under fire

Chapter 1373 Miss the Wonderful Red Instructor

After listening to some theories given by the political commissar, Hu Yi understood a truth.

I was besieged by devils before, whether it was the Eighth Route Army or the national army, I was always beaten.

The big reason is that the devils always maintain a local force advantage when attacking.

If the devils have fewer hands, they can often guarantee the advantage in firepower, because the devils are accurate in marksmanship, skilled in tactics, coupled with the "Fifty Ways" spirit advocated by militarism, and the courage to not fear death for rhubarb.

Can't break the devil's three axes, three shots and eight ways are really not the devil's opponent.

Devil's marksmanship is accurate, I will kill you with the complex terrain in the village.

You have fifty spirits, and I have the mentality of being so poor that I have nothing but the gun on my body, and I just want to grab, uh, seize the equipment on your body.

You attacked the county with fierce firepower. In terms of firepower, I am no worse than you.

Everything is based on the fact that the devils have no more mortar shells.

Armored vehicles without guns are no fart in village offensive warfare.

As for a regiment of more than a thousand puppet troops, if it is useful to have more people, the puppet troops outside the village will not be puppet troops.

The student soldiers are really useful, but they even thought of installing a power grid on the commanding heights. Hu Yi doesn't understand those professional terms, anyway, it's enough to kill the little devil.

The biggest reliance is that the armed task force led the villagers to dig tunnels.

What's more, Wang Pengying and the tigers in the outer area see the delay.

The soldiers of the Ninth Battalion didn't go up to the roof. Although they couldn't occupy the high point, the little devils couldn't even think about going up.

If you shoot on the roof, you will be taken care of by the heavy machine guns on the Devil's armored vehicle. Even the windows and walls will be swarmed, so there is no need to suffer that crime.

The second lieutenant of the death squad yelled for a long time, but he didn't see the men who entered the village launch a counterattack.

Seeing that the imperial army had already entered the village, the puppet army in the west thought that they would follow the imperial army to gain resources as before to gain advantage.

The result is directly folded into a row.

Look at the squad of devils who retreated immediately after the heavy machine gun rang, squatting outside the wall of the west courtyard, helpless.

The pseudo-battalion commander lying on the west side of the village stared at the commander of the company under him, the eighth master in the village is not easy!
The south of the village and the north of the village outflanked the puppet troops who were about to enter the village. Before they approached the village, they heard the sound of heavy machine guns in the village.

Following those walls, various guns were shot here and there, and occasionally a light machine gun came out to bubble.

Coupled with more than a dozen grenades, they were thrown out, and more than a hundred security forces from the north and the south each fell to the ground in a hurry to find shelter, and more than a dozen corpses, more than [-] people with minor injuries and screams.

The second echelon behind hurriedly turned around and ran back, hiding in the field ditches outside the village without moving.

The three lieutenants behind the armored vehicle on the west side were also puzzled. They had never seen Tubalu who dared to fight against the imperial army!

The orderly sent to ask for aviation reinforcements has not returned yet.

This village has really become a hedgehog, unable to bite or chew.

No more hesitation, and immediately ordered all the troops to retreat: there is absolutely no way to take this village with grenadiers alone, without mortars!
In fact, there are still two mortars. Unfortunately, the squadron that was attacked last night destroyed all the shells it carried when it broke out at night.

Successfully captured the county seat and attacked the devil convoy, and the armed working team sent traffic officers to report to their superiors overnight.

The top commanders of the three verticals returned to northern Shaanxi for a meeting, and the remaining political commissars inspected and arranged for the people in the enemy-occupied areas to prevent the tiger from raging.

The one who stayed at the command headquarters was Minister Liu, the enemy worker.

The current situation is very severe. The heavy rains make it impossible for the river to drain all the water in a short time. The waterlogging has formed a flooded area. Many people have already developed symptoms, and a large number of people have died.

The enemy worker, Minister Liu, frowned, and received an urgent information from the traffic officer, saying that a regiment of guards had captured the county and fought a beautiful ambush.

His brow didn't relax a bit.

The common people are the foundation of the Eighth Route Army's survival. After completing the attack on the railway traffic line, it is time to return to the defense immediately and immediately strengthen the propaganda work in all villages to prevent the tiger.

Fortunately, the superiors found out early and notified the devils in advance of throwing Hulila, and also conveyed instructions on how to prevent the epidemic.

The guard battalion sent militiamen to find the column headquarters. Unfortunately, the traffic officers reported layer by layer, checked and analyzed the reliability of the information layer by layer.

Many people don't even know what Hu Lie La is.

"Report, Lunan detachment urgent!" The correspondent who came by boat handed over the small bamboo tube containing the urgent information.

Minister Liu took the note, and immediately his face changed drastically. The self-governing army guard battalion found clues yesterday morning, and the news didn't reach him until now.

The situation of the Autonomous Army is special. It is located between the first division and the third division. In fact, it is the second division of the Eighth Route Army, but there is still a second division on the surface.

The Eighth Route Army separated the military and the government, and the three vertical defense areas stretched from the second division of Lu Province in the southwest of Tianjin to the south of Taihang and the eighth division.

The Eighth Route Army is good at guerrilla warfare, and does not have an accurate concept of defense zones.

You only need to report to your superiors where your own people are active, and that is your defense zone.

The divisions are different, mainly doing local work, and developing underground armed resistance forces among ordinary people in various places in the plain.

The Independence Group has suffered once, and Su Qing is very aware of the horror of this kind of bacteria. This thing is not a poison. If the protection is not in place, it can be contagious!

I couldn't help but feel a little complicated, and dared to fight into An County with a guard battalion.

Some people don't understand why he led people to attack the county at this juncture.

The current situation is not about fighting against the enemy, the focus should be on leading the people to prevent the epidemic!
The militiamen of the Lunan detachment only received one day of training from the red instructor.

The red instructor who got Hu Yi to take down Cheng'an County, said in a hurry that he had to go to Cheng'an County to return to the team because of an urgent task.

Captain Pei had to respond to the higher-level epidemic prevention orders, and was short of manpower, so he still sent a platoon of militia to support him.

It is definitely not easy to win the county with a battalion. The self-governing army guard battalion is definitely not easy. He is active in the enemy's rear, and some of the platoon leaders under him have participated in the Anti-Japanese War and have not yet returned to the team.

It is rare to have the opportunity to learn from the guard battalion, how can it be done without arranging a few people to study there?

"Can you stop making a bitter face?"

"They didn't call me when they hit the county seat. Do you think I should laugh now?"

"I said aunt, don't you know how difficult it is to hit the county seat?"

"Now the past is just a check for them, otherwise they will make mistakes"

Suzuki was in a bad mood.

I just got the news that Cheng'an County was taken over by the Eighth Route.

Although the Autonomous Army Assault Regiment quickly regained the county seat, a squadron of imperial troops stationed in the county seat was almost wiped out.

It is unheard of that the Royal Association Army with a squadron and a battalion suffered heavy losses in the attack.

In the morning, the imperial army coming from Handan was attacked again. Fortunately, the imperial army bit the attackers.

In addition, he also encountered attacks several times and three times, and the eight anti-Japanese elements became more and more rampant, so Suzuki decided to go and see.

As the god of the imperial army, protection is inevitable.

Captain An sent a small team to accompany him.

He did not accept the captain's arrangement and only led a squad.

Under the scorching sun, the road was basically dry. There were more than a dozen ghosts sitting in the rear compartment of a truck with only the roof covered, and hurriedly set off from Wei County.

Sitting in the cab on a hot day is not a pleasure but a pain, and Suzuki sits in the rear compartment.

The machine gunner on the roof didn't even swing his machine gun.

Suzuki's assistant leaned on the railing behind the driver's cab and looked around with a binoculars.

In the field of vision, a team suddenly appeared in the distance to the south.

After careful observation for a while, there were about sixty or seventy people in the team, all wearing the uniforms of the Autonomous Army, braving the sun from south to north.

It's not like patrolling. In the wilderness where there are no villages or shops, there shouldn't be such a diligent autonomous army team!

Captain Guizi finally realized, isn't it a trick?Is this going to die to the end?That's nothing to think about, fire!

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