under fire

Chapter 1354

In the devil barracks.

"The three major disciplines and the eight items of attention must not be violated!" Li Xiang thought that Luo Fugui was going to use money to buy and sell the puppet army. This guy had bought death row prisoners before. After thinking about it, he suddenly asked, "How much money do you have?"

"No, not much!" Luo Fugui was excited, this guy seized all the Union Bank that the little devil opened in the county!
Li Xiang hesitated for a moment: "Let me tell you, if you do this, something will happen sooner or later!"

"What could happen?" Luo Fugui said, feeling a little uneasy in his heart: "You think I'm scared?"

"There once was a soldier who wanted to cook a bowl of porridge for the wounded, but robbed the rice of the common people, and was finally executed by public shooting!"

"I didn't grab it." Fugui Luo's ugly eyes widened, obviously lacking confidence.

"Hehe." Li Xiang shook his head with a smile, watching the soldiers under him pushing carts with big and small bags on them, ready to go at any time.

"Hey, don't rush away, let me tell you, if you rob people's scooters, you are also inseparable!" Fugui Luo grabbed Li Xiang.

"Don't talk nonsense, we are borrowing, borrowing! Do you know? We paid back the money!" Li Xiang muttered.

"Borrow?" Fugui Luo's eyes lit up.

"Aren't you out of your mind? The army tickets you snatched from those devils are useless, and you are still a treasure."

"What you said seems to make sense." Fugui Luo naturally wouldn't say it, this time he seized a lot of gold bars, but he was still thinking: "If I hand in the devil's military ticket money, will it be fine? "

"It should work!" After Li Xiang finished speaking, he turned around to check whether the soldiers had fastened the things on the cart.

Don't damage the generator on the cart.

The corner of the barracks.

The big dog looked at the prisoners of the puppet army sitting on the ground and persuaded them to surrender: "If you want to do it with us, stand to the left, and if you don't want to do it, stand to the right."

The puppet soldiers immediately stood up and all stood in front of the big dog on the right.
In other words, the big dog talked dryly for a long time, and there was not a single puppet army who was willing to be the eighth route.

He was so angry that he almost rolled his eyes, because it was not worth paying the three yuan repatriation fee for the puppet army.

After asking a few more times, none of the puppet troops were willing to vote for the eighth route, and the big dog had to be defeated.

Seeing the big dog deflated, Luo Fugui wandered over and looked at the dejected big dog: "Believe it or not, the company commander will go out and let them all vote in eight ways!"

"What the hell are you really good at blowing!"

"I said, why are you suddenly so interested in being an official?"

"One has to be self-motivated, right?"

"Can a dog be changed to eat shit?" Luo Fugui sneered.

"Why don't you run now as soon as the devil's gun is fired?" The big dog paused at this point: "You just said that you can let them cast eight ways in one minute, tell me?"

Seeing that this girl looked like a little daughter-in-law, Luo Fugui was startled: "Is your name Tang Dagou?"

"What the hell, just talk about it. At worst, I will never talk about you and Er Niu again!"

Luo Fugui stared at the big dog: "You swear in the name of the Supreme Lord!"

"Fuck, if I talk about Luo Fugui and Erniu again, I won't let Lao Si pass away after I die!" Big Dog said seriously.

"Okay, I will believe you once!" Luo Fugui finished speaking, and walked in front of the puppet prisoners who had just stood up.

From left to right, then from right to left.

Finally, he stopped in the middle of the line, stared at his ugly eyes, rolled his eyes, and yelled: "Machine gun ready."

Puppet army captive No. 80, a certain puppet army was the first to come to his senses, his feet softened, and he immediately knelt on the ground to pick up the stump: "Sir, please forgive me, I will vote eight ways."

After speaking, he squeezed out the crowd and ran to the opposite open space.

The other puppet soldiers who heard this were frightened to death. They didn't need anyone to persuade them, and they all ran to the opposite side.

Luo Fugui turned his head and looked at the big dog: "How is it? The company commander's four words are better than you shouting for a long time!"

East Gate.

We must face up to the fact that we cannot beat the devils.

You have to leave here before the devil reinforcements arrive.

The armed task force was operating behind enemy lines, and a very serious question was posed in front of Captain Xiao.

If you want to do mass work, you have to stand up. There are many ordinary people in the county, and they have experienced many military disasters.

Many people don't even believe in the nonsense of restoration!

They even thought that as long as the imperial army returned after the team that took down the county left, they could continue to live.

If you run away, you will be considered a guilty conscience, right?

So many people in the city didn't leave, so why should I leave?

Besides, the family business is here, if you really leave the county, what will you do in the future?
This matter is very troublesome. Luo Fugui's bad idea of ​​pretending to be a puppet army to gather the common people in the city was not adopted.

Therefore, Captain Xiao arranged for activists to go everywhere in the streets and alleys to persuade the residents to leave.

Those who were unwilling to leave hid in the cracks of the door, listening to the team gradually leaving, feeling uneasy.

Everyone knows in their hearts that when Taijun comes back, he will definitely open his precepts.
Still feeling lucky in my heart, if the Taijun kills all the people in the county, then they won't be able to find anyone to pay taxes and collect food, they will never dare to do this!

Someone must be left to farm for them, sweep the floor for them, and cook for them.
The correspondent was covered in mud, trotted up the tower, and came to Hu Yi: "Report to the battalion commander, Wang Peng is moving from the northwest to the county seat. According to their scouts, six or seven hundred devils and armored vehicles are heading towards the county seat along the highway. direction."

Hu Yi frowned: "How far is the distance?"

"Half an hour ago, my comrades in charge of security in the northwest direction and I met the vanguard of Wang Pengying. The vanguard said that they ran into the devils in the dark and then retreated south. I guess the enemy should not be more than fifteen miles away from the county."

Di Huyi looked at the map.

After thinking about it for a while, I always felt that I had no idea.

Suddenly, I remembered what the chief once said: When things are particularly urgent, the commander needs to make a decisive decision, and when encountering a major event, we need to work together.
The enemy is still far away at the moment, and it is not ruled out that there may be enemies coming from other directions.

I think it's better to gather all the hands to discuss and come up with an idea.

Xiaowang Village.

Instructor Qin looked at the soldier who had started to have diarrhea with a worried look on his face.

Tian Sanqi next to him frowned: "It's a bit like being hit by Huliela."

The correspondent handed over the rolled note: "Report Qin Jiao, emergency situation, the former enemy headquarters called the gun tower."

"What? Devils throw bacteria on a large scale?" Teacher Qin's complexion changed drastically, and he looked at Tian Sanqi: "Do you know what to do?"

"I know, that Liu Yuanqing said last time." Tian Sanqi immediately shouted at the correspondent: "Level [-] alert!"

"What, what is level one alert?" Lao Qin was a little confused, and understood the word alert.

Since the Ninth Battalion took in two unidentified national soldiers, new words often came out of the mouths of the soldiers.

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