under fire

Chapter 1355

Chapter 1355

A few days ago, Wang Peng teamed up with the Nine Battalion to ambush the devils who came out of HD City, and cooperated with the armed task force to successfully blow up the bridge.

The devils who detoured to the south of the city could not cross the river. They fired a few shots at the devils across the river, followed by the devils with heavy machine guns, and no one could hit anyone.

Later, the Ninth Battalion retreated, and he then led people to withdraw from the battlefield.

Then they received an order to attack the railway, and the devils and puppet troops in the county along the railway insisted on holding on to the gun towers. Except for cutting some telephone wires, they did not win a single battle.

Later, a section of railway track was demolished in hailstorm and heavy rain.
In other words, when I came out for this trip, I didn't catch anything, and I brought dry food.

After burying the railroad tracks, I encountered a convoy of devils. There were so few people, I had to retreat south.

When the scouts came back and reported that Jiuying had captured Cheng'an County, their jaw dropped.
After asking about the situation, he immediately ordered the company that was preparing to fight the harassment of the devil convoy to return to the team.

Nothing else, although the equipment of his company is no longer what it used to be, but compared with the devils and puppet troops with armored convoys, they are still as poor as beggars.

There is a big difference between the strength of the troops and the devils!Even if they planted two landmines under the cover of night, it might not be possible to gain any advantage.

Cheng'an County.

There were still gunshots in the darkness.

Crazy Yang led his men, and was still fighting coldly with the devils who were stubbornly resisting.

Street fighting attack, without heavy weapons such as tanks, is not very easy to encircle and suppress even in broad daylight, not to mention that it is impossible to know where the opponent is hiding after entering the night.

For a moment, it fell into a situation where neither side could do anything to the other.

The common people who were willing to leave pushed their wheelbarrows and withdrew from the south gate.

In the partially collapsed county office, two people sat at one side of the long conference table.

How deserted it was in Nuo Da's meeting room!

After roughly figuring out what Hu Lie La was, Wang Peng wiped his mouth after eating the noodles served by the monkey, and stared at Hu Yi who was looking at the map while eating the noodles: "You mean, bring a group of fierce monsters to the devils." of?"

Hu Yi looked away from the map: "The Autonomous Army sent a regiment from Cheng Ximeng from the southeast, and they promised to walk as slowly as possible."

People are more annoying than others, and the Ninth Battalion actually took down a county guarded by a squadron of devils and a battalion of puppet soldiers.

Now that the matter is not over yet, Hu Yi still wants to take the devils into action.

Wang Peng knew what Hu Yi was capable of: "You mean, should we fight inside the county seat, or outside the county seat?"

Hu Yi shook his head: "Positional warfare is not our strong point, it's still the old rule, ambushes!"

Wang Peng nodded: "I brought the whole battalion here, you just say how to fight."

Hu Yi pointed to the map: "The devils are coming from the northwest, the road after rain is muddy, and the devils and puppet troops can't run fast even if they have a convoy. The devil's armored car at the head, and then the two wings shelled the devil's car first"

Wang Peng nodded: "Good idea, if you can destroy the devil's leading car and the trailing car, the devil's convoy won't be able to escape, and it will be a living target!"

"Then you outflank the enemy and attack from three directions simultaneously"

"There is a problem. Even if the devils are attacked, their combat effectiveness should not be underestimated."

Hu Yi raised his eyes and looked at Wang Peng next to him: "How is your mortar training?"

Wang Peng looked at Hu Yixi's eyes, and was a little embarrassed: "I was able to release the shells. I only tried one shot in front of the regiment leader, and it was not very accurate."

Hu Yi nodded: "I will lend you [-] fine artillery platoons, and you artillerymen will follow his command when the time comes!"

Wang Peng's eyes lit up: "No problem!"

"After the battle started, the mortars on both sides immediately bombarded the Devils convoy. They were suddenly attacked in the dark. The Devils may still be able to fight, but the puppet army is likely to collapse."

Wang Peng thought of a question: "However, darkness is not conducive to attack!"

"So, I plan to install the searchlights on the city wall in advance on the electric poles beside the road."

"What? Can you still do this? That is to say, only we can see them, and they can't see me. It's a sure thing!" Wang Peng noticed Hu Yi's confident gaze. After working together so many times, he finally knew that he I still underestimated this person's ability.

I remember the first time I saw Hu Yi, he dared to attack devils with five or six people.

At that time, my own company couldn't beat a small team of devils.

But now, the Ninth Battalion's tactical move is nothing more than shelling. Judging from Hu Yi's tone, it seems that they want to eat this group of devils and puppet troops!

My heart was a little sour, I saw that the devils and puppet soldiers had no choice but to run away.
There is no time to make a detailed battle plan, a simple battle plan, and in the dark night, it is more dependent on the grassroots command to play on the spot.

Hu Yi gave an order, and the correspondents waiting outside the meeting room dispersed: "The company commanders immediately go to the county office for a meeting."

The pioneers sent out have not returned yet.

Listening to the gunshots coming from the southeast from time to time.

The lieutenant frowned and sighed from time to time.

Although there were reports from nearby detectives, until now, he hadn't figured out what happened in Cheng'an County.

After slapping a few detectives who failed to find out the news, the lieutenant had no choice but to continue to face reality.

The road full of water is really too deceitful.

It's all because this place is too poor, at least it's better to pave the road with gravel.

The wheeled armored vehicle is not as fast as walking.

It's also strange that the armored vehicles of the imperial army are not of the crawler type, and the tires, which are about the same width as the wheels of a three-wheeled motorcycle, are spinning on the ground and just won't move.

Cursing those idiots who designed armored vehicles in my heart, how much trouble would it take you to design wider tires?
It had to be towed by a car, and occasionally the Huangxie Army got out of the car to push it.

Now this armored vehicle has become a burden instead.

The two wheels on the back of the car, if you don't drag the armored vehicle, you can drive to An County in at most two hours.

The pioneers in front have not returned yet, and the map shows that it is more than ten miles away from Cheng'an County.

The lieutenant finally got angry: "The imperial army left a small team, and the imperial association army left a company. The others set off first and rushed to the county as soon as possible!"

After finding an intersection, the armored vehicle drove aside, leaving five cars behind to slowly follow.

The Devils trucks carry thirty people as standard, and the slightly overloaded [-] vehicles are packed with more than five hundred devils and puppet soldiers, and they set out on the road in the dark.

Amidst the roar of the engine, the gunshots from the county town could no longer be heard.

The bright car wash lights illuminate the flat and open field.

The road is full of potholes, and the shadows of withered grass and shrubs flash by the side of the road
on the road.

The shovels and pickaxes flew across the road, and the soldiers from Wang Pengying were digging holes on the road with the soldiers from the Ninth Battalion, carrying the engineering shovels and pickaxes.

It seems to be different from the previous battalion commander who told me to dig a deep ditch horizontally for an ambush.

Not far ahead, there is a stone bridge where the road crosses the small river.

The soldiers of Wang Pengying's half company were shouting and pulling ropes, tying up stones on the stone bridge and dragging them into the river from time to time.
A simple wooden bridge was erected at a distance of more than [-] meters from the highway bridge.

On both sides of the road, Wang Peng's Second Company was helping the Ninth Battalion dig trenches.

Wang Pengcai set up a half-hour special agent platoon and volunteered to help the soldiers of the Ninth Battalion push and pull the cart with the generator.

That is to say, wherever there are soldiers from the Nine Battalions, there are soldiers from the Wang Pengying Battalion who are not afraid of hardships, dirty or tired to help
Hu Yi originally arranged for Wang Pengying to conduct an outflank attack from behind the Devils convoy.

But the soldiers under Wang Pengying felt that they couldn't be idle, and they wanted to dig trenches with the Jiuying, demolish stone bridges, move ammunition, and build bunkers together.

Anyone who disagrees with them is in a hurry.
(End of this chapter)

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