under fire

Chapter 1360 Offensive and defensive transition on the battlefield

Chapter 1360 Offensive and defensive transition on the battlefield
The Devil convoy fled backwards and was attacked again.

The engine that hadn't stalled continued to hum.

There were muzzle flashes and gunshots everywhere.

The dense warheads hit the iron cab car and splashed a stream of sparks, and the metal was violently hit, clanging and clanging, and the sound of shooting through the wooden car was non-stop.

From time to time there was the sound of shattering glass in the cab.

The whistling sound of bullets in the air is endless, making people feel scalp numb.

The screams of being shot burst out one after another
Beams of light from the headlights at the back illuminate the car in front of you in every detail.

After the car came to a complete stop, the Second Lieutenant Guizi who took over as the commander pushed open the door of the driver's cab and rolled over into the bottom of the car.

Regardless of his body being covered in mud, he watched helplessly that the city defense army, who were quicker than him, jumped out of the carriage and fled to both sides into the darkness.

There was no way to suppress it, so I had to keep cursing those city defense troops as trash and idiots.

If the city defense army hadn't fled, they could at least organize a battalion of troops, so they didn't have to worry about the anti-Japanese elements who attacked in the dark.

I even felt a little regretful, regretting the evacuation order given to keep the car away from the heavy machine guns of the attackers.

Fortunately, the second lieutenant's battlefield experience is quite rich, so he quickly gave up those unrealistic ideas and turned his mind at high speed.

Almost all of his previous combat experience was based on the charge, encirclement and killing of the anti-Japanese elements in the past.

At this time, these experiences are useless at all.

Forcing yourself to calm down, start thinking about strength, opponents, weapons, battlefields, and tactics.

More than half of the more than 180 imperial soldiers in the squadron have been lost so far.

Until now, he has not figured out the identity of the attacker.

As a garrison force, there are only nine crooked light machine guns and one heavy machine gun reinforced to the squadron.

The current situation is extremely bad, and they are completely beaten.

Those Imperial Association troops who escaped faster than Fang Zi will never come back to reinforce the imperial army. This area is located in the hinterland of the occupied area. There are not too many artillery towers along the road. It is also impossible to have reinforcements. The opponent dares to set up an ambush here. The situation in Cheng'an County is not optimistic.

The second lieutenant was extremely nervous. This time, did he become the target of being outflanked and killed?

The gunshots showed no sign of weakening at all, and the opponent had no shortage of ammunition. If the ambush team from the south were to outflank them, the consequences would be disastrous!
If the fight continues like this, it is entirely possible that the entire army will be wiped out!
Based on the habits of those Chinese who like to make ambushes, the road must have been destroyed, and the car can't move northward at all, so it can only be discarded.

By law, cars are more important than the lives of the elite.

Continuing to defend will only increase casualties in vain. In the end, these cars will still be seized by the opponent.

The best option is to break out of the encirclement immediately, merge with the armored convoy behind, and then try to recapture the car.

The ambush team in the north only had two light machine guns firing alternately. The rifle and machine gun were very skilled in cooperating and firing alternately.

Based on feeling, the opponent didn't seem very strong, only twenty or thirty rifles flashed from time to time.

After analyzing the battlefield from multiple aspects, the second lieutenant no longer hesitated, and immediately shouted and ordered his subordinates to assemble and organize a death squad to forcefully break through to the north.

He didn't choose to break out to the two wings. First, he was afraid of going the wrong way in the dark. Second, he thought that the northern team seemed to have only two light machine guns. It was relatively easy to break through, and he could join the armored vehicle team behind as soon as possible.

The devil, who was lying on the road and shooting back at the attacker in the dark, received an order from the second lieutenant.

Immediately leave a part of the group to continue shooting according to the usual training, and most of them start to gather.

The situation on the battlefield changed too fast. The heavy machine gun team that had just been erected hadn't finished firing a bomb guard, and the machine gunner and deputy shooter, including the ammunition man, were all dead.

The reserve team hurriedly made up their positions, pressing their heavy machine guns to fight back violently at the despicable assailants on both sides.

The six grenadier troops were all dead, and more than a dozen devils followed to fill in the vacancies, clearing the way for the imminent escape.

Four light machine guns followed suit, providing cover for the devils who broke through to the north.

Some devils hastily took all the ammunition on the car that could be carried away.

The well-trained devils immediately arranged two squads of more than thirty people to form an assault team, crouching in the ditch with a crooked light machine gun and a rifle, waiting for orders.

The atmosphere in the darkness was oppressive, and the sergeant who led the assault cheered up the devils passionately.

The devils in the second stage of the assault lay quietly on the ground, and no one spoke.

The second lieutenant was not in the mood to let the sergeant continue to babble, and immediately ordered: "Warriors, the time to be loyal to Tian Huang has come!"

Quickly, the more than [-] devil commandos in the ditch, led by Sergeant Cao, dispersed and rushed northward quickly.

The Devils convoy broke through to the north.

The pressure is all on Wang Peng.

Two companies and four platoons under him!

The team was stopped to complete the first step.

As soon as the puppet army was defeated, they fled to both sides into the darkness. The militiamen of the reserve team were originally set up as the second echelon behind the fighters who raided on the two wings of the first ambush point.

According to the plan set up at the previous meeting, the reserve team had already moved north when the devil convoy fled north.

Not surprisingly, the fleeing puppet army was about to enter the ambush range of the reserve militiamen.

The light came from the south, and the devil could see every move clearly.

"A group of devils came along the ditch on both sides of the road and the wasteland, about 100 meters away." The observer kept reporting the situation on the battlefield.

After stopping the Devil convoy, unexpectedly the Devil infantry rushed up, Wang Peng had no time to make more arrangements.

Grabbed the command of the second company commander and directly ordered: "The frontal firepower density is halved, a row of frontal blocking, the second company commander, and the fourth row retreat 50 meters to establish a second line of defense!"

Continue to send orders to the surroundings: "Order, immediately notify the second and third rows on the two wings. Half of the troops will attack the devils who broke out from the flanks, and the others will move north immediately."

Watching the devils keep approaching, a row of soldiers lying on the ground kept shooting at the creeping shadows one by one.

Devil Sergeant Cao led the commando all the way north, preparing to charge a little closer.

Unexpectedly, the sound of gunfire from the opposite side became intense instantly, and a wave of bullets hit them head-on.

More than [-] devils fell down more than ten immediately.

Unexpectedly, the other party was already prepared, and the sergeant reacted quickly, jumping into the ditch beside the road.

Seeing their comrades fall one by one, the remaining [-] devils immediately lost the courage to charge, followed the sergeant and jumped into the ditch on both sides of the road, lying in the ditch defiantly and continuing to crawl forward.

The dastardly assailant has concealed fire!

The devil's second lieutenant's complexion changed drastically, and he immediately yelled frantically at the devil next to him: "The grenadier, all the machine guns are concentrated in the front, destroy the enemy's machine gun fire!"

Devils are skilled in tactics.

The intensive machine gun firepower that was quickly organized directly silenced the machine guns blocking the north.

Originally, the second company of Wang Pengying on the two wings of the devils on the northward double-wing road.

Seeing that the devil wanted to run, and the pressure on the company commander increased sharply, he immediately moved north.

The machine guns and rifles fired desperately at the firepower of the Devils machine guns on the road.
Lieutenant Guizi transferred the light and heavy machine gun team to the north for fire cover.

Throwing grenades and light and heavy machine guns fired at full force regardless of the life-threatening bullets fired from the wings.

The remaining devil infantry lay on the ground wretchedly, raising their guns and firing intensively at the rear.
At this point, the battlefield really heated up.
From time to time someone fell on both sides.

Only a dozen or so Devil commandos remained, and finally advanced to about 30 meters from the opponent's firepower point that was dumbed down by the grenade.

The sergeant yelled with a broken gong, "Drop the bomb."

Facing the bullets roaring from time to time, more than ten grenades were thrown out.

boom boom boom
One after another, the grenade exploded, making the night red.

Following the shrapnel flying horizontally, mud and rain splashed in all directions.

More than a dozen members of the Devils commando who were lying on the ground immediately jumped up from the ground, two assault light machine guns and rifles fired from time to time.

Enter the opponent's position.

Wang Peng left only one platoon, which could not stand up to a large number of devils breaking through.

He didn't want to fight the devils, and he had already retreated to the second line of defense after being hit by a wave of grenades.

Seeing that the attackers in the north of Nian were repelled, the devil brigade immediately followed up, shooting at the wings while running.

The light and heavy machine guns that provided cover for the commandos to the north immediately turned their muzzles to shoot on the east and west wings.

Suppression becomes resistance!
The transition on the battlefield was smooth and flowing. Seeing the brigade heading north, the team's machine guns and rifles immediately changed to suppress alternately after the break.

After the supplementary machine gunner emptied the bullets in the magazine, he waited for the ammunition hand to fill the supply warhead with bullets, then raised the light machine gun, and retreated north against the car.

In the face of bullets fired horizontally, the chance of being hit is much smaller, and the possibility of leaving the battlefield is greater.

As a reserve team, the militia had already headed north when the devil convoy turned north.

The team was connected end to end with Li Xianglian in the east.

Looking at the puppet army running over in a dense manner, many people saw such a big scene for the first time, and their palms were full of sweat.

A voice shouted loudly: "Fuck the team move a little further to the north, don't hesitate to shoot, it doesn't matter if you miss it, just throw the grenade, absolutely don't let them rush into the 30-meter range."

(End of this chapter)

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