under fire

Chapter 1369

Chapter 1369
There are more than fifty devils in the front.

Light and heavy machine gun cover.

Bullets rained down.

Grenades and grenades exploded and smoke continued to rise.

The rammed-earth wall in the west of the village was trembling, and it had been hit by countless bullets, but most of them stood still.

Only the two walls that were directly hit by the grenade were blown down in half.

The sound of counterattacks in the village began to fade away, and it didn't take long for it to disappear completely.

As a soldier, the sound of gunfire and explosions will make people excited and excited.

Now there was no gunfire, and the attacking devils lying on the ground pushed their targets, and many people began to look around.

There were more than a dozen elites who were shot on the ground, and the devils turned their attention to the sergeant next to him.

If it weren't for the lieutenant asking everyone not to rush in before the attack, they might have already stepped into this dilapidated village by this time.

Many devils believe that the lieutenant's command level is limited!

Of course, they suppressed Xu Tieying's troops only two days ago, and they were not attacked last night, so they came up with this idea.

The devil's infantry lieutenant suddenly had a feeling that this time it seemed that it was not much different from the previous rounds of siege!

In his opinion, the gendarme and the lieutenant of the armored vehicle next to him are completely fussing over a molehill.

Isn't it just a medium-sized village, the imperial army can drown all those sneering Tubalu in the village with just a single piss!
Discuss quickly with the two lieutenants next to them, let the devils who were attacked regroup to form a strengthened team, and enter the village as the second echelon, pull out all the mice, and play whatever you want if they want to be burned or cut!
The second lieutenant who died as the squadron leader was worried, trying to explain that there were at least 20 Tubalu machine guns, one heavy machine gun, and two mortars.

However, the three lieutenants despised all these equipments and completely ignored his suggestions.

In the end, he just waved his hand and asked him to quickly form the team. The disheartened second lieutenant didn't even have the right to speak.

The heavy machine guns of the armored vehicle fired occasionally, and the broken earth wall was a bit outrageous. The seven heavy machine guns fired continuously, but they failed to knock down all the walls.

Now I know that there are only a dozen or so rifles on the Tuba Road in the village to fight back sporadically. Although they caused a lot of casualties to the imperial army, what are these casualties to the imperial army with many soldiers and strong firepower?
The three lieutenants failed to top one Zhuge Liang.

The imperial army then put the rout squad into the offensive team again, and ordered the imperial association army to directly invest in a battalion to participate in the westward attack.

The defeated devils must serve as death squads, an unwritten rule!
More than [-] people were densely packed in the west of the village more than [-] meters wide, divided into three groups and deployed in two echelons to form an attack formation.

The armored vehicle shut down the engine directly, leaving only the heavy machine gun on the roof ready to provide fire support to the attacking imperial army at any time.

The heavy machine gun tower was two meters above the ground, and the attacking team didn't even need to leave a shooting circle. It was only a matter of time before they rushed into the village in one go.

As the team pressed forward, the temporary headquarters of the three lieutenants behind the devil slowly moved forward.

Instruct the pseudo regiment leader to strengthen the defense in the other three directions of the village,
The pseudo regiment leader always feels uneasy. In this situation, the best way is to surround the village to death. Surround you for three days and three nights. If you are hungry, you will starve to death those Tuba roads in the village.

The attack officially begins.

Without a specific target, the Devil grenade launcher didn't bother to fire.

the village.

with some at the same time.

Hu Yi continued to issue orders: "Order the heavy firepower team of the big dog. After the light machine gun has fired ten rounds, all must retreat to the tunnel! Then order the grenadier team and the mortar squad to go out of the tunnel and fire according to the order!"

"Yes!" The signal soldier immediately blew the whistle in his mouth twice in a row.

Hu Yi issued the second order: "Order the bombing team, wait for the devils to advance outside the west wall of the village, pay attention to the signal flag on the roof of the village, pull the fire immediately when the flag rises, and throw the grenade after a delay of about two seconds."

The correspondent immediately ran away to inform Li Xiang who was hiding in the back room more than ten meters away from the courtyard wall in the west of the village.

The third order: "Order the mine platoon, and wait for the devils to organize a second attack from the west to enter the alley and climb over the wall before pulling the mines."

Luo Fugui, who was hiding in a certain house in the village, responded directly. The tunnel is too narrow. Once this person enters, others cannot pass by him. Pass with your back, don't go down the tunnel at all.

"Order the rifle team of Crazy Yang's special agent company to find a way to destroy the devil commander after the battle begins!"

"Yes!" Crazy Yang who tilted his head to look at Hu Yi in the yard from the roof responded without saluting.

The whistle in the village came and went.

The big dog behind the wall in the west of the village received the order, and turned to look at Mancang behind the wall next to him: "Everyone, get ready and work!"

The warehouse is full of heavy machine guns: "The tunnel entrance is too small, and it is not easy to retreat for a while."

"Make up your own mind!"

The big dog came to the newly opened passageway of the diagonal tunnel: "Be careful, you can't hit the Devil's armored vehicle at such a close distance. I want you to look good."

Wan Baxi, who was squatting at the entrance of the passage, curled his lips: "You know what, the mortar is too close to exert its power at all."

"Do your own thing"

The big dog's firepower group has only eight light machine guns.

The distance between the two sides was very close, and the devils in the first row were lying on the ground, constantly suppressing and shooting at the shooting holes opened on the village wall.

Up to now, I feel that the firepower density of Tuba Road's counterattack behind the courtyard wall has dropped seriously.

Hit him with ten bullets, and he only returned fire once in a while.

A certain devil soldier who often participated in raids began to have hallucinations, because the bullets of the Tuba Road had never been many.

Not long ago, I led a squad to chase the sheep-like Tubalu around.

What's more, this time, there are five armored vehicles behind me ready for fire support at any time.

If it weren't for the order to charge from behind, he would have directly ordered the elites to charge through the distance of more than [-] meters.

Trample the ants in the village to death one by one!

As the lieutenant behind gave new orders, the armored vehicles continued to shoot fiercely at all suspicious places in the west of the village.

"Kill" "Chong." "Sakazai."

Beep beep. The rifle rang.

Chug chug. Light and heavy machine guns rang.

The cheering and cheering voices of the puppet troops of the third echelon shouting to kill were far louder than the voices of the devils shouting and screaming in front.

Even louder than gunshots.
It's just so far away from the west of the village.

The devils have a mature offensive and defensive system. Some devils lay on the ground holding rifles and sub-machine guns on their shoulders, preparing to cover fire according to their assigned target areas.

As long as Tubalu in the village dares to shoot once, he must be shot ten times!

There were three squads of devils in the lead, and the squad in the middle was going to rush to the wall to take cover along the main road in the west of the village.

Prepare to turn over the courtyard wall on both sides.

The engineers mixed in with the devils are always ready to clear the land mines that the Eight Routes like to lay.

All offensive arrangements are in order.

Under the cover of heavy machine gun fire and infantry ready to carry out precise strikes at any time, the leader of the devil's vanguard squad rushed into the alley in the west of the village.

The puppet army behind is following up.

It has entered the firing range of Big Dog's machine gun platoon.

These devils who are not afraid of death really think that their world is in broad daylight.

In Big Dog's view, these devils are here to die this time!

I was a little dazed. When I was in the national army, I used to have the same equipment. At that time, my first thought when I saw a devil was to run!
And now... the same equipment, the same soldiers
It seems that there is no fear at all?

Far north of the village.

In the fields of crops that were scattered by the storm and hail.

The crops in the ditches seemed to shake unnaturally.

Two members of Wang Pengying's reconnaissance squad were wearing devil uniforms and steel helmets.

It is crawling southward in the waterlogged crop fields.

Their purpose is obvious, to kill the guard posts outside the devils!

As long as you can get close to the range of 50 meters, take advantage of the gunshots in the southern village, kill these devils at the outer guard post, and then directly pretend to be.

It will not attract the attention of devil observers in the distance at all.

(End of this chapter)

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