under fire

Chapter 1374

Chapter 1374
The guerrillas were familiar with the terrain in this area, and under the leadership of traffic officers, they crossed the Zhang River by boat.

After walking for more than ten miles, I finally left the low-lying waterlogged plain along the Zhang River.

The sound of gunfire from the north could be faintly heard.

Walking in the middle of the line, Xiao Hongying, wearing a big-brimmed hat on her head, was holding up her binoculars wretchedly, looking at the devil car coming from the east.

After looking carefully for a while: "There is one in the tortoise's belly, and at least nine on the back of the tortoise. I can't see the exact number."

Li Laosan, holding the machine gun, pulled the handle with a clatter, ready to shoot.

"Third Daoist, can you be more successful?" Xiao Hongying walked beside Li Laosan, holding up the binoculars to observe non-stop: "It's more than two miles away, why are you pulling the trigger? Don't be like a mule."

Because of Xiao Hongying's words, Li Laosan blushed: "Eight or nine devils, we have so many people, just kill them and grab the car!"

"Can you drive a car?"

"The meeting with the surname Liu will be held." Li Laosan looked at Liu Yuanqing who was walking in front of the team, wearing a devil's uniform.

"Keep speed, keep moving forward" Liu Yuanqing, who was walking in front with the guerrillas, stopped and estimated the speed of both sides.

Waiting for Xiao Hongying to come up and speak again: "Director Chang, you don't have to worry, with the speed of the devil's car, they should have passed by the time we reach the highway."

Xiao Hongying's eyes are full of stars: "Can you hurry up and catch up?"

Liu Yuan froze for a moment: "What do you want to do?"

Xiao Hongying chuckled: "Well, taking a car must be faster than walking, right?"

After staying in the team for such a long time, Liu Yuan figured out Xiao Hongying's temperament early in the morning: "This is an enemy-occupied area, I suggest you don't make any troubles."

"There are so many of us, and he's only a dozen or so devils. If you don't take advantage, can you bear it?"

"I can bear it."

"I can't stand it!"

"I said, can you not make trouble?"

"Anyway, there is no one else around, and no one knows about them. Besides, the fox fought fiercely with the devils and puppet soldiers. Who would care about so many devils?" Xiao Hongying was almost drooling.

The traffic officer leading the team at the front was a little nervous: "Take another ten miles to the north, and you should be able to meet the guard post outside the guard camp. It's really not suitable."

Liu Yuanqing didn't want to lose the big because of small things: "You calculate the time yourself, we are about three miles away from the north road, and the Devil's car is about two miles away from where we arrive at the road. Do you think we can run with two legs and four wheels?"

Xiao Hongying thought for a while, and immediately turned black: "Can't we do it before running?"

"It's such a hot day, why don't you run one for me to see?"

"I'm so mad." Xiao Hongying waved her arms helplessly.

The team didn't stop, and almost all eyes were watching the devil's car heading west with a puff of dust.

When the team was close to the road, they stopped suddenly.

At this time, the team was still two miles away from the road, whether it was far or close.

"Hahaha, this is God's will, they must be waiting for us to do something for them!" Xiao Hongying was overjoyed.

Liu Yuanqing looked at the black line at the end of the stopped car: "All the guerrillas slow down, the students behind step forward and prepare for the assault!"

Li Laosan pulled the machine gun with a bang, and a sinister smile appeared on his sweaty face: "The emperor is on the top, the Taishang Laojun is as urgent as the law, and the Taoist will let these beasts know why the flowers are so popular today!"

"Don't push the bomb into the chamber, be careful not to fire."

"For a while, you will move forward, and I will suppress you from behind."

"Suppress the fart! We are close to the assault for a while, and we spread out and there is no shooting range. Who are you covering?"

"Did you use the machine gun as a display?"

"Listen to my arrangement, make an assault in a while, you go to the west to prevent the devil's car from suddenly starting to run west, let me make it clear, I can only hit the tires, you know the light tires?"

"Do you think I'm a country bumpkin who has never seen a car?" Li Laosan was not happy.

"Everyone remember clearly, don't hit the nose in front of the car, just hit anywhere else!" Liu Yuanqing wanted to remind everyone not to hit the fuel tank. The Devil's car has right-hand drive and the fuel tank is on the left, so it is likely to hit the fuel tank.

Thinking that no one would know where the fuel tank was, and the bullet hitting the fuel tank would not necessarily catch fire, so he didn't even bother to remind him.

The distance was almost one mile, and the devil's car still didn't move.

The devils in the car began to play semaphore.

Liu Yuanqing hurriedly returned the semaphore and reported the number of the independent mixed brigade.

Then started waving and even doing a few steps of the victory dance in the sun.

The distance should be four hundred, and both sides can see each other.

At a distance of three hundred, you can see the people in Chu Guizi's car without binoculars.

At a distance of two hundred, Liu Yuanqing began to scream strangely from a distance.

The other party replied, what are they doing here?
Liu Yuanqing replied that he was from Unit [-]. This is a secret code, and most people don't know what it means.

The devils in the car were in a commotion.

The legendary bacteria army?Suzuki was also a little curious. As an elite, he knew more than many devils.

Some wanted to meet this colleague from the Secret Service.

The assistant next to him was a little worried: "I think it's better to stay away from them!"

Suzuki shook his head: "You don't understand Hu Liela, and you didn't imagine it was scary!"

The coming team was about 100 meters from the road.

The observer in the team suddenly screamed: "There is a woman in the team!"

Suzuki froze for a moment: "What?"

"Those who walk behind have bulging chests."

Suzuki held up the scoped rifle and looked at it.

Then he quickly pulled the bolt, aimed at Liu Yuanqing who was walking in the front, and pulled the trigger of the rifle.

Followed by shouting: "Drive immediately, stop after 100 meters forward!"

Seeing the devil raise the rifle with a scope, Liu Yuanqing immediately screamed loudly: "Scatter!"

When he was speaking, his body had jumped two or three meters to the side
call out.
Behind Liu Yuanqing, he was so nervous as if he was being stared at by a hunter like a rabbit. After hearing the order, he jumped into the two places without hesitation.

The bullet that rushed towards the crowd actually hit a lonely one.

The path was not completely facing the road, and this round of bullets did not pose any threat to the team behind.

Xiao Hongying suddenly yelled at Boss Li: "Take the devil's car as the target, shoot a long burst, now!"

The distance is more than a hundred meters.

The Czech machine gun suddenly started roaring, and twenty shell casings jumped out of the ground.

A layer of dust shook the path with machine guns, and the silent plain was shocked.

On the contrary, everyone on the road breathed a sigh of relief, and the battle finally started.

Follow the gun and pull the bolt to push the bomb to find the target.

I don't know if Li Laosan hit the devil's car tire
"All the rifles hit the targets in the cargo compartment!" Xiao Hongying lay on the ground and waved her hands: "Civil and military, you idiot, don't shoot grenades, hurry up and give the rifles to my aunt!"

After finishing speaking, he took the [-] cap from Wen Wuquan, threw away the big-brimmed hat, and the pigtail on his head stood half up in an instant.

The front and rear sights began to aim at the devil's head in the cab.

It was so close that the ghost driver who restarted the car had just let off the clutch.

At the moment when the car jumped forward suddenly, a bullet was ejected from the chamber.

Arrogantly flew over a distance of [-] meters, accurately entering from the devil's left ear and exiting from the right ear.

The dead devil stepped on the half-clutch and released it immediately, the car jumped forward, and then was pulled to turn off the engine.

The devils in the carriage raised their rifles and shot at the wilderness and trembled collectively.

The bullet didn't know where it went.

Instead, it attracted countless bullets.

Dozens of guns fired at the same time, and the bullets rained down on the car.

(End of this chapter)

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