered to be truly implemented.

Commander Xiong found that Hu Yi was expressionless and silent, and habitually scratched the back of his head.


"Can you beat an armored vehicle?"

The reinforcements of the imperial army might already be on their way at this time.

Then, continue south and report to the place where the battalion commander buried the railway tracks.

Now it is not a question of how many Eight Routes to eliminate, but to kill all the people in the entire Wei River Basin!
Only by killing all the common people will the Eighth Route Army and all kinds of anti-Japanese armed forces truly lose their foundation for survival and activities.

Wang Peng, who was about to finish his work in the wilderness, received a report from the soldiers: "How many enemies are there?"

Another shot rang out in Nanmin's room in the barracks.

Then, a large number of Huliella bacteria were simultaneously dropped on more than [-] large and small rivers such as the Quliuqi River and the Jun River in the Weihe River Basin.

The enemy wanted to run away before they came, and Hu Yi really didn't want to deal with this fear of death.

The puppet army trained by the devils is still a puppet army.

Cheng'an County, which was defended by the Guo Qing Department of the Imperial Association Army, was located between HD and Wei County, where the Allied Autonomous Army was stationed.

Searching from house to house is not enough, because the devils will circle around the private houses, and many of the private houses are fenced, so they can be easily opened.

The devils who hid in the dark didn't even fight back.

Maybe it's the normal mobilization of the devil's troops.

The puppet army even hid directly in civilian houses without showing their faces.

After deploying troops, it was discovered that there were only more than [-] men left.

It is the starting point for putting bacteria in the east of the railway line, and its strategic location is prominent and cannot be lost.

Before dark, after Dagou and Li Laosi took down the Xicheng Tower, the entire county was almost completely in the hands of Jiuying.

"That is to say, about two battalions?" Wang Peng was stunned for a moment, and the devils advanced along the road, obviously the target was not themselves.

On weekdays, maintaining law and order and bullying the common people, the guerrillas with only three or five bullets can still take advantage of it.

The madness in my head turned: "Anyway, we can't keep it, and the telegram has been sent. If you don't run away with so many good things now, the devil will call you back. Isn't your work in vain?"

The devils still hide in the houses in the dark to resist.

Then move some wasteland reclamation groups and good people from the northeastern provinces.

In the battle of the barracks, the devil commander was killed first, and most of the devil infantry were killed or injured.

Immediately change the plan and fight street fighting on the spot.

Wang Pengying had no experience in attacking railways, and followed the commander of the three verticals to move the rails in the storm for two days honestly, and just buried all the rails in the soil.Watching the series of lights in the distance, the soldiers in charge of security in the north hurriedly pushed on the battalion commander's baby bump bicycle, and ran south desperately.

They must all be taken away, but where to go now is a problem.

"To the south, the puppet army's defense zone. In this way, we will destroy it anyway if the devils do it. The team will immediately assemble and dig roads and bridges with the militia!"

Slower than walking.

Although he suffered a loss, now that there is darkness as a cover, who is the elite imperial army afraid of?
So the use of private houses began to make echelon firepower arrangements.

HD Independent constitutional mixed brigade headquarters.

Passing by a small river, he yelled at the soldiers guarding the bridge: "Tear down the bridge quickly, the enemy is coming!"

Therefore, the guerrillas thought they had succeeded in carrying out a railway raid, but in fact the little devils had no interest in encircling and suppressing them at all.

Continue to look at the people running around in the streets and alleys, thinking hard about countermeasures.

From Sergeant Cao's point of view, he may lack the ability to command too many devils, but commanding two squads of devils is his old profession, and he is not afraid of anyone.

The HD gendarmerie reported immediately, followed the order to defeat a devil squadron under Xu Tieying's department, and took a battalion of city defense troops to check.

The correspondent next to him hurriedly reported: "No, I only replied before dark."

"There are more than 20 cars and five iron kings, and it is estimated that there are five or six hundred." The soldiers' reconnaissance level is not low.

The anti-Japanese elements are gone, and the alliance autonomous army that is not very obedient can naturally be abolished in the future.

At around two o'clock in the afternoon, more than [-] trucks, escorted by five armored vehicles, marched towards Wucheng County.

The county town was fighting so hard, he didn't believe that the nearby gun towers didn't get any news.

With the help of meteorological experts, I knew there would be this heavy rain, and I just took the opportunity to use this heavy rain to implement a new conspiracy.

This matter should have nothing to do with myself.

The road under the starlight is full of water, and the road is not easy to walk.

Follow the devils to the neighboring plains and sweep into the mountains, and you can only guard a pass on the outside.

Command quickly realized something might be wrong.

At the same time, it was ordered that the Autonomous Army stationed in Wei County in the lower reaches of the Zhanghe River must assemble a brigade to stand by.

Soon, Cheng'an County Gendarmerie couldn't get through the phone, and the telegrams didn't respond.

The most fearful thing is this situation, no matter how you fight, he just can't hide.

Cheng'an County in the south is in the hands of the devils, and the south is the autonomous army. Could it be that the three verticals beat the devils and then prepare to attack the autonomous army?

Originally, he just wanted to grab a radio station, but he didn't expect to easily win a county town.

The gunfire in Cheng'an County has not stopped.

"Hey, the enemy is in the open, and I am in the dark. We can't fight positional warfare. If you want to say that we are fighting guerrillas, are we still afraid of little devils?"

Use China to control China, and let the Fourth and Second Army of the New Fifth Army in the south drive the people northward into the Fangwei River area.

"Go and call that armed work captain over here!"

"Why call him? They didn't do anything this time, and they don't have their share of so many good things!" Shoucai Xiong looked vigilant.

Pfft, I got kicked on the thigh.

Hu Yi's voice was cold: "Why so much nonsense?"

(End of this chapter)

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