under fire

Chapter 1378

The car full of people walked westward for three miles and slowed down.

Sitting in the driver's cab, Xiao Hongying warned: "Be careful, don't get too close to those two devils. If you can't do anything, immediately bypass them and evacuate northward, and join the guard soldiers outside Wang Pengying."

"Don't worry, I know the severity!" Li Laosan was wearing a Taoist robe, hanging on the left side of the cab.

"Those devils will either go back to the city, or they will chase after them. Don't be careless."

"I'm afraid they won't come after me." Li Laosan curled his lips.

He took two guerrilla fighters who knew how to fight, and two student platoon leaders hanging on the left side of the cargo compartment, and jumped out of the car one after another.

Although I don't know much about cars, I usually have a lot of experience in jumping from a carriage.

After getting off the car, the five masters looked a little embarrassed, put their hands on the ground, and staggered into the drainage ditch on the south side of the road.

Xiao Hongying poked her head out: "After we pass by, we will follow and arrange for people to come from the north to outflank the two devils."

"Only the two devil sharpshooters. If he dares to come over, I will blow them up." Li Laosan, who was hiding on the south side of the roadbed, waved his hand and tightened the grenadier on his back.

Seeing the car slowly heading west.

Suzuki's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

The imperial military god was robbed of his car, he was so ashamed.

The ghost observers heading north stopped and ran south: "They must be going to reinforce the trapped Eight Routes."

Suzuki put down the binoculars: "Can you still move?"

Observation is no big problem, just can't shoot.

Hearing the gunshots from the northwest direction, Suzuki narrowed his eyes and pointed to the northwest direction: "Since they are going to reinforce, let's just take a shortcut!"

The village was surrounded with water.

Gunshots in and outside the village were sometimes sparse and sometimes dense.

Tubalu was stunned, but he didn't show his head.

From the siege of the village to the present, the battle has been going on for almost two hours, and devils and puppet troops have entered the village many times.

Every time, more people went in and fewer people got out.

The ghost lieutenant and the pseudo-head finally realized that something was wrong.

The small village seems to have become a hard bone that cannot be chewed.

Moreover, there seems to be an engine ringing in the village!
Could it be that Tubalu hid some new weapons in the village?
The west made a frontal attack, and only a small number of devils and puppet troops entered the village. The puppet troops who attacked at the same time in the south and north of the village saw the fierce firepower in the village, and retreated more than a hundred meters away again.

The three lieutenants got together to discuss again, but they didn't come up with an idea for a while.

The pseudo regiment leader next to him watched for a long time, and finally saw some tricks.

The wheeled armored chariots of the imperial army are completely useless against this kind of village and street fighting.

The Eighth Route concentrated its forces in the west of Zhongcun, and used the terrain to form a local force advantage to confront the imperial army.

Tunnels must be used to dispatch troops. When the imperial army is concentrated, they will be bombed with grenades, and they will move back and forth through the tunnels to shoot with machine guns.

The rifle hidden on the roof, the shell gun hidden behind the wall, the skirmishers who beat the wall and the house
In essence, it is still an ambush.

It's just that this time there are more eight-way bullets and more light machine guns.
From a tactical point of view, changing the soup does not change the medicine!
Thinking of this, I suggested to Taijun: "In my opinion, Tuba Road must use tunnels and open walls in the village to move back and forth. They have deployed heavy troops in the west of the village, so the firepower in other directions should be relatively weak. Let's change direction?"

The eyes of the three lieutenants brightened. The battle in the west of the village was fierce, while the other three directions would be quiet after a burst of gunshots every time.

The infantry lieutenant patted the pseudo-regimental commander on the shoulder: "What you said is very reasonable. This time, you will personally lead the team to attack from the south of the village!"

The lieutenant of the gendarmerie then praised: "That's right, we will continue to attack the front on the surface, but in fact you will attack with all your strength!"

The tank lieutenant nodded: "I will suppress firepower for you."

The pseudo-regimental leader didn't hesitate this time, and suddenly became proud: "Don't worry, as long as you continue to fight fiercely, I will transfer another company to the south. When the fighting is fierce, we will launch a 'general' attack and calm down all at once. village!"

South of the village.

There are twenty or thirty machine gun shooting holes on the courtyard wall, and there are only four light machine guns behind.

Luo Fugui squatted at the base of the wall, holding up his binoculars and looking at it for a while.

Handed the binoculars to the observer next to him: "Keep an eye on those guys."

After finishing speaking, he huddled under the wall and panted heavily: "Save the ammunition for me. Observer, is there any movement from the puppet army?"

Didn't you just watch it?The observer who just took over the binoculars had a black line: "They are all lying in the trenches dug by the puppet army before, and there is not a single one who stands out."

"If you see messengers from the puppet army heading south from the west, shoot immediately, and don't let any of them go," Luo Fugui yelled at the fifth platoon of machine gunners next to him, and the soldiers lying on the roof of the yard.

"The enemy seems to be giving orders with a signal flag." The observer on the roof began to shout.

Luo Fugui kicked the observer soldier next to him: "It should be the devil commander who is assigning combat missions, watch carefully!"

The observers on the roof kept reporting: "The devils are giving the puppet army an attack order."

"Looking at the semaphore, it seems that we must wait for a frontal attack before attacking with all our strength."

Luo Fugui ordered the militia platoon leader next to him: "Devils like to play frontal attack and outflank! Don't rush to shoot later. When the puppet army enters the 20-meter range, you throw grenades. Then the position will be full of gunpowder smoke. We are in charge of suppressing firepower, you take someone to get back the guns and ammunition of the puppet soldiers outside the village."

"Yes!" The militia platoon leader who held the rifle tightly in his hand responded immediately.

Luo Fugui assigned the combat mission again: "When the battle starts, there will be gunpowder smoke and gunshots everywhere. If the devils want to give new orders, they can only rely on messengers."

The soldier lying on the top of the wall answered immediately: "Company commander, since this is the case... then can I specialize in fighting the devil's messenger?"

"Don't you boast that you are a sharpshooter every day? If you can't shoot at a distance of 100 meters later, report to He Gensheng of the health team tomorrow." Luo Fugui nodded.

"Little devil, isn't he standing there waiting for me to fight?" The sharpshooter's eyes widened to indicate that it was difficult.

"During this time, you have been practicing with Liu Yuanqing for almost half a month, focusing on shooting moving targets, wasting more than 100 rounds of bullets on me." Luo Fugui immediately turned black.

"Then I'll try it!"

"Just to be on the safe side, when the time comes, the machine gun and the rifle will definitely cover him!" The machine gunner behind the firing hole couldn't help but turn around and interjected.

"Be careful to hit two shuttles before going back to the tunnel, and be careful of the devil's grenades." Luo Fugui stood up while speaking, took the telescope from the observer and looked out through the observation hole.

The sharpshooter murmured: "That bastard, Crazy Yang, after fighting for so long, it seems that the little devil's grenadier has not been destroyed."

"You know what a fart, the real grenadier players in the little devil's team have almost changed a round, but almost everyone in the little devil's infantry can use grenade." The observer on the roof couldn't help answering.

"Are you dazzled?" Ban Er curled his lips.

"I'm not blind," muttered the observer.

"You can really blow."

"What's there to brag about? Just like in our platoon, how many of them can't use machine guns?" Half an ear yelled triumphantly.

Before the war, it would be a lie to say that you were not nervous.

Talking to each other can really relieve that tension.

Crazy Yang and Dagou are guarding the north and south ends of the west of the village.

Hu Yi came out of the tunnel with a machine gun in hand: "Is there any movement in the Devil's armored vehicle?"

The big dog shook his head: "The armored vehicle did not move. There are three devils behind the third armored vehicle. They should be the commander of this battle."

After finishing speaking, he gave Hu Yi his observation position behind the millstone.

Hu Yi held up the binoculars to observe for a while, then turned his head and ordered to the correspondent: "Let Wan Baxi concentrate all the heavy firepower and shoot five salvos at the rear of the third armored vehicle!"

"Yes!" The correspondent couldn't help asking, "Do you want to fire mortars?"

"I said to concentrate all the heavy firepower! Hurry up!" Hu Yi frowned.

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