under fire

Chapter 1362 What to do with so many cars

Chapter 1362 What to do with so many cars

Grenade cleared the way.

The grenades frantically suppressed various firepower points in the dark night. It didn't matter whether they could hit accurately, but the continuity of firepower was important.

A few devils who broke out with machine guns took the lead, and finally rushed out of the encirclement to the north.

More devils ran and raised their guns and pulled the triggers indiscriminately to shoot at the flanks.

clap clap clap clap.
It doesn't matter where the attacking enemy is, anyway, wherever there is light, it will hit.

The ambushers in the wilderness were not to be outdone. There was a burst of shooting, which made some people stop to fight. The devil was shot several times, lying down bloodied and looking at the black sky, unable to close his eyes.

One after another, the devils who hadn't had time to press the bullets fell on the road, in the ditch beside the road.

Until the sound of gunshots along the road became sparse, Wang Peng still couldn't believe that his battle of backtracking was over.

When did devils become so easy to fight?

Although he has four companies, nearly [-] guns, and a dozen machine guns.

But taking advantage of the enemy's presence in the dark and being in the dark, he still can't fight against the devils.

The second company he led had nearly half of the casualties!

Even in the dark night, the accuracy of the little devil's shooting is far better than that of the soldiers under him.

Moreover, there are some problems with the command. Half of the troops were previously divided to outflank the devils, which violated the taboo of dividing troops.

In fact, he has already done a good job. With the momentum of the devils charging, even if he is on top of the whole battalion, it is estimated that he can only exchange two for one with the devils.

"Rescue the wounded!" Wang Peng shouted to the soldiers lying in the wilderness: "Clean the battlefield!"

The fight was so fierce just now, and the ammunition of the soldiers who were replenished by the Ninth Battalion was exhausted.

"Squad leader, I hit two devils!"

"You prodigal son, you fired almost ten clips, and you only hit two if you told me?" the squad leader scolded while pulling the [-] rifle discarded by the devil on the ground.

"Squad leader, Chen Duojin fired eight and a half clips, one missed"

The soldier named Chen Duojin shrank his neck: "That devil is really nothing. I aimed at his mother's body, but he kept swaying from side to side."

"That is to say, you missed one of them?" The squad leader was stunned for a moment: "Didn't you be asked to dig trenches behind?"

"The battalion commander retreated to the second line of defense. I picked up the rifle and shot the devils. I don't know if I hit them or not."

The squad leader got angry: "I only give you five bullets at a time!"

"Don't, I think this gun is not good enough." Chen Duojin looked aggrieved, and secretly stuffed the Nanfang pistol next to the corpse of a devil into his arms.

"Squad leader, this battle was really enjoyable."

A company correspondent from the south ran to Wang Peng's side: "Report to the battalion commander, the reserve team in the east fought fiercely with the devils, and the company commander asked us if we want reinforcements?"

Wang Peng looked at the darkness: "Order, the first company will continue to clean the battlefield, the fourth company commander, quickly pull out two platoons for reinforcements, and slowly press to the rear of the puppet army, remember clearly, don't attack too quickly and accidentally injure the reserve team."

The first company commander cooperated with Jiuying to fight the devil convoy. Although they are in-laws, they can't let Jiuying eat alone!
This time, the main casualty is the second company that I lead, and I must recover the loss!
The gunfire in the wilderness to the east did not stop.

The puppet army fleeing eastward was panicked by the militiamen. These people are really not afraid of death.

The two sides threw grenades at each other at a distance of more than [-] meters, but no one could do anything to the other.

The puppet army charging forward was directly crushed to the ground by two light machine guns.

Neither side is very good at marksmanship.

The battalion commander of the puppet army was panicked to death, he guessed in his heart that such a reckless team fought in the battle!
When a certain puppet army found countless black shadows coming from the side of the road, they immediately shouted strangely: "They are chasing up.".

It immediately became chaotic: "Battalion Commander, there seems to be no one in the north, we have to evacuate quickly"

The pseudo-battalion commander forced himself to hold his breath, and pretended to be calm many times and went north to observe for a while.

The east side was blocked by the Eight Routes, and someone came from the south, and the imperial army on the road behind them ran away, and those Eight Routes would definitely come after them.

There was indeed no movement in the north. The puppet commander was overjoyed and shouted loudly: "Brothers, listen to my order. After the brothers in the company are cut off, the others will immediately retreat to the north."

The pseudo-battalion commander's order was originally quite satisfactory, and someone had to stop the retreat
The puppet army next to him naturally heard the retreat order first, and immediately ignored them and ran northward in a swarm.

During this run, the puppet troops who were originally organized in a company naturally ignored the order of the puppet battalion commander: interrupt and then block?Why is Laozi Lian?
Everyone was born by parents, you are only allowed to run away, let us stay to die?

This is not fair!

The so-called defeat like a mountain is referring to the scene in front of you.

The puppet troops, whose casualties were not considered large, even ignored the wounded at this time, scrambling to flee north
Hit, hit hard
On the battlefield, the puppet army with superior military strength was defeated, and some of the Eight Routes, who were also from the puppet army, fought mercilessly
Rifles and light machine guns fired violently, shooting hard at the backs of those fleeing.

The greatest casualties on the battlefield are not necessarily all caused by direct fire.

The scariest thing is to completely hand over your back to the opponent when no one interrupts you when you run away.

Because the pursuer can aim unscrupulously and calmly, like hitting a target.

Originally there were at least [-] remaining puppet troops, but only for a moment, in the pursuit battle launched after the two reserve teams converged.

Throw away more than a hundred puppet troops who were either dead or injured.

Only a small part of the puppet army lost their rifles and ran faster than rabbits, and finally they really went north and completely protruded from the ambush circle.

A rifle weighs more than ten catties, and a soldier without a gun will naturally run faster than a soldier who shoots with a rifle weighing more than ten catties.
"Report to the battalion commander, about [-] devils have broken through the siege of battalion commander Wang"

"Report, the remaining enemies have been eliminated"

"Report, Wang Pengying and our militia reserve team are chasing the puppet army."

"Report, Battalion Commander Wang asked us what to do next?"


Hearing the news reported by the soldiers, Hu Yi was in a good mood.

The devil happened to be hit by a large landmine, a heavy machine gun bullet belt, turned around and left.

He deployed heavy troops on the front, but the devils didn't attack the front as bravely as before!
Only fifty or so devils broke out to the north. Wang Peng was no wonder for this. No one expected that the devils had only a dozen cars, and they were almost strung together.

The battle plan has still many loopholes.

Fortunately, the commander of the reserve team performed well temporarily, killing and wounding more than [-] puppet soldiers
After taking a deep breath, and taking another deep breath, he walked towards the small stone bridge on the road with only two rows of stones left.

Hu Yi looked at the burning car: "Rescue the wounded first, then clean up the battlefield."

Luo Fugui hurried back from the front with his dog-legged half-ear: "Boss Hu, what should we do with so many cars?"

(End of this chapter)

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