under fire

Chapter 1376

Chapter 1376
Walking in the enemy-occupied area, the soldiers dressed as ordinary people walking on the two wings heard the gunshots, and did not approach the location of the gunfire, but instead expanded the scope of reconnaissance.

Xiao Hongying was lying on the back of the tire, holding the [-] big cover.

Hearing her order, a class of fighters who graduated from the short-term training of the Anti-University University lined up on the side of the road.

The rifles were unleashed one after another, and the soldiers prepared to shoot in squads.

Captain Pei, who followed up to help clean up the battlefield, felt a little nervous and trembling.

She was very dissatisfied with the extravagant behavior of the Ninth Battalion soldiers cleaning the battlefield: "Isn't it okay to stab to death with a spear? How many bullets would be wasted?"

There are two devil snipers in the distance, this woman has been nagging all the way, it's really annoying.
Liu Yuanqing rolled his eyes, pulled out the crooked machine gun that was pressed by the devil's corpse, and yelled at the guerrillas who followed: "Hurry up and get two sandbags up for cover!"

In his opinion, the machine gun always felt unsafe without a sandbag bunker.

Knowing that the opponent has a sharpshooter, he didn't dare to be careless at all.

Seeing that Li Laosan was still far behind, being beaten by the devil's occasional gunshots, he dared not stand up.

This distance is not too far, but it is so hot that we can't hit it even if we aim at it!

Hurry up and lie down among the bloody devil corpses.

Then they shot at Suzuki who was lying more than [-] meters away to the north.

Xiao Hongying quickly pulled the bolt to pull out the shell casing, then turned the muzzle of the gun slightly to the right, and then slightly raised the muzzle.

At least one point had the upper hand, and the two devils escaped, so he felt that the opponent might be the precise shooter that ordinary devils call.

The rain of bullets roared from the south, hitting the ground one after another after hitting the ground.

chug chug.
A series of crooked sub-machine guns fired and roared.

Only two devils escaped

Some don't understand why the machine gun can still shoot.

Bullets flew out of the gun like elves.

Liu Yuanqing didn't wait any longer.

"What are you still doing in a daze, hit him with two grenades"

No, the devils are going to run away, don't hide, hurry up, they have all ran more than ten meters away.

There is no way to fight back if you want to run.

Bang bang bang.
Waiting for this order until all the flowers withered.

The assistant was wounded in his arm, so he had to fall down. He rolled twice on the ground in embarrassment, and slipped into the semi-human deep ditch that he had hoped for earlier.

He yelled at Gun Yuanqing, who had established a machine gun position on the carriage: "Platoon Leader Liu, report the parameters quickly."

Quickly pulled back the crooked sub-machine gun, raised the magazine to press the tablet, and the soldier next to him held the greased magazine in his hand and put it into the magazine.

After complaining about civil and military affairs, Xiao Hongying yelled at Liu Yuanqing on the carriage: "What time is it, you still need to set up a position, can't you just fire?"

Suzuki had no choice but to throw himself forward on the spot, shouting at the top of his voice, "Cover."

"Can you shoot more accurately? It's almost 50 meters away." Xiao Hongying asked the black line, it seems that civil and military skills can't be counted on for the time being.

The crooked sub-machine gun fired again immediately, firing three bursts of short bursts.

Wen Wuquan, who was fiddling with the grenade, stared wide-eyed and yelled, "Did you hit it? I think the little devil's posture looks like he's lying down in a ditch!"

"These people shouldn't be from the Imperial Association Army!" The assistant judged very accurately. After fighting for so long, there were only two of us, but the opponent didn't even catch up!No one in the Royal Association Army has this ability.

Followed the order: "Cadet class, all fire! Fire two rounds"

No one knows where the next bullet will land, it's all a matter of luck.

The sky above the head was still shrouded in bullets, and Suzuki pulled the assistant up with a cat on his waist, and trotted north: "Hold on."

The number of sandbags is temporarily insufficient, and the machine gun position has not yet formed.

The gunshots sounded intermittently, and the firing intensity of both sides was not high.

It's a pity that the devil seemed to change places after two shots, and kept moving laterally in the ditch, shooting at Li Laosan with the rifle in his hand.

Suzuki's assistant was shot, gritted his teeth and continued to observe after a simple bandage.

The ten guns fired almost at the same time, and the bullets rained down into the ditch where the devil jumped left and right.

"You don't need to teach me." Wen Wuquan pulled the firing belt based on his feeling.

You don't understand, the closer to the ground, the greater the deviation of the target, this time you watch how I deal with them
"I don't care what method you use, you must get the little devil's rifle back." Xiao Hongying's consciousness rose, she didn't say that she wanted it, and directly changed her words: "Research and research."

He noticed that the sub-shooter of the machine gun team on the south side of the car was obviously shot, and it stands to reason that it should be temporarily unable to provide magazines for the machine gun.

I didn't expect the machine gun to be accurate, the purpose was to suppress it, and give Li Laosan a chance to change positions and shoot again.

Liu Yuanqing just added three rows of bullets to the crooked handle, and raised his binoculars to observe for a while with a dark face: "The distance is 220, the southeast wind is one level, pay attention to adjust the scale, and you can shoot a little lower for the first shot, so you can see where the bullets landed."

Xiao Hongying's binoculars seemed to be glued to her face: "Have you captured any grenades?"

As for shooting the rifle against the devils, he didn't think he could take advantage of it.

The gunfire became sparse, and the militiamen were busy cleaning the battlefield, occasionally looking up to see that the devils who were more than two hundred away hadn't fired.

Xiao Hongying thought that she should be very sure of this bullet, and immediately raised the binoculars after firing the shot.

Liu Yuanqing roughly estimated the position: "Correct one meter to the right, raise the muzzle and aim at the upper edge of the devil's helmet."

Tom. The grenade rushed into the air.

"Pay attention to the raised spot on the edge of the ditch, the little devil will probably shoot back from there, hey, keep your head down"

Wen Wuquan smiled awkwardly: "Hey, mistake, mistake, this little devil's grenadier is not quite the same as what we got before."

Suzuki's goal was to destroy the machine gun in the "Imperial Association Army" first, and the assistant was shot in the arm, so he didn't care about the militiamen who were busy on the north side of the car.

He didn't know that his opponent this time was completely different from the devils he had seen before.

Her goal is to hold a Suzuki with a scope.

Wen Wuquan proudly put a grenade into the grenade: "Hey, there are two grenades, sixteen grenades!"

The screams of warheads passed by the two devils from time to time.

If the opponent is really a sniper, it may not be possible to take advantage of all these people.

Li Laosan's crooked light machine gun rang out, followed by the gunshots of the anti-university students who picked up [-] big covers.

Hitting a moving target, because she couldn't see where her bullet landed, Xiao Hongying hit a running dog, but she couldn't hit the devil who was moving left and right.

By the way, he asked the observer on the other side who was holding his telescope: "Did you hit it this time?"

The location where Suzuki was hiding was once again covered in ashes, and Liu Yuanqing shot the last shell in one go.

Disregarding the possibility of being targeted by devil snipers, he pulled the trigger and fired a crooked sub-machine gun with half a bucket and three magazines, and stopped shooting immediately.

It feels like a sandbag.

A puff of gunpowder smoke rises in the distance.

Xiao Hongying's marksmanship was good, and a bullet was fired immediately.

"The devil is hiding in the ditch, how would I know? Anyway, I didn't see the devil emerge."

Sandwiched at the impact point of the machine gun bullet, a bullet came from Xiao Hongying's shooting.

Xiao Hongying saw that the air was rising due to the heat, and the figures of the two devils in the distance kept shaking.

"That's right, the other party has masters!" Suzuki felt a little uneasy: "I have some bad premonitions, it may be the guerrillas of the national army!"

The assistant gritted his teeth: "Mr. Suzuki, hurry up and leave north and go back to Wei County first. I'll stay and cover."

"No, it's just a few fleas." Suzuki raised his head and looked to the north: "Go first if you are injured, I will cover, please be sure to enter the village before they surround you, as long as you enter the village, this will be their burial place! "

No matter how good a sniper is, he must be accompanied by an observer. He is not alone.

(End of this chapter)

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