under fire

Chapter 1368 The art of war has a cloud...

Chapter 1368 The Art of War
village side.

The millstones that had been broken in half were randomly stacked against the wall of the west courtyard of the village, forming a small dark gap between the millstones.

Hu Yi hid in the tunnel behind the millstones, and followed the gap between the millstones to carefully observe the movement of the devils and puppet troops.

It seems that I can't remember the number of times I have been surrounded by devils and puppet troops. Every time I seem to face life and death.

Only this time, my heart was the most peaceful.

For nothing else, the battlefield deduction went on almost until dawn.

No matter which direction the devils and puppet troops attack from, even if the village is razed to the ground, the Ninth Battalion can persist until dark.

When the Ninth Battalion was a company, they had dug tunnels themselves, but it was nothing compared to the systematic tunnels dug by ordinary people in the village under the command of the armed work team.

The five armored vehicles of the Devil approached the village in an arc.

Driving past the position where the puppet army had set up trenches outside the village before, it did not stop and continued to advance towards the village.

chug chug.
In the middle of the alley facing the village, the sound of heavy machine guns on armored vehicles suddenly sounded.

Start trial shooting.

More than 20 devils hid behind the armored vehicles and alerted various suspicious places in the village.

It seems that Balu in the village did not fight back.

The devil infantry captain became the most commander in this battle.

He has been in the army for many years and has surrounded countless villages.

A village like this can be easily leveled by a small group of imperial soldiers.

Now there is a squadron and a half of the Royal Army, and a regiment of the Imperial Army!
Originally, I looked down on these two cowards from my heart, and couldn't understand why the two colleagues were so cautious.

But after hearing the analysis of the captain of the gendarmerie, the eight roads in the village are probably the group who blocked the security forces and attacked the transport team some time ago.

Moreover, breaking the county town and ambushing the imperial convoy was definitely the main force of the Tuba Road.

As lieutenants, infantrymen are naturally inferior to military police, let alone tank lieutenants.

Chariots are not tanks, and they don't have the ability to rampage in the village at all.

To put it bluntly, it is actually a few large iron plates welded to the top of the truck.
Therefore, the leader of the chariot squadron said that he could only provide fire support on the periphery, and the specific attack had to be entrusted to the Imperial Army and the Imperial Association Army.

The armored vehicles provided cover for the wretched imperial army and imperial association army who followed behind.

The heavy machine guns of the armored vehicles in the middle fired directly from the north of the village to the south of the village, and then pulled back three times.

The people in the village didn't fire a single shot.

Fire reconnaissance is considered a failure.

The Devil Infantry Lieutenant is an experienced veteran. He raised his white-gloved hand and pointed forward: "The first team, kill a chicken!"

Seeing that the chief attaches so much importance to it, the devils put away their underestimation.

Spread out the team, bow your waist, approach the village in a skirmish line in an orderly manner.

A certain devil sergeant thinks that the commanders behind are all jerks!

Isn't it just a village?

A charge can solve the problem, so much fanfare, it seems that there is a county in front of it.

Sergeant Cao is a pragmatic person. The village did not fight back, and there were obviously mortars behind. If the target was not found, the mortars did not need to fire.

Can you fire us a few smoke grenades with so many grenades?

At that time, I really lost the warriors of the imperial army due to the surprise attack, and I must find them to settle the score later!
Even if there were only a dozen or so people left under his command, even if he saw that the Eighth Route Army was ten times stronger than himself before fleeing into the village, he did not panic.

Because, he intends to charge.

He firmly believed that under the charge of the imperial army, no one could stop the warriors.

The imperial army will definitely win the final victory.

The distance to the village is less than 30 meters, and it is no longer necessary to aim at such a distance to kill the opponent.

Crazy Yang was also a little surprised that the little devil didn't have a bombardment before attacking.

Only the tireless clamor of a heavy machine gun on the front armored vehicle.

It's not like an arrogant devil temper.

Devils are proud, they never lose to their opponents in momentum.

But this time things are a little different.

Seeing the devil infantry getting closer, he shouted to the side: "Hit the infantry!"

With that said, pull the trigger.


A shot went off.

The devils who were facing forward immediately fell down one.

The turning blocks on the wall of the west courtyard of the village were knocked off, revealing places the size of palms.

Following sporadic gunshots, a few more devils fell over.

The devil infantry with a rifle moved the muzzle slightly, and then fired back.

Some of the devil infantry began to smash the insurance grenades on the helmets, and then threw them towards the places in the west of the village where people might be hiding.

The machine gunner of the armored vehicle parked in the west of the village finally heard the gunshot, and the heavy machine gun in the tall machine gun tower immediately returned fiercely.

Several crooked sub-machine guns from the fire support team next to them fired, strafing back and forth at the position where the flash was fired just now.

Immediately afterwards, the devil grenade launcher behind who found the target opened fire, and more than ten grenades flew into the air, smashing hard at the place where the fire was fired just now in the west of the village.

Three of them were smoke bombs. After landing, the smoke bombs emitted white smoke, slowly filling the alley leading to the village from the west until nothing could be seen.

The offensive battle finally kicked off.

In the sweep of a village in history, the devils almost used the most luxurious lineup.

He paid great attention to the Tuba Road in the village.

Boom boom boom.
The grenades thrown by the Japanese infantry began to explode outside the walls.

The grenade fired from the grenade behind fell into the village.

"Fuck, I've got it right!" the big dog yelled, "First hit the devil's throwing group, and then deal with the devil's machine gun. Don't pay attention to that iron thing. We are taller than him, so he can hit us no matter what!"

The big dog is responsible for the north position.

To the south is Crazy Yang's place. This guy fired a shot and changed places. After he shot the last bullet in the gun, he finally jumped off the roof.

Then he loaded the bullet into the empty rifle in his hand.

The rain of machine gun bullets roared above the roof, and the walls were pounded by bullets.

"Company commander, I hit a grenadier!" A soldier next to him who also pressed the bullet shouted excitedly.

The rammed earth wall is thick, so there is no need to worry about being penetrated by the bullets of the Devil's rifle and machine gun.

Bang bang bang.
The rifles fired alternately, quite regularly, as if firing sequentially from south to north.

After a round of bullets, the situation has changed significantly!

Now the lieutenant of the devil's infantry finally understands that the eight roads in the village have not started shooting until now.

Things are not that simple at all!
The Tubalu marksmanship in the village is outrageously accurate!

The commander of the puppet army who was lying on the ground behind put his pistol on the hat with a big brim on his head. No, the imperial army's marksmanship should be better than his. Now the distance between the two sides is about a hundred meters, and the eight roads are hiding in the dark. In the open, it is easy for Balu to hit the target.

But the imperial army was in the clear, and there was no way to shoot accurately at the eight roads in the village.

At this time, the imperial army should press heavily, climb over the wall and enter the alley, and directly squeeze those Tuba roads to death.

He began to worry about the commander of the imperial army!
It's really stupid to death: the art of war has a cloud.
What do you say in the art of war?can't remember
Now that they have an absolute advantage, shouldn't they be crushed?
(End of this chapter)

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