under fire

Chapter 1363

An armored car being towed by a car is also an armored car!

Maxim's [-]m caliber heavy machine gun can smash a small thin-skinned armored vehicle into a sieve.

Although the Min-[-] quadruple machine gun uses [-] bullets, it is also possible to penetrate the side armor of the armored vehicle.

A regiment-sized Eight Roads popped up on the plain.

The second lieutenant of the devil who escaped from the sky was in a daze, and finally joined the lieutenant who stayed in the armored convoy.

After muttering for a while, the convoy turned around and went back to an intersection to deploy defenses on the spot!

The front of the armored vehicle and the rear of the car face outward.

The devil started digging with a round engineer shovel to build fortifications.

Now if you go to the south, you will be suspected of beating a dog with a meat bun.

More than a dozen light machine guns and one heavy machine gun, plus the heavy machine gun on the armored vehicle, this kind of firepower configuration, no matter what kind of armed force it is, it is not afraid.

More than a dozen cars were lost. If the armored vehicles were gone, there would be no chance of committing seppuku after returning!
He will definitely be run over to death by the armored vehicle captain with the armored vehicle!

We can only stick to it and wait for help!

The devils with five armored vehicles are standing by and waiting for help!

Only persist until dawn before making plans.

The warriors sent back to report the news will definitely attract the imperial army's planes for reconnaissance, and there is still a chance to retake the car by then.

On the plain, there is no worry about where those cars will be driven.

After the heavy rain, there is water in the plains and wilderness, and it is impossible to dig trenches
This is not a problem. Digging up the soil to form a fortification is no different from a trench.

After the breakup, the devils turned to reconnaissance, trying to find out the identity of the attackers in the south.

The gunshots in the south were fierce, and naturally bold people from the nearby villages went to check the situation.

Hiding in the village, in addition to the activists who developed the armed work team, there are also the traitors of the investigation team who usually don't show their faces.

Seeing the retreat of the imperial army from a distance, several men in black fled into the darkness.

Because the information they provided earlier was inaccurate!

What happened in Cheng'an County? The information they provided to the imperial army prevented the imperial army from even driving a single car back.
At this time, to show your face in front of the Taijun, there is absolutely no other possibility except to die.


The devil's vanguard on reconnaissance to the south hid in the dark, ready to seize the opportunity to catch the tongue of the outer guard post ambushing the imperial army, in order to find out the identity of the other party.

In the end, there was an exchange of fire between the two sides. Unexpectedly, the other party was equipped with a submachine gun!
If he didn't catch his tongue, he lost two elites again.

Following the southern sky faintly brightened.

Devil scouts found that a large number of people rushed from the south to the scene where the convoy was ambushed with torches.

The team that came over had a fierce exchange of fire with the armed men who were cleaning the battlefield.

The two sides fought until almost dawn, and the devil scouts finally discovered that all the cars parked on the road were burned down.

The team from the south eventually prevailed.

After contacting carefully, I finally discovered that the team that was cleaning the battlefield to put out the fire of the cars that were about to burn out was the Autonomous Army Assault Regiment from Wei County!

As soon as the two sides communicated, the assault group also recovered Cheng'an County, which had been occupied by the "Eight Routes" for nearly a day and a night.
Unfortunately, all the cars on the road were burnt down.
The corpses of the puppet soldiers on the ground were identified by some people who were from the local autonomous army. It can be confirmed that most of these corpses wearing the uniforms of the Imperial Association Army came from the Imperial Association Army guarding the county!

A group of investigative team members who escaped from Cheng'an County by chance vowed: "After the investigation team tried their best to detect that an Eighth Route Army pretending to be the Imperial Army entered the county and attacked the county government police team, our investigative team members will stick to their posts! Mobilize the county residents to fight against the Eighth Route Army." One day and one night, at dawn, we cooperated with the self-government army and rescued more than ten princes and several wounded who were attacked by the Eighth Route, and 'recovered' Cheng'an County"

As for whether what the captain of the detective said was true or not, it was no longer important.

The important thing is that the county seat is still in the hands of the Imperial Association Army!

The "technicians" brought by the Autonomous Army finally repaired the phone.

The second lieutenant ordered the self-government army to go up to the city wall immediately to get new defenses, and then ordered the captain of the investigation team to temporarily take up the post of the county to restore law and order in the county.

Then make a phone call to report the situation to the Gendarmerie of the Handan Mixed Brigade Headquarters.

Then he was directly disemboweled in the barracks, and he was heroically responsible for Yu Sui's lieutenant and the loss of fifteen cars during the trip.
It was daylight at last.

The sun rises again in the east.

After a day of rain, I slept at the station all night.

Guo Qing, who only got up three poles in the morning, stood by the railway and practiced stick skills against the morning breeze.

I was a little uneasy, because the station's phone calls to the county had been unable to get through.
A puppet army ran outside the toilet: "Report to the brigade commander, Fatty He of the investigation team just came over, saying that the Eighth Route Army broke into Cheng'an County yesterday afternoon."

"What did you say?" Guo Qing hurriedly packed up his stick and returned to the station.

"Yesterday afternoon, a group of Eighth Route Army from the east pretended to be the Imperial Army and entered the city. The brothers guarding the East City were careless for a while, and Eighth Route Army closed the city gates to prevent people from entering and leaving, and then launched a campaign against the Imperial Army and our military camp in the county. The attack, the guns rang out until dark, and then a large number of ordinary people fled from the city."

"What did you say?"

"Cheng'an County is lost. The phone call was made just now, and the Autonomous Army Assault Group robbed our site?"

"That old dog Cheng Ximeng of the Autonomous Army" Guo Qing was so angry that he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

Obviously, the Autonomous Army colluded with the Eighth Route
I sent countless good things to the imperial army, and finally entered the county, but I didn't expect the self-governing army to pick peaches
It's not over!

The light in the valley is later than in the plain.

Dozens of figures lay obscenely on the steep cliff.

East of the ravine.

Ma Liang held the binoculars in the depression close to the mountain wall.

Take those students to hide behind the bushes.

Whoever attacks in the valley suffers.

The students watched the captain silently. They didn't expect that the captain had such a wide range of acquaintances, and there were acquaintances in such a desolate valley!

They are all waiting for Captain Ma's upcoming order.

on the cliff.

The cliff is steep, and when it reaches the top, it forms a half-arc due to weathering, and people cannot reach the edge.

Banxian was holding up his binoculars to carefully watch the defenses of the puppet soldiers in the valley below.

A rope was tied around his waist and legs, and he was poking his head over the edge of the cliff.

Li Laosi and another soldier behind were pulling the other end of the rope.

The puppet army is heavily guarded at the east end of the ditch, and they are closely guarded by the rocks and bushes. The defense of each puppet army is clearly defined.

The vegetation in the Tainan mountain area is relatively thick. Even on the mountain beam above the head of the puppet army, it is not easy to approach the edge of the cliff to shoot at the puppet army in the valley.

If you shoot close to the edge of a cliff, you must face down and feet up. If you are not careful, there is a risk of falling off the cliff.

"Pull me up." After a while, Banxian yelled at the other side in a low voice.

"What kind of formation did the puppet army deploy?" Asked Li Laoba who pulled the half-immortal back and wrapped the rope around his arm.

"I look like they are waiting for us to attack from the east." Banxian frowned.

"If you want me to say, just throwing some stones can kill them!"

"Nonsense, the top of this mountain is bare, where can I find stones?"

"How about throwing two grenades to scare them first?"

"No, let's surround it for another three to five days, starve them to death, and take the prisoners directly!"

After Banxian finished speaking, he thought for a while: "Shout out first!"

Li Laosi immediately raised his voice: "Listen, people below, we are the Lingqiu guerrilla squadron, you are surrounded, put down your weapons and surrender immediately!"

The sound echoed in the valley, and the puppet soldiers in the hidden valley suddenly panicked.

They raised their guns and pointed at the tops of the mountain beams on both sides, trying to find out the source of the sound.
I didn't expect the other party to go up the mountain ridges on both sides at night
The false company commander was taken aback, and quickly jumped up to stick to the cliff, so that even if the people on the mountain shot him, they would not be able to hit him.

He is not stupid, the valley is full of rocks, this kind of terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack for both sides.

Now I seem to be in a desperate situation, with people blocking me at both ends.

Even though I can't get out, I'm not afraid of the other party coming in!

Just a little bit of fear: Balu throws grenades on the mountain!
And it won't do you any good if you stay in a stalemate.
The guards set up an ambush in the west before dark, no, they clearly have an affair with Eighth Route!

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