under fire

Chapter 1371

Except for a few people who have seen the power of armored vehicles, most of the soldiers don't even know the power of the iron king outside this village.

The soldiers even thought that the iron tortoise was no different from the car they drove last night.

Hu Yi and Crazy Yang dared to sing against the devils in the village precisely because they were beaten up by these iron bastards before.

And this guy in urban street fighting is also close to invincible.

Countless comrades-in-arms died on the way to the armored vehicle holding explosives.

Urban street warfare and village warfare are completely different concepts.

This armored vehicle doesn't even have a small [-]mm cannon, and it doesn't have tracks, so it can only be used as a heavy machine gun.

For street fighting in villages, this thing is meaningless.

The devils fired fiercely and successfully covered the devils' infantry rushing into the village from the west.

The devils approaching the west of the village began to throw grenades behind the courtyard wall.

After a series of explosions, followed by turning over the courtyard wall.

The three devils who first rolled into the yard did their best, or rolled forward to find cover in the yard, or lay down on the spot and raised their guns to shoot.

The three devils immediately formed a small triangle formation, the devil on the left threw a grenade into the house, and the devil on the right took a gun to find a target to form a cover for the devils in front.

The two devils lying on the courtyard wall in the back stepped on the shoulders of their accomplices, and also raised their guns to shoot at the places where people might be hiding in the doors and windows of the house.

Attack the nine devils in each yard and divide them into three groups, forming a large triangular formation a few meters apart.

Seeing that there was no movement in the house, the devils behind jumped into the yard one after another.

Nine devils jumped into the small yard, which can be described as crowded.

The three people in front had already rushed to the ground floor, yelling from time to time: "Safe."

As soon as the words fell, a black thing fell from the sky
"Lie down!" The devil who was acting as an observer shouted.

The tactical literacy of well-trained devils is not boasting, and the six devils in the yard immediately fell to the ground.

I prayed to God and worshiped Buddha in my heart for a long time, but I didn't hear the explosion.
Observers checked carefully, only to find a small piece of bricks that had been thrown over.
Quickly yelled: "Release the alert."

Another dark thing fell from the sky.

"Lie down!" the observer shouted again.

"The devil lies on the ground again."

"It's a brick"

At the same time, the devils who entered the house to search did not find the target.

When I searched the easternmost house, I suddenly found that there seemed to be a big hole not much smaller than a person in the east rammed earth wall.

Before I could observe it, a dark object was thrown in from inside.

This time it's not bricks.
Shrapnel shot all over the small space, and Suo Lang knocked all three devils to the ground.

The bodies of the three devils were all covered with dust, and blood oozed from the corners of the eyes, mouth, and ear sockets of one of them.

A man dressed as a commoner with a shell gun poked his head out, and fired without saying a word.

Follow the guns and guard the doors and windows.

Another figure crawled into the Westinghouse through the hole in the house next door.

After pulling out the bayonet and filling it again, he began to pull the rifle grenade bullet box on the devil's body.

The soldier with the shell gun shouted nervously: "Hurry up."

Throw the three rifles through the hole in the wall, and quickly leave to return to the east room.

The soldier stood up staggeringly against the earthen wall, beating the dust off his body.

A voice came from the roof: "Quickly go down the tunnel, there are still three or six in the yard!"

Hearing the sound of an explosion coming from the house, the devils who had just stood up in the yard were just about to reinforce, when another black lump fell from the sky.

Explodes immediately upon hitting the ground.

This time it's not the puppet army's eight-way grenade, but the devil's grenade!

48 pieces of shrapnel were fired, and the air rippled around, and then the gunpowder smoke dispersed.

The devil's grenade is much better than the grenade.

The shrapnel penetrated from all parts of the six devils' bodies. There were many fragments of the devil's grenade, and there were almost no dead spots at a distance of three meters as long as they were not lying on the ground.

Shrapnel is not fatal.

The wounded devil leaned on his rifle and struggled to stand up unsteadily, ready to get up and fight back. Until now, he didn't even see a single target.

A layer of gray dust slid down from the four wounded devils who could continue to fight, rippling and scattering in all directions.

The warrior who got into the room from the hole next door stooped to the door and the window, raised his sniper, and hit bang bang bang.

The pitiful screams rang out again and again, the first wave of devils entering the yard turned out to be the second-echelon death squad.

After these death squads climbed over the courtyard wall, the devils who were originally covering on the ground changed to the second echelon, and were about to climb over the wall to follow up, when they suddenly heard loud gunshots in the courtyard.

A few devils hurried to the shooting hole where the Eight Routes fired before and looked in the yard. They were very excited when they saw that almost all the comrades in the death squad in the yard were lying in a pool of blood.

The two ghosts quickly raised their rifles, ready to shoot into the courtyard.

The people in the courtyard seem to know they're going to raise their guns outside the embrasures
With a few bang bangs, the bullet accurately drilled out of the shooting hole, and hit the half-squatting devil on the head with a flower, why is it white and red.

The same situation happened in multiple courtyards!
The devil's mission is to obey orders, so there is almost no difference in the rhythm of the attack.

The faint gunpowder smoke is flying up and filling the air.

The bullets frenzy and blood go hand in hand again and again.

The smell of snow spread in one courtyard after another.

The solid rammed earth wall became the greatest support for the soldiers of the Ninth Battalion in the village to lead the army into the urn.

This trick is called retreating.

Then prepare for the second big move, fighting cattle across the mountain.do
For most of the devils in the second echelon, they didn't expect that almost all their comrades in the courtyard wall were knocked down, and the devils who raised their guns in the courtyard were also shot.

At this time, if you climb over the courtyard wall again, you will naturally seek your own death.

With a loud voice in the courtyard wall.

More than a dozen machine guns protruded from the roof near the west courtyard wall, and fired violently at the puppet troops of the third echelon outside the village who were preparing to attack.

As soon as the machine gun fired, a wave of grenades was thrown out of the village.

Almost all the landing points were outside the wall of the west courtyard, and the sound of machine guns rang out again and again, and then fell silent again and again.

The booming explosions of grenades followed one after another.

There were screams outside the courtyard wall.

The blood of the corpse is flowing and soaring.

The second lieutenant who led the death squad felt that the light was very dark in the diffuse gunpowder smoke.

There's no one behind those damn embrasures.

Finally seeing the situation clearly, Tuba Road retreated almost a courtyard.

A fierce sneak attack on the imperial army.

After the heavy machine gun of the armored vehicle at the back spotted the machine gun group on the roof, it immediately yanked the trajectory towards the roof.

Following the observer's order, all the machine gun teams slid down into the courtyard along a position far away from the trajectory of the Devil's heavy machine gun.

Someone inside the house fired at the embrasures on the west courtyard wall.

Just in case the devils go to the shooting hole and put cold guns.

One by one, the machine gun fighters quickly got into the house,
The passage from two adjacent houses disappeared here.

He was blown up to a messy devil.At this moment, I can't hear anything, the whole world is precarious and lifeless, I can only see blood and gunpowder smoke in my eyes, and my nose is full of bloody smell.

The grenades that were still being thrown continued to explode outside the courtyard wall, the air was violently impacted again and again, and endless flesh and blood flew

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