under fire

Chapter 1365

The sky over the valley was blue and cloudy.

The sun that rises in mid-air cannot illuminate the bottom of the valley.

The mountain wind blows over the remnant green cliffs, and birds fly up and down in the valley from time to time.

He didn't care about the anxious puppet soldiers at the bottom of the valley.


"The front and back are blocked?"

After sleeping in the valley all night in fear, the puppet soldiers who got the news immediately started to commotion.

The smart ones started looking around for a way out, while the not-so-smart ones immediately shook their heads and looked up in a daze.

The mountains on both sides are steep, except that it is absolutely difficult to fly with wings, and I feel even more panicked.

Immediately, someone began to complain: "The company commander's mind must have been trapped by the door, or else he should have forcibly broken out last night."

The three platoon leaders rushed to the side of the false company commander who was sticking his head up in the crevice of the mountain wall.

"Company commander, are you sure that the guard platoon voted for the eighth route? Does that mean that our retreat is also cut off?" A platoon leader spoke first.

"Company commander, what should we do now?" The second platoon leader then asked:
"Company commander, how about we fight desperately and rush out of the valley!" Although the third platoon leader lacked vision, he couldn't let these two dominate, so he hurriedly expressed his opinion.

The false company commander looked up at the top of the valley and said nothing.

Seeing the unfathomable look of the company commander, the first platoon leader became anxious: "Company commander, I think so, since we finally got rid of the devils, why not go into the mountains with the guards to fight guerrillas!"

The second platoon leader seconded: "That's right, he can live in the mountains on the eighth route, so why can't we survive?"

"I think we vote for whoever we vote for. Anyway, it's to save our lives, and it's better to surrender." The third platoon leader was about to hit the valley just now, but the second sentence changed his position.

"Second." The second platoon leader stated.

"If you vote for a devil and become a traitor, you will not be able to enter the ancestral grave if you die. If you vote for the Eight Routes and become a starving ghost, it will be difficult to walk either way," the leader of the platoon sighed.

"Then let's hand in our guns and surrender?" The third platoon leader had just finished speaking, and then he was kicked severely by the company commander, and fell directly to the ground.

"Ready for battle!" The pseudo-company commander retracted his gaze and carefully bent over to tie his leggings: "All wear military uniforms backwards, and tell them that we are anti-Japanese guerrillas. Anyone who dares to stop us will create friction!"

"Company Commander Gao Ming. Hehehe..." The platoon leader immediately flattered him.

"That's right, he dares to do anything, let's make him go around!" The second platoon leader hurriedly interpreted.

"Company commander, this time I will play forward!" The third platoon leader's eyes lit up, and he rushed to exert his strength immediately.

In fact, the false company commander was not fully sure: "Don't worry, the current task is to convince them that we are the national army!"

The third platoon leader took off the crooked big-brimmed hat on his head, and threw it into the river: "This big broken hat is so fucking awkward, it gives me a headache."

The third platoon leader then took off his clothes and pants and put them on in reverse.

Put on the bandage again, stand up, turn around and stomp your feet. Feeling that the rubber shoes are tight and comfortable, you pick up the rifle leaning against the tree to confirm that the bullets are fully loaded, and look up at the false company commander: "Then I will go there first?"

The pseudo-company commander nodded and explained to the third platoon leader: "Take a bright spot in the trick, just tell them that if you dare to shoot, it will create friction. Remember, let the brothers not push the bolt to load the bullet. If they really want to do it , hand in your guns"

"What? Hand in your gun?"

The pseudo-company commander is not out of his wits: "Although the Eight Routes are poor, they keep their word. If there is really no other way, everyone should vote for the Eight Routes."

The false platoon leader held up a white flag: "We are the South Taihang Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Unit of the National Army, get out of the way quickly, or it will make you look good"

"You really have the face to vote for the devils as a traitor. At this moment, you think it's still an anti-Japanese team?"

"I am now anyway, we are the guerrillas of the national army, get out of the way quickly, or I will be rude to you"

Ma Liang hid and didn't show his face at all: "It's useless, tell all of your people to come and surrender, otherwise don't blame us for being cruel!"

Seeing the opponent's tit-for-tat confrontation, the false platoon leader immediately raised his voice: "Although we don't have many people, if we really fight, you may not be able to take advantage of it!"

"Then let your horse come over and try..."

"I said, we are all Chinese, aren't you cheating? Don't take you like this!"

"Brother, do I know I'm wrong? We were puppet soldiers because we wanted to become grandsons and get into the stomachs of devils!"

"Look at your mother-in-law looks, this is the first time I've seen such a shameless person!"

"I know you guys look down on me staying on the line today, see you in the future"

"Ahem... stop, stop... I said you are here to survive. You all know the skills of our Eighth Route Army. Now that we have food and land, follow us to fight devils, and you can hold your chest up wherever you go."

"There was a sound of hurried footsteps approaching: You are wrong to say that, we are all beating devils, how can these friendly troops blow their beards and stare at each other? You have to talk about it."

"Shut up! I'll give you half an hour." This time Ma Liang didn't want to repeat himself.

There was a rush of footsteps approaching, and the third platoon leader said with a sad face: "They won't let us pass! They said they would only give us half an hour to think about it."

The false company commander finally gave up hope: "Even if you surrender, you still have to fight!"


"Report to the brigade commander, a large number of imperial troops are coming from the south along the railway."

Guo Qing's face tightened: "Didn't you agree that this section of the railway will be defended by us?"

"Report, after the Taijun at the station answered the phone call, he hurriedly assembled and went to the blockhouse outside the station to block the ditch."

"What do you mean?" Guo Qing was a little confused.

A man in black came out from the room on the second floor: "In my opinion, the devil probably wants to attack us!"

"Fart." Guo Qing was nervous in his heart, but he couldn't see anything strange on his face: "My second brother can't be betrayed!"

"Head of the family, think about it. The little devil first suppressed Xu Tieying. We are the closest to Handan City. There is a saying that they are not allowed to sleep peacefully on the side of the couch. I think it is better to plan early."

"Come here, first ask what the imperial army is doing here?"

A puppet army hurriedly "reported that our brothers patrolling in the south are all dead"

"How did you die?"

"The devils picked them to death one by one with bayonets. I escaped because I had diarrhea and didn't keep up with the patrol team."

"Could the devil really want to attack us?"

"We have dealt with the little devil for so many years, don't you understand the virtue of the little devil?"

"Report, along the Zhanghe River in the south of Cheng'an County, a large number of people vomited and pulled, and many of them died."

"Big boss, I heard that the little devil put a large number of Huliella bacteria in the river, planning to kill all the Chinese in the Weihe and Zhanghe river basins."

"how do you know?"

"Report. A call from the brother from the gun tower, saying that the An County Armed Work Team informed them that the little devil poisoned the river."

Guo Qing's scalp is numb. Is the little devil really cunning?

"Big boss, don't hesitate, just stop and stop, and let it mess you up!"

"Regiment [-], assemble immediately, send the order, immediately call the [-]nd Regiment in the north, tell them to assemble immediately, evacuate the train station, and immediately go west to the mining area"

"Master, the west side is the site of the No.13 detachment of the Eight Road Mine Area!"

"Shut up, order the three regiments, change the clothes of the common people on the spot, hide in the nearby villages, and wait for opportunities to move!" Guo Qing is not a good person, as long as he has someone in his hand, he can eat and drink spicy food wherever he goes.

"Brother Guo understands righteousness, abandon darkness and turn to light, and leave your supplies to us in the future!" The man in black was overjoyed, and immediately took out a letter of appointment from his pocket: "Guo Qing is hereby appointed."

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