under fire

Chapter 1359 Next Step Planning

Chapter 1359 Next Steps

Wang Peng let out a sigh of relief, and the bullets from the machine gun and rifle jingled against the devil's carriage from time to time.

The escape of the puppet army did not seem to affect the morale of the devils.

They can't run, they must protect these cars on the road, and some devils will be shot and fall down.

He fell into the muddy ground, screaming in his throat.

No one cared about them kicking their legs. The health guards ran back and forth, pressing the wound with a hemostat, and large swaths of fluid leaked from the hemostat.

The light machine gun group that resumed shooting after troubleshooting began to fight back frantically.

The machine gunner always tipped over before a shell was finished.

There are people in the dark who specialize in dealing with machine gunners, and crooked sub-machine guns are reduced to decorations.

Instead, the machine guns in the dark changed positions immediately after firing a shuttle, and the ballistic trajectory was constantly pulling in the convoy.

"It seems that there is really no need. Since we are not chasing the devil convoy on the road or the puppet army, when will we retreat?"

It's a pity that he made a mistake in his busy schedule, and the second lieutenant didn't even know that the road had been cut off.
The Ninth Battalion did not have many shells.

"Run? Do you think the militia reserves on the outskirts are vegetarians?"

The second lieutenant Guizi who took over the command found that he was trying to figure out the situation on the battlefield.

Watching the Devils convoy run away, the battalion commander didn't seem to have any intention of letting everyone take advantage of the victory.

The markings on the map are not comprehensive.

The first car was still burning, and the white flames flickered, drawing red to a small black night.

"Why retreat? The autonomous army from the south is coming, we have to put on a show for the devils."

There is still almost no color feeling around, and bullets fly over from time to time.

In the field of view of the telescope.

After thinking for a while, he took out a small notebook and continued to write a paragraph of his own analysis under the searchlight, then handed over the document to the two militiamen of the ninth battalion in the column, and told them to send the information to the head of the third column. go.

"Shut up." Luo Fugui immediately turned black.

Once the devil's remaining infantry charged, they would be unstoppable, and it was impossible for Wang Peng's company to stop them.

"How did you learn the idioms in a mess? After we clean up the battlefield, the autonomous army will come to recover the county and collect the corpses of these little devils by the way. Qing’s territory was taken away.” In the previous meeting, Luo Fugui’s advice to Boss Hu resolved Hu Yi’s worries.

"How much will those puppet prisoners add to me?"

"Why don't you learn, learn to brag?"

The opponent's fire never seemed to weaken, and there were signs of continuing to creep towards the convoy in the dark. Seeing that there were fewer and fewer men, the second lieutenant gave the order again: "Immediately push the car in front into the ditch, and concentrate the grenades on the wounded. The soldiers acted as a blocking cover, and organized death squads to charge north, and the convoy immediately continued to retreat northward and joined the armored convoy!"

The sky has no color, the night has no color, and the earth has no color. The eyes seem to be able to penetrate the night.

There is no time to think about who is right and who is wrong, and God doesn't care about the disappearance of tiny lives, time passes as usual.

Fortunately, the Devils convoy didn't run very far. After intensive gunshots, the fleeing Devils convoy stopped again.

"If the platoon leader is in the company. Oops" half of the ear was kicked on the leg.

The observers reported the results of the shelling. Only one car was pushed off the road by the puppet army, indicating that Li Xianglian fired five shells each to the east, and only one car was lying on the ground.

The ghost convoy ran away, leaving a field of ghosts and puppet soldiers wounded.

"Acting? Are you saying that the people from the Autonomous Army are like us?"

"Can you control it?" Luo Fugui turned his head and looked at half of his ear.

The [-] rifle continued to ring, and the opponent couldn't bear the fact that the opponent had more guns and more bullets.

Wang Peng's Second Company, who copied the back of the Devil's convoy in the north, did not launch an attack on time, which gave the Devil's convoy a chance to turn around and escape.

When it comes to running away, the puppet soldiers who spread their feet ran faster than anyone else.

The devil has the ability to protrude, but digging the road will definitely leave the devil's car behind.
With the temper of devils, generally they will not blow up the car.
The wounded soldiers of the devils and puppet soldiers left in the ambush position did not have time to get on the car. When they saw the convoy running northward stopped, they were full of hope again.

There is no such thing as handing in your guns and not killing, which you have heard before. Watching the number of warriors who have been sent down continues to decrease, the observers report on the strength of the troops from time to time.

Wang Pengying shot in the north, Wang Peng must have dug the road as planned.

Climb north on the ground.

Hu Yi was still half-squatting in the darkness on the south bank of the small river. There were indications that the possibility of the little devil putting bacteria into the river was indeed too great.

Not far from Hu Yi, Luo Fugui, who was hiding in the ditch, finally poked his head out.

And bacteria will grow, as long as there is a suitable host, they can exist for a long time, which is very troublesome.

The number of crawling devils and puppet soldiers gradually decreased.

Bacteria are worse than poison, because poison will be diluted when poured into the river, and it will hardly have any effect.

But Crazy Yang said that bacteria are different and can continue to spread throughout the watershed.

There is no ideal scene where the shell explodes and the car explodes.

It is necessary to figure out where the devils are releasing the bacteria in the river.

Although there are radio soldiers in the team, they don't have a code book and cannot get in touch with their superiors.

I secretly hoped that the telegram sent was just a false alarm.

After all, the car is an iron guy, even if a bullet hits the engine, it may not necessarily cause damage to the engine.

There are still bullets waiting for the fleeing puppet soldiers.

"However, Wang Peng and the others seemed to come up too late, and many puppet troops ran from the gap to both sides."

It's just that there is one thing in his heart that is always a little uneasy. What is the purpose of fighting this battle?
Originally, he just wanted to pretend to be a puppet army and go into the county to grab the radio station, but now he not only took down the county, but also joined Wang Peng to successfully complete the first step of encircling the spot.

My heart is no longer decadent and depressed.

Hu Yi was very satisfied with the progress of the battlefield, and his original worries disappeared.

A simple sand table simulation at the meeting blocked most of the loopholes.

Most of the rivers originating from the Taihang Mountains flow eastward, and most of them flow into the Wei River, and finally flow into Tianjin and enter the sea.

In other words, mortar rounds do limited damage to cars!
The shelling stopped, and shells were too precious for the Ninth Battalion.

What should I do next?
Three of the searchlights hanging on the utility poles by the side of the road were extinguished by the devils, leaving one.

"Company commander, do we want to catch up?" the half-eyed fifth platoon leader asked Luo Fugui with his eyes wide open.

A squadron plus more than [-] drivers, so far less than [-] are still able to fight.

It's a pity that the battle plan of the Ninth Battalion seems simple, and there may be loopholes in Hu Yi's arrangement, but there are so many old fritters in the Ninth Battalion who often desert on the battlefield.

In the first round of attack, Wan Baxi fired only five shells, and four shells landed near the car.

The wounded puppet army was lying on the ground, full of fear in their hearts, and they were still able to move, gritted their teeth and slowly crawled into the ditch beside the road, hoping to avoid the attackers and clean up the battlefield.

When the car stops, the ditch on the side of the road and behind the two sets of tires of the car are the best places to hide.

After the devils who were able to move on the ground were simply bandaged, they continued to raise their guns, constantly looking for positions with muzzle flashes, and returning fire from time to time.

The bright and divergent beams of the searchlights still illuminate the far side of the road.

They actually killed many despicable anti-Japanese elements who were ambushing them in the dark.

"I'm definitely no worse than those anti-university students!" Half an ear lay in the ditch and muttered.

Next to the heavy machine gun position.

Mancang had already stopped shooting, and a group of people with heavy machine guns looked around.

Occasionally yell at observers.

(End of this chapter)

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