under fire

Chapter 1358 Wang Peng who misjudged the situation

Chapter 1358 Wang Peng who misjudged the situation

Firepower is everything.

The intensive machine gun firepower of the Eighth Route Army completely overwhelmed the devils and puppet troops.

At the same time broke their confidence.

As rifle fire began on the plain, machine gun fire paused.

The devils and puppet soldiers who were beaten on the road had no idea of ​​breaking out into the wilderness.

Bullets roared everywhere.

Every devil who stood up and tried to launch a pig charge fell to the ground.

There were screams everywhere, and even the ammunition hands of the Devil's machine gun team fell sideways beside the machine guns, and some of the machine guns that kept falling into the rotten began to jam and other malfunctions.

From time to time, the car was hit by bullets and made a clanging sound.

As the supreme commander of the Devils was accidentally crushed to death by a car, the succeeding Second Lieutenant Kai took over the command.

Now that the situation is over, the Second Lieutenant of the Devils, who has always believed that he has been attacked by the heavy firepower "National Army Guerrillas", dare not neglect.

Immediately wave your hand and continue to execute the order of the lieutenant before death: withdraw from the ambush circle first!

It turned out that he was attacked and had no strength to fight back.

The puppet soldiers who just jumped out of the car climbed up the car again
The machine gunner who has just been charged to the machine gun team has no intention of fighting back.
Several of them don't even need machine guns, just climb into the car and leave here.
The invincible imperial army, when they encounter a tough opponent, seems to be like that.
Whether an ambush battle is successful or not has a lot to do with whether each unit arrives at the designated location on time to launch an attack.

After the battle started.

Wang Peng, who copied the devil's back, couldn't keep up with the rhythm of Jiuying.

Wang Peng was a little anxious, feeling uncomfortable all the time.

He never expected that the Jiuying would play so fast.

The main reason is the misjudgment of the number of Devils convoys.

Therefore, the distance of the ambush position was extended a lot.

At this time, he was still about 300 meters away from the devil car at the end!
The scout reported that the target of the ambush had Devils armored vehicles, so his team was somewhat back.

After receiving the retreat order issued by the lieutenant before he died, the last car of the devil who finally got the order finally completed the U-turn on the spot.

The engine roared, and the car started slowly, preparing to flee.

As the car began to accelerate, beams of light from the headlights swayed on the uneven road.

Obviously, there was a mistake in the investigation or there was a new change in the devil's situation.

Before entering the battlefield, the devil rushed over instead.

Wang Peng led his second company and ran towards the back of the devil.

Unexpectedly, the enemy convoy turned around quickly and came head-on.

It's not that I haven't laid an ambush before, but most of the time I choose a position in advance and wait for the enemy to enter the ambush circle at a certain favorable terrain.

First pull the landmines, then throw the grenades, and then the rifles and machine guns will work together.

This time the target of the battle is the devil convoy!
As a commander, in the face of battlefield accidents, he must act decisively to show his true qualities as a hero.

Wang Peng immediately issued an order to the soldiers next to him: "Prepare the platoon, immediately dig a ditch on the spot, as long as the devil's car can't get through."

Then the fire team was ordered: "A row advances 30 meters, everyone hits the headlights of the devil's car, and the machine gun team sets up positions in the wilderness on both sides of the road. Be sure to stop the devil's head car!"

For a car, a distance of three to four hundred meters is also a matter of one or two minutes.

Wang Peng was giving an order to the remaining two platoon leaders: "One row on the left and two rows on the right, the team should immediately disperse, outflank the two wings, and go to both sides of the road to prepare for an encounter battle."

The two platoon leaders who received the order immediately responded "Yes", then turned around and led their soldiers to prepare for an ambush.

Da da da. Da da da.
About 30 meters ahead, the two machine gun teams arrived at the designated position, and immediately scattered to the wilderness to deploy the light machine guns on the spot.

With a bang, the bolt was pulled, and in less than three seconds, the machine gun spewed out flames first.


Bang bang bang.
A row of more than [-] soldiers began to squat in front of the road, shooting with rifles. They had only one purpose: to hit the devil's car headlights.

In the first wave, more than two hundred bullets rushed out of the muzzle quickly.
All the targets are roughly aimed at the front of the devil's car.

As long as one car is knocked out, all the cars behind will lie down.

The battle has started.

Wang Peng felt his scalp tingling.

Feel the long-lost combat thrill.

There is a deep excitement in the mind that cannot be suppressed.

The soldiers in the second and third rows at the back kept running along the wilderness on both sides of the road, yelling and running with one foot high and one foot high.

No one cares about a deep footprint on the ground in the wilderness.

The straw sandals were lost, and the cloth shoes were torn off by the mud. No one cared about these details.

Barefoot ran to the designated location according to the usual training and pre-war plan.

It only takes 3 minutes to block the devils, and the comrades behind can dig a shallow ditch on the road.

Don't worry about the devils and puppet military convoy being able to break through and escape.

was attacked by surprise.

The puppet army's light machine gun mounted on the roof of the car immediately returned fire, and the muzzle of the gun immediately flashed a large burst of flames.

Combat has never been easier.

The two sides shot at each other.

The puppet army machine gunner trained by the devil is no longer the former Amon.

The first wave of shooting misfired the machine gun team on the right side of the road.

The first row of Wang Peng's second company was full of good players, and the left-wing machine gun group, which had replaced the magazine, immediately followed and fired back at the roof of the car.

Directly silence the Devil's roof machine gun group.

The two sides are completely desperate.

Look at the flashes of light everywhere on the road ahead.

The devil's driver became ruthless, and directly stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom of the fuel tank, the engine roared, and the car jumped forward suddenly.

The whistle of a rifle bullet could not be heard under the cover of the engine.

It directly smashed the windshield and drilled into the chest of the devil driver.

Under the stimulation of severe pain, the driver's brain can issue self-protection orders through nerve instinct.

This guy actually slammed on the clutch and brake with his foot at the last moment.

Six braked wheels skidded on the slippery road.

The engine didn't stop, and the not-so-fast car suddenly stopped in the middle of the road.

The pain caused the ghost driver to lose strength in his feet, and his body hit the steering wheel hard.

Shifting gears with weak hands, release the clutch and brake pedals one after another
The gunshots continued intensely, and before the co-pilot who was about to take over could open the door and push the driver down, several bullets penetrated into his body first.

As soon as the leading car stopped, it directly blocked the escape route of the cars behind.

The people standing on the last carriage were all puppet soldiers, seeing the muzzles flickering in front of them.

The car stopped suddenly, the gunshots were piercing, the howling bullets chased the soul, and the adrenaline of the puppet soldiers who was knocked into a ball by inertia soared, and finally came back to their senses.

The puppet soldiers who had just climbed into the carriage for less than 2 minutes yelled at each other and jumped down from the carriage.

This isn't a war, it's a game of jumping out of a car and climbing into a car
The puppet army is different from the devils, they do not have the awareness to fight tough battles in the dark.

In addition, I was frightened by the ambush the first time, and after jumping out of the carriage, I found that there was no Taijun yelling, and all the bullets came from the front, and there seemed to be no movement on the flanks.

If you don't run now, when will you wait?
Directly yelling and exerting all the strength of breastfeeding, he quickly spread out to both sides with his scud.

Of course, their dispersal was not to outflank from the two wings, but to directly prepare to run into the darkness and escape from this Asura hell.

The puppet army ran too fast, Wang Peng's second company, second and third platoons outflanked the two wings, and the team had not yet reached the predetermined position.

Don't care about anything at this time, immediately establish a position on the spot, and shoot at the fleeing figures illuminated by the searchlights in the distance to the south.

The second and third rows each had two machine guns, and the first wave of bullets directly overturned many running people.

It's a pity that when the fleeing crowd was shot from the side, the projectile area was narrow, and most of the puppet troops escaped into the darkness alive.

(End of this chapter)

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