under fire

Chapter 1367 Enough attention

To pursue or not to pursue, is placed in front of the captain of the gendarmerie.

Devil gendarmes mainly come from devils with special skills in field combat or garrison troops.

From a certain point of view, the military police are more capable than ordinary devils.

After surveying the battlefield, in his opinion, the imperial convoy was attacked last night, and the Eighth Route took advantage of the night and the ambush.

On the other hand, the imperial association army brought this time is also well-trained.

Knowing that those despicable Tuba roads on the opposite side were so bold that they even dared to attack the imperial army convoy, the gendarmerie captain still decided to pursue them.

In terms of his ability to judge the battlefield situation, he believed that he was definitely many times better than most Tuba Road commanders.

Now the opponent's strength and the situation on the battlefield are clear at a glance. As long as they don't pursue them, it is impossible to ambush them.

Next to him, after hearing the analysis and orders from the gendarmerie captain, the company commander of the Imperial Association Army, who wanted to make a contribution and be promoted to a higher level, responded immediately.

He had the same idea as the captain of the gendarmerie. The other party ran away, which meant that there were not many people on the other side.

Moreover, at the moment when the gunshots rang out, the team parked on the road at the back could be seen from a distance, and they had assembled and headed east.

If you don't behave well at this time, when will you wait?

The pseudo-company commander is not stupid, I heard that Tubalu likes to play with mines!
Hey, I don't want to follow behind you, I can also chase from the side!
Immediately ordered his machine guns to stop firing and pursued from the side.

Want to run after hitting me?There is nothing so cheap in the world.

This precious golden time for chasing decided that those Tubalu must die, screaming strangely with a broken voice: "Brothers, chase me, catch up and fuck the **** to death!"

Taijun didn't say that he would give a reward, and the pseudo-company commander didn't want to pay for it himself, and he didn't promise how much money he would pay for killing a Eight Route Army.

The puppet soldiers immediately spread their legs and chased eastward. They all knew that getting together was easy to attract bullets from the eight-way machine guns, and they did not forget to keep a distance from each other while running.

As for the eight roads that seized a lot of ammunition last night, in the face of the many guns and ammunition of the Imperial Association Army, the pursuit always suffers from the escapers!
In this pursuit, they staged a chaotic [-]-meter sprint, yelling at each other while running and shooting.

At the beginning, I could still hang those dirt roads.

After running for a longer distance, he realized that he seemed to be getting farther and farther away from those escapees.

Braving the bullets whizzing around their heads, the puppet soldiers were even more happy. This kind of pursuit is quite interesting, and no one can hit anyone anyway.

After running for three miles, the puppet army, who had almost exhausted all their energy, finally found that the other party had run into a village.

The puppet soldiers came down hard, and they couldn't do anything else. They used to do a lot of grass and rabbits during the sweep.

The smarter ones didn't wait for the pseudo-company commander's order, and immediately divided into two groups to change direction, performing the lost footwork and preparing to surround the village first.

When the majority of the Imperial Association Army from behind and the armored vehicles of the Imperial Army that followed up again arrive at the scene, give Tuba Road in the village a catch!
In just ten minutes or so, Ba Lu was cornered to a dead end, this must be a great credit.

The puppet soldiers are very happy, this time they can properly avenge those brothers who were killed and injured by the Tuba Road attack.

And there are bounties to be won!

They are not stupid, they know that most of these guys want to take advantage of the village's location, if they enter the village directly, they will definitely be beaten.

Followed by a squadron of the Imperial Army, nearly a regiment of more than a thousand Imperial Army, surrounded the village without saying a word.

Looking at where you are going this time, do you really think the Imperial Association Army is a vegetarian?

The gendarmerie captain who followed him felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Tubalu is obviously good at escaping, so they have no reason to run into the village to seek their own death, okay?
Standing outside the village, he saw that there were no imperial warriors who were eager to let them attack.

This group of earthworks is worthy of his research!
Seeing the essence from the phenomenon is a philosophical question.

Find out their purpose from Tubalu's performance, and finally give them a fatal blow!
The devils and puppet troops outside the village took cover in the desolate wilderness about [-] meters away from the village, and those with shovels immediately started to work.

There is a troublesome thing. After the wheeled armored vehicle got off the road, half of the wheels were on the path in the field, and the other half sank directly into the ground.

Fortunately, there were many puppet soldiers, and they moved slowly eastward with half of the armored vehicles on their shoulders.

the village.

Crazy Yang was lying on the roof, holding up his binoculars.

Surrounded by devils and puppet legions, he didn't worry at all.

Many soldiers lined up and handed wooden barrels out of the tunnels. Although the village was much higher than the ground, many tunnels were still flooded.

Captain Xiao of the Armed Task Force was wandering around the village, and took Hu Yi to visit the tunnels extending in all directions in the village: "We are not afraid even if the devil plane comes!"

This is not the first time Hu Yi has come into contact with tunnels. He also heard about tunnel warfare when he was studying at Kangda University.

Looking at the tunnels extending in all directions, I was a little dazed, asking questions from time to time.

Ask if you don't understand, there is no need to pretend to understand.

As for being surrounded by devils, he wasn't too worried.

The Ninth Battalion is no longer the era of nine squads with seven or eight people and seven or eight guns.

There are more than 30 light machine guns, two heavy machine guns, more than ten grenadiers, and no shortage of bullets.

Now it's always a big fight between 800 and [-] people. The big scene is facing the enemy head-on.

Moreover, the four companies of Wang Pengying are scattered in the scattered crop fields in the north, southeast and south, and they can come to reinforce them at any time.

Completely reckless.

Devil armored vehicles only have heavy machine guns, no cannons, this is the point!
As for the devil grenadier, at most one round, he can change the group!
The devils outside the village who are a little troublesome will call to summon the plane to come over.

It was the first time for a Devils plane to come, first put a signal contact board on the roof of the Devils plane, and according to the stubborn temper of the little Devils pilot, he would definitely not dare to throw bombs or even shoot with machine guns.

The devil's plane will definitely go back. If the devils outside the village want to make a call again, they will find that the phone cannot be connected even if the phone is shaken.

Knowing the enemy, knowing the enemy, may not be able to win all battles, but at least it can make the devils and puppet soldiers stare blankly at this tough bone.

After a while.

The Devil's armored vehicle with half of its wheels on the path slowly approached the village.

Seeing the arrival of this steel monster, there were more than 200 devils and more than a thousand puppet troops on the scene.

Hitting a village on such a scale is like killing chickens with a sledgehammer.

To be on the safe side, the Devils tank lieutenant, infantry lieutenant and gendarmerie lieutenant, four Devils second lieutenants and the pseudo-regimental commander began to directly set up sand table operations on the ground behind the armor.

Obviously able to escape, but he chose to seek his own death. No one knows what kind of medicine is sold in the eight-way gourd!

No one underestimated the Tuba Road in the village, and everyone expressed their opinions, and the discussion was very lively.

The lieutenant of the gendarmerie frowned: "I always feel that Tubalu has a conspiracy!"

The lieutenant of the chariot shook his head: "Do you know what it means to fight for aid?"


I kept listening to the translator muttering, and finally it was the turn of the false regiment leader to speak: "Even if we can't take down the village, we can withdraw at any time!"

The pseudo-head had a dark face, he was a little puzzled, how could these princes be so careful today?
The three lieutenants felt that this guy was an idiot, so they simply ignored his opinion
After a while, an agreement was finally reached.
As the devil commanders trotted back to the team, five armored vehicles first lined up.

Behind each armored vehicle, more than a dozen puppet soldiers pushed, and then more than a dozen devils followed, using the armored vehicles to cover and move closely.

Two mortars were on standby, and twelve grenadiers entered the ditch dug by the puppet soldiers.

Two heavy machine guns are ready to form intensive firepower with the machine guns mounted on armored vehicles after the battle begins.

Launch a tentative attack from the west.

The luxurious lineup has not been seen for many years.

Give your opponent enough attention!
"Battalion Commander, if I hit them with a single shot just now, I'm [-]% sure to overthrow their headquarters!" Wan Pao carefully felt disappointed.

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