under fire

Chapter 1366

The era of war everywhere.

The drought made the plains barren and desolate.

Xiao Hongying yelled loudly, but it was Liu Yuanqing who did the actual work.

Liu Yuanqing was very worried. There would be a big epidemic after the big disaster, so he directly put hygiene first.

The people who came into the village by boat were underground workers from a sub-district. They were supposed to inform the villagers one by one that they must do a good job in sanitation.

Unexpectedly, when I saw the military training of the production team in the Lunan Detachment Headquarters, the training subjects were different, and live ammunition was fired!
There is reluctance in his eyes and he is reluctant to leave.

When I walked to the entrance of the village, I still looked around.

"Hey, the situation in the village must be kept secret!" The militiamen who were training and guarding urged.

"When did you become everyone has a gun?"

"It was captured by the devils and puppet troops." The militia finally found a sense of existence.

About ten miles north of Cheng'an County, the gendarmerie of Handan City finally arrived with elite personnel sent by the imperial army.

There was a mess on the road.

Time passed slowly, dried blood was everywhere on the road, and the corpses of the Imperial Army and the Imperial Association Army were placed on the ground.

Investigating the attack on the imperial army, since no witnesses were found, I had to inquire in detail about the puppet city defense army who fled back to know the situation.

Under the guidance of the puppet soldiers who escaped by chance, the military police quickly confirmed the place where the ambush started, and immediately ordered people to search nearby.

Then pull the tape measure to measure the position where the attacker installed the searchlight, and confirm that the other party has a generator.

The opponent had destroyed most of the stone bridge before the attack, and the traces on the scene could not tell which team the opponent came from.

The captain of the gendarmerie looked around, thinking as he walked, there are currently four suspects, one is Guo Qing's Imperial Association Army, but he couldn't find his motive.

The second is Cheng Ximeng's public security army. He may have intentionally smeared Guo Qing and won Cheng'an County without bloodshed, and now he has benefited.

The third is the national army guerrillas, and the fourth is the Eight Route Army.

The first one to be excluded was the Tuba Road guerrillas for the simple reason that they did not have that strength.

The second is to exclude the guerrillas of the national army, because they can't do anything, and everyone now tacitly wants to eliminate the Tuba Road.

So, there are only two suspects left.

Hearing the constant reports from his subordinates, the devil gendarme was a little annoyed that there was no trace of the assailant after such a large battle scene.

To be precise, it should be said that there are too many clues to investigate.

Colleagues who went to Cheng’an County sent news that it might be the Eighth Route Army. The basis for the judgment was from the survivors of the attack who said that the attackers used earth tanks, which was in line with the Eighth Route Army’s habit.

Moreover, someone saw members of the Eighth Route Armed Task Force appearing in the county town.

In the end, those armed workers also persuaded the common people to leave, which must have something to do with the Eighth Route.

No one can say for sure about this kind of thing, there are different opinions.

The matter is obvious, and it will be a matter of whether there are dates or not. Therefore, I immediately called to report the situation to Handan, and suggested starting a plan for weak stems and strong branches.

Cut off forces like Cheng Ximeng and Guo Qing who are yin and yang.

It is more in line with the long-term security interests of the imperial army to support the weak forces.

The captain of the gendarmerie always felt that he had overlooked something, and wandered around looking for suspicious situations.

Crouch down and examine the footprints left by the fleeing raiders who were routed by the Dominion.

The battlefield is very wide. There are bloodstains on the ground nearly a mile away from the road, and there are bullet casings everywhere. I picked up an unfired bullet from the ground and looked around.

A place or two further to the east, the terrain is open and mottled with light grass green.

After sleeping for three or four hours, Li Laosi, who had changed his whistle, hid on the side of the open path.

Quietly observe the movements of the devils gendarmes near the road.

Not far behind, there was a figure lying on the ground.

Hu Yi held up the binoculars, hoping that the gendarmes would take some action after discovering the footprints on the ground.

The Autonomous Army is not monolithic. Li Chenghua's accident in the first brigade is definitely related to the second, third and fourth brigades. In other words, someone wants to pull Wang Tianxiang down.

After getting the exact answer from the assault group, Ying Gang borrowed the nine from Cheng Haibo's group, and followed his boss's old nest.

I don't know the actual situation now, and I still have a chance to fish in troubled waters if I stay. Balu is good at guerrilla warfare, and the enemy advances and we retreat.

There was an assault regiment covering him, so he planned to continue to attack the devils.

Even if you can't fight, you can withdraw at any time. Originally, you came out this time to destroy the railway. You originally planned to steal the sheep, but ended up taking the sheepfold directly.

The devils have to guard the railway, and don't worry that the devils dare to leave.

Most of the people who came were puppet soldiers, not devils.

The fighting power of the puppet army is clear!
I saw a company of more than a hundred puppet troops from Handan followed by devil gendarmes. , Regardless of Sanqi 21, call first and then talk!

Hu Yi put down his binoculars and decisively issued an order: "Li Xiang, pull away more than [-] meters to the right immediately, keep the scattered shooting formation concealed, and fire immediately after hearing the sound of heavy machine guns with full warehouses, quickly empty the two magazines and evacuate immediately."

"Yes." Li Xianglian's soldiers lowered their waists and began to quickly move left and right in the ditch.

Mancang led the soldiers to lift out the heavy machine gun hidden in the pit, and began to lay sandbags.

Luo Fugui on the other side did not wait for Hu Yi to give an order, and quickly put the machine gun in front of Hu Yi, carefully arranged it, and then took out the other four magazines and placed them beside him.

Hu Yi suddenly said: "You fight!"

Heavy machine gun bullets suddenly rushed out of the muzzle.

With the expectation of his master, he slammed into the devil gendarme who was investigating the scene ferociously.

The distance between the two sides was about two hundred meters, and it never occurred to anyone to dare to appear on the scene.

The captain of the Devils Gendarmerie who led the team reacted quickly and fell down immediately.

The men next to him and the imperial army kept falling to the ground, some were shot, some fell down and pretended to be dead when they heard the gunshot, and did not look up to pray for God's protection.

It has to be said that battlefield experience determines one's survival rate.

The first reaction of the gendarmerie captain lying on the ground was to regret, why didn't he send more people to go further around the battlefield for reconnaissance?
The situation at the scene was completely beyond his expectation, and it was not that there was no reconnaissance before.

There is no one around at all!
Where did these people come from without anyone noticing?

His heart sank, the subordinates who were sent out to scout the attacker's footprints must be in danger.

If you dare to attack the imperial army in broad daylight, no matter who you are, you must be wiped out!
Immediately ordered to fight back against the surrounding puppet troops.

There was no one standing in the open field, and some of the more than 30 people lying or lying on their stomachs were corpses, while the other part was struggling and screaming.

Others thank God for having eyes!
Hearing Taijun's order, the pseudo-company commander was unambiguous, and immediately ordered to fire. One by one, wretched figures leaned forward and raised their guns, and the things in their hands crackled.

Facing the thin green shelter on the opposite side of the field is a fierce counterattack. No matter where you are or if you can't hit, you must breathe first.

Gunshots shot from east to west, and the bullets fired by the puppet soldiers from the ground passed through the fields from time to time, flying aimlessly into the distance.

Hu Yi held up his binoculars and did not speak. He looked at the figure of the puppet army on the opposite side of the open field.

Without a large number of devils, the puppet soldiers didn't even have the courage to stand up
"Alternate retreat!" The correspondent yelled strangely while blowing his whistle.

In fact, there are always many exceptions to things in the world, and everyone has many firsts.

Of course, many firsts are also the last.

The captain of the gendarmerie lying on the ground frowned. The attacker's marksmanship was very accurate. After a burst of gunshots, the attackers had already started to line up and flee eastward.

Too much hatred, these despicable attackers are too shameless, every time they shoot and run away, a typical eight-way guerrilla practice

eight way?

The captain of the gendarmerie was taken aback.

It seems that things are far beyond my imagination.

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