under fire

Chapter 1377

The Devil Junshen was careless for a moment, and capsized in the gutter.

Unexpectedly, someone would dare to attack the elite of the warrior elite among the invincible warriors in the occupied area.

Countless regular troops of the national army were defeated by him, and countless commanders of the national army died under his gun.

Suzuki was not dejected by the death of his compatriots, but instead aroused his boundless fighting spirit!
I followed the ditch all the way to the north, looked back from time to time, and after running for more than a mile, I suddenly found that those guys were still on the road, as if they had no intention of chasing them at all.

The gunfire had long since ceased, and there were faint gunshots and grenade explosions from farther to the north.

That is to say, the current location does not seem to be far from the group of eight roads surrounded by the imperial army.

He couldn't help but stop, and raised the telescope handed to him by the observer to observe, he couldn't help hesitating.

After a while, my mind became active again, should I go back and lure them here, or should I leave here first?

I always feel bad about leaving.

At least a few of them have to be killed first.

The opponent has two light machine guns with heavy firepower, and two grenade launchers on the car. There is nowhere to cover on the plain, so I may not be able to take advantage of it.

If it reveals the ability to kill the target at a super long distance, it is even more impossible for the opponent to catch up.

Up to now, he still judged that the group of fake soldiers who attacked the car should be guerrillas of the national army!

This matter doesn't make any sense. The imperial army has no war with the national army in North China, and they have reached a tacit agreement that the current strategic goal is to eliminate the Eighth Route Army.

Maybe they heard the wind and were going to the north to reinforce the besieged Eight Routes?

Therefore, he decided to "show the enemy weakness" first, and then attract them to the northern village and shoot them one by one!

One person against five NO.60 people, this guy doesn't know where his confidence comes from, and he even thinks that he should show weakness to the enemy!

on the road.

Li Laosan held the machine gun in disgrace and muttered to Wen Wuquan: "Hey, tell me, why am I so happy?"

Wen Wuquan winked: "Young girl threw a stone at her foot this time, and she was deflated. Did you see that her braids are all wilted?"

Liu Yuanqing denied Xiao Hongying's order to pursue.

Xiao Hongying was a little dumbfounded, because Liu Yuanqing directly cited the regulations of the Eighth Route Army: military affairs are decided by the commander.

As an instructor, she has no right to interfere with military operations in wartime.

"Hey, that devil has a rifle with a scope in his hand"

"Hmm." Liu Yuanqing blocked several bullet holes on the fuel tank with cotton wrapped in bullets.

"There are only two devils!" Xiao Hongying, who was beside her, continued to discuss with great effort.

"I know." Liu Yuanqing blocked the fuel tank, followed by yelling at the soldiers who were in a hurry but had nowhere to start to change the tires.

The random shooting just now had blown all the tires on the left rear of the car.

"I'll lead a squad, grab the gun back!" Xiao Hongying tried not to get angry.

"If you can get it back, I'll eat this car tire." Liu Yuanqing shook his head and rejected Xiao Hongying's risky behavior.

"Don't be shameless." Xiao Hongying was on the verge of erupting.

"Don't play tricks on me, hey, I won't do what you say." Liu Yuanqing continued to teach the soldiers how to remove tire screws.

"Believe it or not, I'm dismissing you as a platoon leader right now?"

"No problem, I don't mind if you find me fired"

"You fire, are you stupid to be an aunt?"

"Then implement the regulations that instructors must not interfere with military command."

"I never said that an instructor can't command a battle."

"You think I'm stupid?"

"How about I take a platoon"

"I said aunt, it's not that I don't agree, those two devils are not ordinary, you take a row there, if half of them can come back, I will change your surname to Hong"

"Why are those two devils unusual?"

"One is a sniper, the other is an observer!"

"how do you know?"

"There was only one devil who shot, and the other devil kept watching through the binoculars. Li Laosan's machine gun was more than 300 meters away from them, and the deputy shooter was shot on the ground. Moreover, your marksmanship is also good, and you are heated on the ground. In the complex situation of deformation, can you hit a target [-] meters away?"

"I'm just a little weird, I aimed at that devil, but I couldn't hit it"

"Under normal circumstances, you may be able to hit a target 300 meters away, but the air is heated and the light will be refracted"

"Light refraction? Can you make it simpler?"

"You are asked to learn culture, but you just don't listen."

"Learning culture is of little use."

"What about you?"

"Don't, don't, my aunt will never learn to recite poems and write lyrics"

"With culture, you can learn how to calculate the trajectory of bullets and shells, and you can also drive cars, armored vehicles, and airplanes," Liu Yuanqing began to fool.

"They only have a rifle with a scope."

"Do you not believe me?" Liu Yuanqing was about to turn his face when he saw that this oily man refused to enter.

"I believe in you!" Xiao Hongying clearly believed in her heart, but she still felt like a cat was scratching her heart if she didn't get the gun.

However, Liu Yuanqing used the Shangfang sword left by Hu Yi when he left to talk about the matter: the commander has the final say on military affairs.

When Hu Yi assigned himself the position of instructor, he must have thought of this.
No, you are the company commander, okay?
Back then, in order to retain talents, he casually handed over the post of spy company commander to Crazy Yang.
For a moment, my head and melon seeds felt dizzy, and my intestines were full of regret.

Li Laosan next to him came over: "I think a rifle won't do much for the battlefield."


"I want to learn to drive a car"

"Look for someone surnamed Liu"

"Listen to them, you can drive a car?"

"Of course." Xiao Hongying finally became a little happier.

"Indeed, I drove to the ditch and found a platoon to lift the car out, I don't know who it is." Liu Yuanqing muttered.

"how do you know?"

"Do you think there is something about Jiuying that I don't know about?"

Xiao Hongying became angry, and looked around: "Who is it? Who betrayed me. The secrets of the Ninth Battalion?"

"Report, instructor, it's me. Brother Tang told me about this. I couldn't hold back and told Platoon Leader Liu." Wen Wuquan straightened his chest, his face full of indifference.

Xiao Hongying had a dark face: "That bitch Tang Dagou, what else did he say?"

"She said that you are narrow-minded, wicked and smoky, that you can even deceive others, and that your marksmanship is not as good as him. Also, you have been deceived many times and failed, and you have done stupid things like stealing chickens without losing money." Civil and military Quan Yangyang proud.

Xiao Hongying was dumbfounded, where is the prestige of an instructor?

The equipment and military uniforms on the devil's body on the ground were stripped off, and more than ten corpses were randomly thrown on the side of the road.

The female guerrillas in the team shot smoothly during the battle just now, and at this moment they finally blushed.
Liu Yuanqing opened the driver's door full of bullet holes and cleaned out the broken glass.

It doesn't matter that there are brain plasma and blood stains on the cushion.

Step on the clutch, put in neutral, turn the key, and start the car with one stroke.

Fortunately, the devil's car has a good performance, unlike some imported cars that have to use the crank to start.

Then stick out your head: "Everyone get in the car"

"Hey, how many people can fit in such a big carriage?"

"It's okay to squeeze, it's not far anyway." Liu Yuan made it clear that the living conditions of the Eighth Route Army were poor. Most of the soldiers weighed only a hundred and ten catties, plus twenty catties of equipment, and more than 60 people weighed more than three tons. It's less than four tons, and the devil's car has a load of three tons. It shouldn't be a problem to be overloaded.

The trouble is that the wounded take up space.

The cargo compartment was packed to the brim.

Six were hung on both sides of the cab door, and three sat on the top.

Five were hung on the side doors on each side of the cargo compartment, and four more were hung on the rear door.
With the roar of the engine, Liu Yuanqing honked the car horn on purpose, the car shook for a while, and then wobbled towards the west

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