under fire

Chapter 1361

Chapter 1361

The puppet army desperately fled into the darkness.

I thought I could escape.

I didn't expect that there would be an ambush team on the periphery.

The running body was being hit again and again by hastily fired bullets.

From time to time, people fell down and heard gunshots, and more people chose to lie down on the ground.

The puppet army that has entered the critical moment is not a soft persimmon.

The machine gunner who was running ahead lay down on the ground and immediately returned fire, and the light machine gun began to fire back fiercely at those flashing places in the dark.

In the darkness, I don't know how many bodies were penetrated, and the puppet soldiers who ran slowly and fell behind were even a little happy, and panicked and got down.

The more than 200 Wei soldiers who survived the disaster scattered on the ground in a mess.

The bullets whistled, and the bullets splashed in the wet mud around him.

The bullet hit a certain body and splashed blood mist. The searchlights in the south couldn't shoot very far, but they exposed the bodies of both sides, which seemed to be a reminder.

Desperately crawl towards the nearby ditch, even the low-lying places.Also have some skills,
No one intends to force a breakthrough.

The false battalion commander who was lying on the ground raised his head slightly, and looked around to the chaotic gunshots nearby, and the gunshots on the road behind were scattered.

There is a team from the south rushing north near the road. Obviously, their goal is the imperial army on the road.

It was immediately discovered that the bullets mainly came from the east, and the opponent's firepower was not very fierce.

The pseudo-battalion commander saw the situation clearly, and finally became more conscious. He raised his hand to wipe off the sweat, and wiped away the sand that covered half of his eyes.

"Brothers, listen to me, they don't have many people, cover them with machine guns, immediately attack directly, and it will be sunny if you rush out!" The battalion commander yelled loudly, trying to control the chaotic scene.

Hearing the battalion commander's order, the trained puppet soldiers fought for their lives.

Immediately crawling to the north with the rifle, the reason is very simple, because there is no muzzle flash or gunshot over there!
Let the platoon leaders of the companies who are hastily gathering the team be so angry that they cursed.

Fortunately, there are not many people near the north.

The puppet commander felt that the opponent had at most 80 to 200 people with guns, and his own men had more than [-], so he temporarily ignored those guys who didn't obey orders and ran around.

Immediately line up the formation: the hastily organized machine gun group puts its two wings, assaults from the front, and sends people out of the machine gun trajectory to outflank it!

Da da da da
The machine gun bullets turned violently outwards and sprayed and roared to the blocking militia team.

The trajectory of the machine gun was torn to one side little by little, and then fired back little by little.

Reciprocating non-stop to create one fan-shaped tomb after another.

There are not many soldiers in the militia, more than a hundred, and there is no shortage of bullets following the Ninth Battalion.

In just a few days, the soldiers learned some basic tactics, and immediately someone called out to knock down the two enemy machine guns.
Not far away, the screams of puppet army machine gunners finally burst out...


Wang Peng's Second Company had quite a few soldiers, but they really didn't have many bullets.

After retreating to the second line of defense, immediately concentrate firepower and shoot violently at the target protruding from the front.

The second and third rows that had spread out to the two wings came back one after another, forming a semi-arc, and fired a volley at the attacking devils.

The sound of machine gun fire.

It seems that even the heat from the bullet casing can be seen clearly.

The distance between the two sides was 50 meters, and no one knew how effective the shooting would be in the dark.

But it is certain that at least two dozen devils fell on the way to charge.

Followed by the devil's firepower to fight back.

First, light machine guns rang out, firing unscrupulously at the entire defensive position.

Soldiers continued to be shot, and the other soldiers immediately adjusted their guns and began to shoot back at the devil's machine gun intensively.

Boom boom boom.
The devil grenadier followed.

The distance between the two sides is 50 meters, and the test is no longer a question of marksmanship.

No matter how skilled fighters are, they can hit the target with perfect accuracy.

The two sides are completely stuck in positional warfare mode.

The continuous shooting at each other is almost non-stop, and people on both sides are constantly being shot.

The defensive side does not want the opponent to enter a distance of 30 meters, and the offensive side wants to immediately advance to more than [-] meters.

This made more people gnash their teeth and joined the shooting, and after that, the casualties on both sides continued to increase.

After a burst of mud splashed, Wang Peng raised his head again, but he couldn't see the details clearly from a distance.

He was a little unwilling, the devil's attack momentum should not be underestimated, with the increase of casualties, if the block continues, his own people will be exhausted: "Retreat to both sides, wait for the enemy to rush over before attacking."

"Machine guns, machine guns! Set up positions quickly and bite them to death!"

As the grenade was thrown towards the blocking position one by one, the devil finally broke through the blocking position of Wang Peng's second company.

Then, the two machine guns that retreated to the wings fired again, and the devils passing through the smoke of the grenade fell down from time to time.

The east and west companies of the highway are all our own people, and we must raise our guns so as not to hurt our own people.

The devils broke through like desperately, but Wang Peng Erlian had no choice.

Seeing the devil running horizontally faster than a rabbit, Wang Peng stared wide-eyed: "Kill the little devil with the heavy machine gun and the bomb!"


The road was not wide, and the devils, carrying chicken neck heavy machine guns, bent over and ran fast in tacit cooperation.

Bang bang bang.
A certain devil suddenly jumped onto the driver of the second car, stepped on the accelerator and hit the car parked on the side of the road in front of him with a bang.

Amidst the sound of metal rubbing, the broken down car was finally pushed into the roadside ditch.

Soldiers on both sides of the road did not know the situation and immediately opened fire on the car.

The devil driver didn't seem to care at all. His purpose was to attract firepower and reduce the pressure on the devils fleeing on the highway.

Li Xianglian, who was chasing up from behind, stuck behind the fleeing ghost and kept shooting.

Li Xiang looked in the direction of Wang Peng's blocking position on the north side of the highway. Originally, he hoped that Wang Peng could stop the devil, but he didn't expect the devil to throw away his car and run away as soon as he caught up.

Report to the company commander that at least two or three hundred of the puppet troops who survived have run eastward, and the militia will definitely not be able to stop them first!

Li Xiang looked at the darkness in the east: "The machine gun platoon and the first platoon must gather, move east immediately, and attack the rear of the puppet army!"

Then ordered again: "Others go north immediately, pursue!"

Li Xiang led the team to the north, and Wang Peng's company in ambush to the west was also heading north.

Moreover, the three companies under him as the reserve team didn't get anything.

After hearing Wang Peng's order, they immediately approached the highway and joined Yilian.

They all pursued the devils fleeing to the north.

Watching the gunshots get farther and farther away.

Luo Fugui rushed out of the pit with a machine gun in his hand, and waved: "Clean the battlefield!"

The five platoon leaders under him took the lead and led the team across the highway stone bridge to launch a "violent attack" to the north.
The ground is full of corpses and wounded soldiers of devils and puppet soldiers.

"Those who want to surrender quickly get up on their knees and hold their guns above their heads!" There is no such thing as nonsense, as long as they don't follow suit, all the soldiers swaying around the road with their waists bent will fill up their guns.

"The first platoon stopped advancing and cleaned up the soldiers on the spot, and the second platoon continued to advance." Luo Fugui squatted in the side ditch of the road behind, and let the communicator next to him shout out orders.

Devils are different from puppet soldiers, they always want to pull one or two backs before they die.

The bullets sounded alternately, one after another.

A certain devil finally couldn't stand the pressure.

The grenade was fired.

No way, after being shot, I couldn't lift the rifle at all.

Seeing those despicable ambushers in front of him, he couldn't lift his arms.

As a devil, he desperately moved the rifle to the corpse of the fellow soldier next to him, preparing to use some to complete the last shot in his life.

The puppet soldiers next to him saw that this was okay. If the other party fired back, wouldn't they kill themselves together?
One turned over and rode on the devil, wrapped one hand around the devil's neck, and still yelled: "Sir, I surrender, this guy wants to play dirty. I'll kill him"

(End of this chapter)

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