under fire

Chapter 1357 The lieutenant crushed by the wheels

Gunpowder smoke wafted in the evening wind, and it was bloody.

There was a sound of a gasoline engine, and the four searchlights hanging on the poles flickered a few times, and gradually became brighter.

The hands of the two puppet soldiers were covered with oil, and they looked at Li Laosi, who had just returned from the mission, and smirked: "Master Dao, it's caught!"

The searchlights are placed on the side of the road. Although the cars in front of the road block part of the light, they show the outline of the cars on the entire road.

Li Laosi squatted in the ditch beside the road, looked at the burning car overturned by explosives on the road in the distance, and nodded friendly to the puppet army: "Yes, from now on you will follow the Taoist master to collect ghosts and draw charms!"

"Sir, can you take my family away as well?"

Li Laosi immediately turned black: "That depends on your performance!"

night sky.

Occasionally flashing the trajectory of the tracer machine gun piercing the night sky, tearing at the respective targets according to the predetermined plan.

The bullets hit the metal parts of the car and splashed sparks one after another.

Occasionally, the sound of mortar bomb explosions directly overturned the devils and puppet troops near the explosion point.

Halfway on the ground to establish a defensive position, all the devils who started to fight back fell down, and none of them had a chance to press the bullet into the rifle again.

The devil lying on the ground is safe and sound.

Each car was crowded with a platoon of puppet troops. Because there were so many cars, the puppet company platoon leaders who finally had the opportunity to sit in the cab were buzzing.

The puppet soldiers who were slow to get on and off the carriages squirmed in the bloody smell, or crawled among the corpses beside them, hoping to leave the troop carriages converted from trucks.

Injured arms and broken legs, no one dared to stand up in the carriage.

The sergeant began to yell: "Grasher, destroy the firepower of the enemy's machine gun!"

"The machine gun team immediately set up a position to suppress!"

"Assault team, crawl forward immediately, make sure to kill the enemy machine gun!"

"Imperial Association Army Charge Immediately"

Why did the puppet soldiers vote for the devils?Isn't it life-saving?Was driven out by the imperial army to die at this time? "

If you don't move, it will definitely not work. If you offend the imperial army, there will be no good results.

Finally, the regrouped puppet troops began to get off the road with their waists down.

Leaving the convoy, the figure was immediately exposed to the rays of searchlights in the distance.

As soon as he ran more than ten meters away, machine gun bullets rushed towards him, directly knocking over several puppet soldiers, and the other puppet soldiers immediately fell to the ground in fright.

The blood that flowed out spread out on the ground, and the land that was full of water was unwilling to suck blood again, and finally gathered in the low-lying places to form pits.

Going forward against the crazily splashed machine gun bullets, if he has the courage, he will not forget that his ancestors surrendered to the devils and became traitors!
The bloody smell did not arouse the bloodiness of the puppet soldiers. On the contrary, more and more people began to find ditches on the spot to cover in the roaring and shocking impact.

There is no one to take care of the puppet army brothers who even vowed not to live on the same day, but to die on the same day.

The pseudo-platoon leader and the pseudo-company commander in the wilderness got together: "Company commander, what should we do next? Or...we retreat back to the ditch beside the road and think of a way?"

The company commander didn't even dare to raise his head: "Withdraw back at this time, we will be blamed if the imperial army doesn't collapse, lie on your stomach and don't show your head!"

The whistling of machine gun bullets in mid-air above the head had just stopped for less than half a minute before the life-threatening whistling sounded again.

The false platoon leader asked again: "Then shall we fight back?"

"You want to put my entire company on it?" The false company commander kicked his hands sideways: "The enemy is in the dark, and I am in the light. Hurry up and tell the brothers to lie down for me!"

A squadron of Devils with six light machine guns immediately established a position on the spot, and then suppressed the firepower of the machine guns in the distance.

The devils in front of the convoy finally realized the great harm caused by the light of the searchlights in the south, and immediately raised their guns, trying to destroy the searchlights.

The distance of the searchlights was not too far, and there was no way to dodge the bullets. A searchlight cover lamp was shot first, and the bulb was shattered immediately.

A bullet flew in from the darkness, knocking the devil who was pulling the bolt of the gun to kill another searchlight to the ground.

West side of the road.

In the wilderness more than fifty meters away, a team of nearly a hundred people was nested in the trenches.

The trench that had not been dug for a long time had already accumulated water up to the instep, and it was impossible to stand on the side of the trench.

Bullets were whistling overhead. In addition to the bullets fired back by the enemy, there were also stray bullets from machine guns fired by comrades on the opposite side of the road across the road.

"Stay calm with me, wait for the enemy to rush over and be sure before shooting back!" a voice yelled.

"Machine gun team, move your position immediately after firing a shuttle!" The orderly shouted at the top of his voice.

A grenadier shell landed near the firing machine gun.

The machine gun team immediately misfired, followed by a wave of sand and soil, which fell chaotically in the smoke of gunpowder.

"Come someone to be the assistant shooter for me!" The assistant who was curled up behind the ridge took over.

Immediately, a soldier moved his body towards the machine gun in embarrassment, and poked his head out from behind the ridge: "The machine gun has entered the water, and it must be scrapped."

Under the searchlights ahead, the Devil convoy was shrouded in gunpowder smoke, and the figures could be seen vaguely. The machine gunner took over and pulled the trigger, and found out that it was indeed jammed. He immediately turned his head and said, "You crow's mouth"

Unwilling to give up after speaking, he began to kick the machine gun with his foot, but to no avail
Hu Yi put down the binoculars, and based on his feeling, the first wave of intensive firepower from machine guns hit the devil convoy, killing or injuring no less than [-] enemies!

According to the normal injury ratio of one to three kills, at least 100 devils and puppet troops died on the spot, more than [-] were injured, and the enemy lost one-third of their personnel!

With proper tactical arrangements, ambushes can also be waged on the plains.

The premise is that the firepower is sufficient.

He let out a sigh of relief, and waved to the signal soldier next to him.

A red flare shot up into the sky
bang. bang. bang.
Fifty meters away from the road, the rifles that had been waiting for a long time finally opened fire.

Each of them fired intensively at the targets of the devil grenadiers and machine gun groups that had been optimistic about on the road.

The leader of the devil squadron lying under the wheel of the car was stunned. He met the main force of the guerrillas of the national army?
Even if he was killed, he would not believe it. The one who ambushed him would be Tubalu with only three bullets when he went out.
None of the orders passed down successively had any effect, and he wanted to scold, but he was in no mood to speak.

"Lieutenant, Your Majesty the Lieutenant...you hurry up and give the order?" the deputy next to him urged anxiously.

The lieutenant lying on the bottom of the car seemed to have become a sculpture, holding up his binoculars in a daze without blinking.

If the binoculars were not trembling, the deputy would have thought the lieutenant had been smashed.

After a while, the lieutenant turned his dazed face and looked at the deputy who was shaking his shoulders under the car next to him, his eyes were a little diffuse: "Retreat, retreat immediately!"

The deputy was very calm, fully understood the lieutenant's intentions, and then yelled at the devil's messenger next to him: "Every department immediately organizes the defense line, the driver, get in the car immediately, and turn around on the spot!"

After staring at these two for a long time, a certain soldier pulled the bolt.

As soon as a bullet was fired, the meritorious bullet casing that opened the head of Lieutenant Devil's lieutenant was ejected.

Lieutenant Devil was still lying under the car like a walking dead.

No sound seemed to be heard anymore, neither the gunfire nor the roar of a car engine overhead.

I have to say that the devil's driving skills are really good, and he even started to turn around on the narrow road under the rain of bullets.

A certain driver was carrying out the order of the orderly, and felt that the tires of the car seemed to be pressed against something, and immediately stepped on the accelerator.

At this time, even if the tire is crushed on the corpse of a dead compatriot, the task of turning around must be completed.

Lieutenant Guizi suddenly felt a pain in his head, and finally heard the screams around him, the whistling of bullets, and the jingling sound of hitting the metal on the car body.

A black thing seems to be spinning around the head, and then climbs up the head
A strong force pressed down from the back of the head, and it seemed to be rubbing again, the feeling of right is wrong, and the face seemed to be rubbing against the ground.
Finally, something like a watermelon was crushed into the water-absorbing silt of the road.

Boom. A ball of tofu brain collapsed into the sand and splashed from the wheel and the sand.

The wheels continued to spin and slip away from the muddy ground mixed with blood, leaving only a flattened steel helmet, uh, and an unidentified corpse

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