under fire

Chapter 1372 Meat Grinder

The scorching sun shone hot on his back.

Beads of sweat trickled down his dusty face.

The second lieutenant of the death squad lying on the ground was very disturbed.

I have seen the hard-boiled eight ways, but I am also limited to stubborn resistance.

If it was in the past, he might have smiled and said to those eight-way people who were about to die: You are real soldiers worthy of respect.

Then they were hacked to death one by one with a bayonet or a command knife.

This time was different from any previous one.

There will never be more than 200 opponents entering the village.

It's completely different from the feeling of being able to crush them into powder at any time by pinching them in the palm of your hand.

This time, it seemed that he was holding a hedgehog in his palm, and his palm was already dripping with blood.

Armored vehicles cover heavy machine guns.

The warriors under him who attacked the village head-on seemed to have made a breakthrough.

Guns were fired everywhere in the lifeless village, and it was clear that the warriors seemed to have begun searching house by house.

The second lieutenant always felt uneasy, hesitated for a while, and then looked back. The three lieutenants hiding behind the armored vehicle did not give any new orders. They seemed to be stunned by the wave of machine guns in the village, and there was nothing wrong. reaction.

The heavy machine guns on the armored vehicles fired continuously at the village. Any fool would know that such shooting is useless.

Of the five nine-man teams that entered the village, four of the class elites should have died in battle, and only the frontal attacking class was fine.

Such casualties are unacceptable!There are only half of the team left under the injured.

Even if they go back alive, the end will be dire!
I was ambushed last night, and I felt a little panicked. How could the imperial warriors be so decadent?
Big deal!
Live to die.

In broad daylight, the imperial army is invincible!
Looking back to the west again, I really want to send someone back to ask the infantry lieutenant to fire two more waves of grenades to provide cover, and look at the Huang Xie lying on the ground after being hit by a wave of machine gun bullets, all lying on the ground and pretending to be dead military.

I sighed in my heart.

Without further thought, he immediately waved his hand, making the hand that was lying under the wall of the west courtyard of the village big, and using the smoke of the grenade explosion as a cover, he launched another attack from the blasted courtyard wall to the village.

There are about six times the strength of the opponent outside the village, as a death squad assault... Even if the entire army is wiped out this time, the village must be left alone!
Maybe seeing that no target appeared, the heavy machine gun on the armored vehicle reduced the firing frequency.

A squad of devils who had successfully rushed into the alley in the village from the main road in the west of the village immediately dispersed to the front and back yards on both sides of the alley under the command of the sergeant.

The three-person group of devils who entered the north yard, the leader rolled forward, and the one next to him was ready to pounce at any time to show off his superb mid-air shooting skills. in the house.

A group of three who followed up guarded the roof, and the other two threw two grenades to the windowless wing next to the main entrance.

Three puffs of gunpowder smoke rolled out from the gate and windows one after another.

Logically speaking, there should be a sneak attack by the Eight Routes ambushing in the house at this time.

But not a single shot was fired in those rooms.

The fight was in full swing just now, so it is impossible that there is no one in the village.

Such silence made the devils panic.

Those who don't bark bite more violently.

In the backyard facing south, there is only one back door and two small windows, and the grenade is also thrown first.

The muzzle of the devil on guard on the roof moved left and right. As long as someone appeared on the roof, he was sure to kill him within [-] seconds.

After the grenade exploded, the trio in front rushed into the main room without hesitation.

no one!

In the end, the devil army Cao, who was in charge of the battle, heard the devils in the north shouting birdsong to be safe.

Immediately ordered the machine gun team to go to the roof, occupy the commanding heights to establish firepower points and observation positions, and provide firepower support for the next attack.

The infantry lieutenant lying on the bottom of the car held up his binoculars and finally saw that the death squad seemed to be on the roof.

Overjoyed in my heart, the Imperial Association Army lying on the ground behind me shouted loudly and immediately launched an attack.

Followed by ordering the coordinated attack of the Huangxie Army in the south of the village and the north of the village, the outcome depends on one move. Uh, no, it is the final blow to the Tuba Road in the village!
Seeing the devils from the second echelon follow into the village, the puppet soldiers also launched a majestic attack formation in squads and rushed towards the village.

After the grinding disc and rocks, two rifles were found.

Just wait for the ghost lieutenant to show up!

Crazy Yang's goal was to kill the Devil commander. As for the Devil's commanding heights on the roof, it was purely a trap for the Devil's machine gun team.

The devils never expected that Tuba Road would pull the telephone line in the village tunnel!

Hu Yi didn't go down the tunnel, but lay on the roof in the east of the village, and someone below reported the situation in the west of the village from the phone from time to time.

After a while, the soldiers in charge of communication in the subdivision below began to yell: "Battalion Commander, the battery is not enough, and the phone will not last long, can you turn on the generator now?"

Hu Yi said in a deep voice, "Yes."

After receiving the order from the battalion commander, a certain soldier immediately pulled the starter rope of the generator.

The indicator light of the generator turns red, followed by a chug-chug sound
Going up to the roof to occupy the commanding heights, the devil suddenly discovered that some parts of the roof seemed to be regularly damp.

A few exposed wires were scrambled in a netting pattern in dry places on the roof.

I couldn't help but feel a little confused: What kind of high technology is Tubalu doing?

Suddenly, I heard the sound of an engine in the village.

The Devil's machine gunner froze for a moment, yelled in his heart that it was not good, and quickly took his finger off the trigger of the machine gun.

Shout out to the observer and deputy shooter on the roof, telling him to quickly lift up the randomly woven barbed wire and throw it off the roof.

The soldiers in the Ninth Battalion who seemed to have never played a role actually knew how to boost alternating current.

Nearly a thousand volts of high-voltage electricity made the devil's deputy shooter tremble immediately while pulling on the wet feet of the barbed wire, and couldn't even lose the wire in his hand.

The devil who was in charge of guarding next to him was startled, and sat down on the barbed wire fence, accidentally pressing his hand on the wet roof

The machine gunner's scalp was numb, but fortunately he was wearing military shoes on his feet, his body was not in direct contact with the barbed wire, and no current loop was formed. He didn't expect that he was lying on the power grid just now!

Quickly get up and squat down.

I can't even move now, because if I touch those barbed wire fences, there may be an electric current passing through my body.

This person knows a lot, as long as no loop is formed, a single high-voltage wire is not a threat.

It's a pity, if you know it, you know that apart from the barbed wire fence that can't be touched, there are other arrangements on the Eighth Route.

A gunshot was heard from a distance, directly knocking down the Devil machine gunner who couldn't lie down, his body was crooked and bleeding
The dead devil also began to tremble.

From the far west, the machine guns on the roof seemed to be unfired. Observers believed that there should be no sign of Balu near the commanding heights.

The devils in the courtyard below were different. They could hear the miserable screams of the machine gun team before they died.

The second echelon of the imperial army that came in from the west of the village, the imperial association army pressed against the wall and attacked the village, which could almost be called mighty.

Entering the village like flowing water, it seems that it will fill every corner of the village at any time.

Entering the village from the west, looking through the almost straight alley, it seems that you can directly see the wilderness outside the east of the village!
However, there seems to be a large mound in the middle of the village, which looks like a low wall.

When entering the village for more than [-] meters and about to reach the gate of the third courtyard, a sudden change occurred
Flames suddenly burst out from behind the mound.

Tom tom tom.
The heavy machine gun positions that had just been established suddenly fired violently.

The biggest difference between the Min [-] water-cooled heavy machine gun and the light machine gun is the rate of fire and durability.

There is not much difference in the power of bullets fired with the same caliber.

Light machine guns cannot continue to shoot, and the high temperature of the gunpowder gas makes the barrel of the light machine gun unable to withstand continuous shooting.

A magazine can be emptied in three or four seconds.

Shooting at the alley, the constantly beating trajectory of the heavy machine gun is easy to maintain.

The bullet trajectory arrogantly sprays out life-harvesting metal bullets.

The devils and puppet soldiers near the gate of the courtyard reacted quickly and rushed into the courtyard.

The devils who were far away from the gate of the courtyard were useless even if they stuck to the wall. The bullets tore apart the military uniform, penetrated into the flesh and blood, broke bones and ran wildly in the body.

Those who didn't touch the bones penetrated the body and drilled into the body of the devils and puppet soldiers behind.

It's useless to lie on the ground, the guy operating the machine gun is definitely a devil, and there is no devil standing in the whole alley.

The machine gun still didn't stop firing, pulling back and forth among the corpses on the ground, lying devils, over and over again.
Kind of like a meat grinder!

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