under fire

Chapter 1356 Mars in the Occupied Area

The order has been given.

All preparations were carried out in an orderly manner.

Just wait for the devils to come and cook dumplings.

Finally, the scouts reported that the enemy was approaching.

In fact, at night on the plain, the lights of cars ten miles away are already faintly visible.

After five or six miles away, the humming of the devil's car engine can be clearly distinguished.

Soldiers covered in mud immediately ran to the fields connected to the road in teams and groups, led by the commanders, and went to the respective defense areas according to the predetermined plan.

The situation on the battlefield that is about to start is not complicated, it couldn't be simpler. The commanders at the middle and lower levels of the Wang Peng Battalion have all cooperated with the Ninth Battalion, and they choose to trust this former neighbor unconditionally.

The recruits don't need to understand at all, just follow the orders of the grassroots commanders and finish the job.

The preset ambush battlefield is divided into four parts, each with two companies divided evenly until each part is almost one company.

Under the command of the company and platoon leader, all units quickly entered the combat position.

On the east side, the mortar shells obtained from the devil's arsenal happened to be prepared for the puppet troops stationed nearby, and the caliber was just right.

It's a pity that the devil was too cunning, and when he escaped through the back door, he took away a small number of grenade grenades.

I didn't get many Tomosaka bullets.

A chicken-neck heavy machine gun was seized, and all the puppet soldiers at the four city gates were captured, including the corpses, except for some who fled into civilian houses in disguise.

The equipment of the puppet army was not very good. One battalion was equipped with a total of six Czech light machine guns, all of which became the spoils of the ninth battalion.

A machine gun platoon is fresh out of the oven.

All the broken copper and iron gun parts were given to the armed task force.

In the middle of Xiaohe Nangong, more than a dozen soldiers covered in mud leaned against the heavy machine gun positions piled with sacks. Several soldiers kept shouting: "Platoon leader full of warehouses, can you let me try this time."

Mancang nodded: "Have you remembered the essentials?"

"Hey, that's all you need to say."

"Be careful a little while, don't poke your head out"

On the east side of the highway, Wan Baxi was testing the only mortar in the company.

The mortar with the explosive fuze removed went out with a bang, and the finned projectile made a long whistling sound and smashed into the ground.

On the side of the road, the apprehensive observers pricked up their ears to carefully identify where the shells landed, dug the shells out of the soil, and proudly ran to Wan Baxi to report where they landed.

Surrounding the mortar, the soldiers of Wang Pengying's company who were onlookers watched this scene enviously: "It turns out that the shell will not explode if the fuze is removed."

"It's strange, the black lamp is blind, that guy can retrieve the shells that have been shot out, I must learn this skill secretly."

"You idiot, don't you think it would be better to learn how to shoot a mortar?"

"You think I'm stupid, hey, our battalion has 500 people and only one cannon, do you think we have a chance to be gunners?"

"It seems to make sense."

After conquering the county seat, there were not many good things in the arsenal.

The guns and ammunition mainly came from the devils and puppet troops defending the city, and the Ninth Battalion robbed the supplies of the HD city defense army, so there is no shortage of ammunition now.

The Eighth Route Army is poor, so it depends on the person. As long as they are brave, anyone has the opportunity to make a fortune.

Li Laosi looked at the corpses of the devils and puppet soldiers who were buried in the soil, and finally finished his recitation.

A certain veteran from the Communist Party of China who joined the Ninth Battalion next to him muttered, "You seem to be reading the Tao Te Ching, right?"

"You don't care what scriptures I recite, believe it or not, I will recite the Diamond Sutra to the dead devils and puppet soldiers tomorrow?"

"What? You are a Taoist traitor, how dare you read that deceitful stuff of the bald donkey"

"What do you know? These days, who doesn't know a foreign language or two?"

"It makes sense, I will learn bird language from Crazy Yang tomorrow."

"You learn from him, just open your mouth with three words, you are a fart."

"Hey, I just learned a sentence this afternoon."

"Baga is still Missy."

"No, it's toothless"

"No teeth? What do you mean?"

"don't want!"

Fourth Li became interested: "Is there anything else?"

"He's playing hide-and-seek with devils in the city right now, so he doesn't have time to teach him yet."

"I think it's better to study with Liu Yuanqing." Mr. Li packed up his clothes and prepared to leave.

"No, we are here to fight devils, why are we just learning this?"

"Learn and live forever"

"Let me tell you something."


"I have saved more than 1 yuan now, and I can build a small Taoist temple when I go back."

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard."

"What are you laughing at?"

"Do you know how much 1 yuan is worth now?"

"Isn't it ten thousand oceans?"

"Hey, it's only worth three hundred oceans now. If you want to build a Taoist temple, you have to find a way to exchange the money for gold bars as soon as possible."

"What? So many brothers and sisters worked hard together and even sacrificed their lives in exchange for it. Isn't this time's work in vain?"

"Hurry up, the devil is coming"

The headlights are bright.

The fugitive's footprints were messed up along the way, which made the lieutenant very satisfied.

In the occupied area, just after Xu Tieying was suppressed, wherever the imperial warriors went, the anti-Japanese elements fled upon hearing the news, and the model area of ​​public security should look like this.

He decided to live in Cheng'an County for ten and a half months this time, and when the rebels were almost dead, then he would see why those disobedient autonomous troops dared to challenge the imperial army!
Even if he wanted to break his head, he would never believe that Cheng'an County had changed hands.

It is not surprising that the scattered troops of the imperial army could not be contacted. This kind of thing happened many times before. After the incident, the investigation showed that the telephone line was damaged by the anti-Japanese elements.

This incident may cause the county to be flooded, the generator to have an accident, and the radio station to be out of power.
The lieutenant was very optimistic and thought about it all the way. Anyway, he thought about the good and the bad. He thought it was better to think in a good direction, at least he felt happier!

The electric detonator shakes violently to charge the capacitor, and a big hand rotates the handle to unlock it and then presses it down suddenly.

The current reaches the explosive package electric detonator instantly

A ball of orange-red flames soared into the sky, engulfing the Devil's car that was walking first.

The car weighing more than three tons was thrown high, followed by the front of the car and landed on the ground. The twenty puppet soldiers standing in the rear compartment experienced the high temperature generated by the explosion, screaming and throwing dumplings all around.

The solid wooden floor of the car was blown to pieces, forming a pile of wooden blocks, and the thorns penetrated into the body
The ultra-high temperature instantly ignited the truck compartment, and the flames jumped several meters high.

The second car immediately behind braked suddenly and did not hit the lead car, reacting quickly and jumping down the carriage.

The ground still seemed to be shaking, the devils who got out of the car first immediately looked around for cover, and immediately began to deploy defenses according to the drill

The Ninth Battalion did not give the devils and the puppet army too much time to react

Immediately, two 82 mortar shells slid into the barrel, and the harsh metal friction sound ended, followed by a flash of fire from two groups of mortars one east and one west.

The machine gun platoon facing the Devils convoy suddenly opened fire.

Hu Yi did not operate the machine gun himself, but was carefully judging what effect the machine gun fire would have on the enemy.

As for the arrangements of other ministries, he did not intend to make too many arrangements

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