under fire

Chapter 1370

Bang bang bang.
The small hole in the west wall of the village set off a wave of air, and the bullets rushed out almost at the same time.

A wave of grenades then slammed diagonally from the village.

The devil observers found it in time, and amidst the loud yelling, the devil who had just rushed close to the wall reacted quickly and immediately fell down on the spot.

Boom boom boom.
The ground was shaking.

There were explosions one after another, and shrapnel flew across.

The devil's offensive formation was wiped out in an instant.

Another wall failed to hold on, and the upper half collapsed.

The devils lying on the ground immediately launched a counterattack against the hole in the west wall of the village.

Following sporadic rifle shots, the devil observer who was hiding behind the armored vehicle poked out half his head and was looking east.

call out.
Two bullets roared towards him, the helmet on his head was covered with paste, and half of his body was torn out by the way.

His body was dead before it hit the ground.

The lieutenant of the devil's military police who originally planned to observe was taken aback. He subconsciously lay down on the ground and quickly looked carefully through the bottom of the armored vehicle.

After the explosion of the grenade on the edge of the village, the smoke filled the air, and nothing could be seen.

Under the midsummer sun, the wilderness outside the village seems to be filled with a breath of death.

Lieutenant Guizi suddenly lost his mind at this moment, and the scene in front of him was beyond his previous experience.

He didn't feel any fear in his heart, but suddenly felt a helpless sense of failure.

The sense of failure made him a little angry. How could the imperial warriors be suppressed by a few grenades and cold guns from Tubalu?

Talk loudly to the other two lieutenants next to them: "It is recommended to attack with all your strength. Let's not probe, there are sharpshooters on Tuba Road in the village!"

The infantry lieutenant next to him ignored him at all, and yelled at the messenger with a broken voice: "The first echelon should cover on the spot, and the second echelon will charge. Immediately rush into the village and kill those rats!"

Li Xiang's grenade tactical team and Crazy Yang's sharpshooter team fired at the enemy first.

The machine gun team carried by the big dog behind still did not fire.

The first echelon of devils has already entered the village. In Dagou's eyes, there are too few devils here. He is waiting for the second echelon of devils!
The devil's messengers yelled loudly at the back, and the devil Yu Han, who had suffered a round of bombing, was not afraid of death, and quickly got up from the ground to organize an attack under the command of the sergeant.

The heavy machine gun on the devil's armored vehicle roared 50 meters away, and the bullets were screaming arrogantly.

"Company commander, do you want to throw another wave of grenades to make sure that those devils will be blown out of their wits!" A soldier volunteered, but Li Xiang ignored it.

"Company commander, we are ready, when will it start?" Another soldier put his finger in the ring of the grenade, but Li Xiang still ignored it.

That bastard, Big Dog, why hasn't he shot yet?
Li Xiang's black and white face covered with large scars turned to the soldier, and the soldier swallowed his words quickly, Li Xiang suddenly asked him: "Are you sure the grenade can kill the devil?"

Hearing the company commander's words, the soldiers were a little dazed, and the soldiers next to them were confused and didn't dare to make a sound.

"You can't kill a devil with a grenade!" Li Xiang said this with a serious tone.

The soldiers suddenly remembered that the grenades they brought this time came from the capture of the puppet army, and their power did not seem to be very powerful.

Li Xiang turned around: "The big dog is waiting for more enemies! Let's rest for a while!"

The big dog pricked up his ears and stared wide-eyed. The gunpowder smoke filled the observation hole, and he couldn't see anything.

Finally, I heard the voice of the observer lying on the roof: "The second echelon is coming up, the distance is 40 meters, and the charge formation."

"Fight!" The big dog finally shouted, then turned to look at Crazy Yang and yelled, "Find a way to kill the observers on the devil's armored vehicle!"

On the rammed-earth fence, only the outermost two-finger-thick wall is left of the machine gun firing port that was pulled out.

There is a finger-sized hole in the middle to determine the thickness of the rammed earth wall.

The assistant shooter used a bayonet to quickly open the shooting hole that was hollowed out and only two thin fingers were left.

Da da da. Da da da.
More than a dozen light machine guns fired violently as the firing holes were opened.

More than a dozen machine gun ballistics rammed head-on at the second-echelon devils who were charging.

The Devils ran very fast, with great strides, and fell down one by one.

At the same time, the devil infantry who were beaten down in the first attack began to raise their rifles and return fire at the muzzle positions of the firing machine guns.

After the bullets of the Devil's rifle lying on the ground were fired, due to the shooting angle, even if they hit the shooting hole the size of a bowl, they could not hit the machine gun shooter hidden behind the rammed earth wall.

The bullet failed to hit the shooting hole, and the mud and sand flew on the rammed earth wall.

The Devil armored vehicle is almost invincible on the plains, it is a machine that eats people without spitting out bones. Without heavy weapons, anyone who tries to charge it will die.

The rammed earth wall is the weakness of the Devils armored vehicle.

Hard collision is not enough at all, and it can't penetrate if it is far away.

The five truck-loaded machine guns started firing again, firing wildly eastward.

Good visibility in sunlight.

The ghost grenadier soldier squatting next to him kept adjusting the angle, loaded the grenade and pulled the firing belt, and one grenade after another shot into the village.

Launching, loading, and firing again, the devil operating the grenade was busy skillfully. Just as the loader took out the fifth grenade, the sound of whooshing suddenly turned into a sound of puffing, and then fell to the ground.

The grenadier hand heard the voice beside him, turned around and pulled the grenade from the hand of the ammunition hand, and loaded it into the grenade.
Just as he was about to shake the firing belt, Shupuchi fell over.

Wan Xi hid behind the temporary bunker built on the roof, and ordered loudly: "The distance is eighty, one salvo!"

Behind him, six grenadiers lined up
Tom tom tom.
The first round of six grenades rushed into the air first, and then fell down after reaching the apex.
Boom boom boom.
All the targets point to the Devil armored vehicle in the middle.
Two of them hit the iron sheet of the armored vehicle directly, causing the armored vehicle to tremble violently, and the gunpowder smoke billowed.

The grenade with too little charge and insufficient power failed to overturn the armored vehicle.

Instead, the side doors are deformed and protrude outward.

The four grenade shrapnel that fell on the ground shot in all directions, and a grenade group of the devil followed.
The three devil lieutenants hiding behind the armored vehicle kept lying on the ground and observed eastward from the bottom of the vehicle for some reason.

Seeing that the armored vehicle providing cover was bombed, the loud sound shook the ears almost deaf.

The first thought that popped up in my heart, this group of people is definitely the main force of Tuba Road!
The dizzy gendarmerie lieutenant came back to his senses and immediately yelled at the gendarmerie next to him: "Call the side of the road immediately and ask for reinforcements from the aviation force!"

The ghost messenger hurried to the west road
On the north road, more than a dozen soldiers slipped down from the poles: "Hey, this time, let's block the phone calls of the little devils, let's see what tricks they can play!"

The old-fashioned telephone line is actually two iron wires. According to the plan, after the battle started, one of Wang Penglian's tasks was to disrupt the devil's communication.

Any devils and puppet soldiers running north from the road will die!

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