under fire

Chapter 1375

on the battlefield.

Firepower is always everything.

The so-called killing the master with random punches and killing the sharpshooter with random guns.

The same is true.

The car that had just started turned off suddenly, and the strong inertia shook the devil sitting on the rear compartment who was preparing to shoot.

Before he was dizzy and had no time to organize his defense, the [-] bullets arrived as scheduled.

The target of the car is big enough. Dozens of rifles were fired randomly. The bullets pierced through the thin iron skin of the car with bang bang sound. Still having a hard time.

As soon as the Devil machine gunner put the crooked handle on the left door panel of the carriage, he was immediately hit by random guns.

The devil sitting on the right side of the car was a little lucky. On the left side, there were compartment panels and his companion's rummaging through boxes to block the bullets, so he was not shot for the time being.

But the narrow carriage was full of groaning devils, and it was impossible to organize a counterattack.

What is the concept of 300 meters?
Those with bad eyesight can't even see the target clearly.

His eyes couldn't help turning red, and he was a little lost looking at the arrogant figures of the Imperial Association Army in the distance
The uninjured observer who jumped out of the car and lay next to him hurriedly asked, "Suzuki-kun, we still have a chance at a distance, so we should evacuate here first."

Lying on the ground, he quickly loaded five bullets into the rifle, and through the bottom of the car, he emptied the five bullets in the rifle again.

According to my feeling, the distance should be more than [-] meters, which is the best shooting range of the machine gun!

For the average person, if the machine gun fires from behind while fleeing, returning fire will not be of much use at all.

call out.
A bullet just flew past his ear, and he could even feel the whistling of hot air from the ballistic trajectory.

Li Laosan pulled to the side. He was going to hit the devil's car, but just changed the magazine and vaguely saw the backs of the two devils running away.

The name of the North China Army God is not something to brag about. To be able to live for such a long time, he naturally has his own set of skills to survive on the battlefield.

There was even a burning pain on the edge of the pinna.

It is possible to be burned to death!
Suzuki, who was holding a rifle close to the driver's cab, was a little lucky that so many bullets didn't make him get shot.

Just at the moment of the head of the ditch, a bullet whizzed over.

A long-lost anger rose from the bottom of my heart and rushed directly to my forehead.

The ballistic range of the machine gun was very small, tearing back and forth between the two devils lying on their stomachs.

It flew past the shoulder of the third child who was half lying on the ground.

Suzuki looked calm. He felt that this shot would definitely hit the machine gunner of the Imperial Association Army!

The position of this shot is slightly lower, the purpose is to observe the deviation between the impact point and the target.

The two of them ran very fast, breaking their short legs like a [-]-meter sprint.

After speaking, he was the first to take the risk of being hit, and jumped out of the car from the right side with a whoosh.

The semi-canned water ballistics kept impacting left and right near the two fleeing devils, and the whistling sound of piercing the air shocked Suzuki's escape heart.

The bullet pierced through the shoulder and jumped out of the back after hitting the scapula. The severe pain made him faint immediately.

"Didn't even blew a tire." Wen Wuquan next to him did not forget to sneer: "You must pronounce the three characters backwards!"

Correct the deviation according to the landing point of the first bullet.

Immediately pressed the trigger, hissed and cursed: "Want to run? Let me see where you are going? This time I won't kill you all, Daoist writes the three characters upside down!"

Xiao Hongying quickly discovered this situation, and immediately ordered: "Hurry up to the road company, use the road above the ground to cover, and kill those two devils for me!",
She didn't shoot herself, she knew very well that the distance was 300 meters away.

The scorching sun made the earth heat up, and the air seemed to be deformed.

By feel, hit at least two targets.

The Czech light machine gun was beating violently, and the three-point shooting had long been forgotten in the back of my mind.

The deputy shooter was originally a member of the Anti-University University, and his body was already low enough, but he still couldn't dodge the bullets flying from afar.

The observer holding the binoculars immediately reported the bullet's drop point, and what adjustment should be made to shoot the target at a long distance: "Half a meter to the left, ten meters in front of the target, and the target distance is 320 meters"

He knew very well that even with the help of a six-fold scope, it might not be of much use.

We all know that the fuel tank of the car is on the left. If you continue to stay in the car in this situation, it is likely that a violent explosion will occur because the fuel tank is ignited.

His idea was very simple, the opponent's machine gun ammunition man was killed, and the twenty rounds of ammunition in the opponent's magazine had been shot out.

Even under the harsh conditions where the air on the ground was in danger, the approximate location of Li Laosan was still accurately judged.

Li Laosan, who was about to embrace the fire, had no doubts about Xiao Hongying's words at all, and immediately rolled sideways to change positions without being stunned.

Based on my feeling, the group of warriors I brought with me is probably more or less auspicious.

This kind of shooting doesn't care about the target at all, and whether it can hit the opponent is completely luck.

The heated air on the ground rises, even if you can aim at the target, [-]% of them will not be able to hit it accurately.

Whether the machine gun is good or not depends on how advanced the theory is, and the key point is proficiency.

Lying in the carriage, he yelled to the assistant next to him: "Get out!"

The screams of devils who jumped from the car kept coming from around him, which made him a little uneasy.

At a distance of more than three hundred meters, Suzuki did not continue to flee.

Next, everyone shoots rifles from a distance.

The two of them bowed their backs, borrowed the cover of the car, and rushed to the wilderness in the north without hesitation.

The opponent's machine gun is not a threat for the time being.

For Li Laosan, 300 meters is still a bit far for the best shooting distance of this machine gun.

"You bastard can say the name of Master Dao?" Li Laosan, who was pressing the trigger, did not forget to reply amidst the roar of the huge machine gun.

Li Laosan was taken aback. Now the distance between the two sides was more than [-] meters, and he was almost blindfolded.
Quickly lower your body to change the magazine.
The devil's car occasionally fought back, and the battle can basically be declared over!
Of the thirty or so people led by Xiao Hongying, the platoon leader accounted for more than half. It was the first time to participate in this kind of overwhelming battle against the enemy.
The muzzle of the gun had already been aimed at the edge of the wheel that the devil occasionally used to cover up fire, and he kept muttering in his heart, don't damage the red instructor's car!
Instructor Hong was holding up his binoculars at this time, and noticed that there seemed to be a scope on the escaped devil's rifle, his eyes were staring like copper bells, and he quickly shouted: "Li Laosan lowers his body and moves his position!"

Can't stand this kind of firepower density at all.

The two cooperated skillfully, which was equivalent to a test shot with a rifle.

The road was higher than the land on both sides to form a natural shelter, and the cats ran with their waists bent. The possibility of bullets from the south hitting them was relatively small.

Suzuki regained his composure, and replied helplessly: "Let's go"

This trick has won Luo Fugui's true teaching.

But he didn't think so, he decided to kill the damn machine gun: the machine gunner is not good enough!
In his opinion, it is strange that the machine gunner of the Imperial Association Army can be good!
Taking advantage of the trend, he rolled forward, turned around in mid-air, and pointed the rifle behind him.

Li Laosan didn't have much combat experience. He just finished shooting a shuttle at this time, and he habitually lowered his head to find the secondary shooter to fill the magazine.

He didn't worry about the threat that the Imperial Association Army could pose to him.

The landing point is just at the position of the rear tire, so there is no need to worry about being hit by bullets fired from a distance for the time being.

Twenty rounds were fired in a row, and Suzuki's assistant was shot in the arm.

Due to the sloshing of the air, the deviation between the target seen and the actual position is not small!
So, he decided to take the first shot by feeling.

At this time, the importance of the assistant was manifested. He knew what Suzumoto was going to do by feeling, and immediately stepped forward, avoiding the ballistic of the opponent's machine gun by feeling, and raised the binoculars to carefully observe the bullet's drop point.

I was ambushed a few nights ago, but I didn’t expect to suffer again in broad daylight this time. A strange thought arose in my heart: Is it not safe to take a car now?
The imperial army occupied the area here!

Suzuki missed Li Laosan, and instead of chasing the target and continuing to shoot, he aimed at Li Laosan's deputy shooter.

If you slow down a little bit, San Daoye will definitely become half an ear, if you slow down a little bit, San Daoye will definitely have to accompany Taishang Laojun to refine elixir.
"Damn it, dare to hit the Daoist." Changing positions, he immediately pulled the machine gun, aiming at the two devils who dared to hit the Daoist, and took a long-range shot.

Most of them were shot when jumping off the car, with more injuries than deaths.

After the machine gun ballistic swept past, Suzuki fired the first shot.

Hu Yi once said that when the air is heated in summer and the target is observed from a long distance, the position of the target will deviate up and down.

Even if you aim, you may not be able to hit it!

So, she decided to kill those two devils with dense bullets!

Little devil, you have good marksmanship, right?
I'll shoot and kill you, you sharpshooter!
At a distance of more than a hundred meters, the soldiers consciously approached the car in groups of three.

Wen Wuquan held the shell gun and fired at random in the carriage, then climbed into the carriage and shot the devils in the carriage one by one.

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