under fire

Chapter 1364 Instructor and Assistant

There is no rainbow after the sun and rain in midsummer.

There are endless sparkling waves, and pieces of green gauze soil soaked in water emerge from the water, like reeds in the south of the Yangtze River.

A slightly higher village can be seen in the distance.

It makes people suspect that it is in the middle of the sea or a lake.

The river course could not carry away the heavy rainwater in time, forming large areas of waterlogging on the plain.

During the prolonged drought, countless ordinary people begged for rain everywhere, but they begged for this flood.

The turbid Zhang River can only be seen flowing eastward from the floating objects.

The Zhang River enters Wei County from the south of Cheng'an County.

Proper enemy rear.

The main task of the armed task force operating in this area is not to attack the enemy, but to carry out anti-war propaganda to the puppet army, and at the same time eradicate the heinous traitors.

The anti-Japanese government in the enemy's rear worked hard to develop underground organizations, went deep into the grassroots of the vast rural areas, and organized young and strong militias to join the work change team.

The militiamen used fighting to defend the production of the masses, while the work change teams ensured that the production at the militiamen's homes would not be affected, and were responsible for the safe transfer of the militiamen's family members when the enemy raided.

Such a combination is conducive to the further consolidation of the relationship between the militia and the labor change organization, and facilitates the close relationship between the militia and the masses.

To put it simply, the militia went out to fight, and there were people in the village.

What's more, collective production is being carried out, so no one's land will be barren.

The masses are producing, and the militiamen are patrolling and keeping watch nearby.

Especially during the summer and autumn harvest seasons, labor and armed forces were organized through the militia and labor-changing organizations. The militiamen were responsible for covering and the labor-changing teams were responsible for harvesting grain.

When there is no enemy, the militia and the masses help each other, and the production, training, and combat tasks are almost correct.

Those who go out are called combat teams, and the work-changing teams that collectively engage in production have another name: production teams!

The work in the fields seemed never to be done.

There are exceptions.

such as now
After the heavy rain, the plains were flooded and production was impossible, so the work change team naturally trained with the militiamen.
The training in the village is in full swing.

Liu Yuanqing first had an expression of lovelessness.

Originally thought that the militiamen who had been trained by him had all military knowledge that a knife could kill a devil face to face, and a gun could kill a devil from a distance.
Because many people can't "count" more than twenty because a person has only ten fingers and ten toes.
If you ask him what is four or four, he doesn't know, but he does know three to seven 21
He can memorize the formulas of a tall man, but when adding and subtracting numbers exceeding twenty, he can only stare blankly.

As he asked the militiamen to talk about their specialties.

His face became serious.

He finally knew that he had underestimated the work change team and the militia.

These "regular people" who come to training in their best clothes at home.

Almost no one without patches
Suddenly remembered a word in the picture book novel: Elder Six Bags.

Shoulder patches, elbow patches, knee patches
As for the sleeves, can they be called sleeves if they are lint-free?

Although I don't know the number above twenty, but I can do blasting!

Not only that, but when Liu Yuanqing saw a ten-year-old child deftly making a landmine with an earthen pot in front of him, and then buried the mine in the ground, he felt a little tingling in his scalp.

A certain blacksmith didn't even light a fire, and kept beating with a hammer in his hand, smashing a road nail directly into a small knife!

There are still some people who know how to dig a nitrate pool, boil nitrate to make explosives, and reload bullets by hand.
Earth cannons, earth guns, earth grenades, elm cannons, and rifles are all available!

He always thought that the militiamen usually produce with hoes, and when they encounter devils or puppet troops, they gather to fight against the enemy with guns.

This time training these militiamen, he realized how one-sided his understanding was.

Finally, I have a deep understanding of two words that I have never heard before: job change team and production team.

The Lunan guerrilla detachment doesn't have many guns, but there are many fucking people.
Properly all the people are soldiers!
The militiamen held back their laughter and lined up to count
For the first time, the labor change team members lying on the ground statically practicing raising their guns were trampled down by their subconsciously raised heads.

If you can lift two hundred catties, and lift a hundred catties, why the hell can't you lift a gun that weighs ten catties?

I don't understand why the muzzle keeps shaking
The militiamen who climbed the wall in a group of three had the most fun. It used to be difficult to climb the wall. Now two people put their backs on their backs, and one trots up the wall for two steps. Grabbing the leg of one's comrade-in-arms, and pulling the last comrade-in-arms up.

I finally learned that grabbing clothes is not enough, and even snapping fingers is not good. You have to use tiger buckles to pull your comrades up the wall!
The three-second wall method is specially designed to deal with the four-second moving target of the devil infantry drill.
The instructor seemed to think that they were good at fighting with bayonets, so they didn't teach them at all. Instead, they taught them how to quickly pick up bayonets on the battlefield.

He also taught them that when holding a bayonet, the blade of the bayonet should be backwards and the mouth of the tiger should be upward.
Everything seems to be very different from previous training.

As for those who play thunder, I finally saw the advanced tactics that were shown to everyone by the instructor's assistant.

Some people who know how to use a knife were not convinced, but they were finally convinced after being beaten up by Li Laosan with a black nose and a swollen face.

The reconnaissance team outside the village lay in the sun and looked at the white water around the village.

Looking back from time to time, listening to the sound of gunshots coming from the village, I felt very itchy in my heart.

Several militiamen with good eyesight and some culture were selected as observers.

The village is not big, and the militiamen standing on the roof are learning how to judge the positions of the high points in the village.

Xiao Hongying was standing in the south square of the village.

The militia commanders are being explained how to deploy firepower, how to attack, and how to defend.

The offensive strategy of the three-person team, all the tactics seem to be different from the previous method of ambush, pulling a landmine, then throwing a grenade and then charging three times.

Speaking of the excitement, Xiao Hongying raised her hand and pointed the shell gun at a wooden board hanging more than [-] meters away from the end of the drying yard.


The bullet made a hole in the middle of the half-breast target plank on which several large and small circles were drawn with a charcoal pen.

Followed proudly to explain: "Unless it is absolutely necessary, there is no need to fight the bayonet with the devil, because if we fight the devil with the bayonet, the casualty ratio between us and the devil is two to one, and it is considered a high fragrance."

"If you don't fight with a bayonet, how can you fight?"

"Shoot it with a gun, idiot"

"We are not good at marksmanship. The captain often talks about three points and one line, and that devil won't lie still."

"So, looking for a sense of guns"


"Find the feeling of shooting a gun!" Xiao Hongying waved the shelling gun: "You are all veterans, you must find the feeling I said."

"I can feel it! But every time the bullet hits, I don't know where it goes." A certain queen shrank her neck.

"The most important thing is, you must be calm on the battlefield. You think, if you are nervous, the enemy will not shoot when he has a difficult delivery."

"Only when you are not nervous, your hands will not shake and you can hit the enemy"

A small boat suddenly appeared downstream, and the river was level with the plain, and the people on board couldn't see where the original river bank was.

I can only rely on experience to support the bamboo pole and row the boat all the way west.

After arriving at a certain location, the boat turned to the south.

There is a village not far to the south.

Maybe it has long been known that the river will flood occasionally, so the village is built on a gentle slope slightly higher than the plain land.

Saw someone rowing over.

In the three-person security team lying on the north side of the village, one of them quickly got up and ran into the village: "Report, a small boat is coming from the north, and there are two people on it."

Li Laosan glanced at the militiaman who reported the letter: "Do you notice whether it is a man or a woman?"

"How old are you?"

"Are they carrying guns?"

"Is it a long gun or a short gun?"

"Is the dress black or gray?"

"Are you tall or short?"

"Do you have bow legs like devils?"

"Are you proficient in rowing?"

"Is there someone hiding in the boat?

"Is it one of our own or the enemy?"

"If it's the enemy, it's the devils, the puppet army, or the detective team."

"Can you guess how he feels through his actions?"

"It seems to be two men. I can't see clearly whether they have guns on their backs." The militiaman looked at Li Laosan with some frustration. Go back and take another look!"

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