under fire

Chapter 1379

Chapter 1379

There are many people from the martial arts hall, but it is not certain how powerful they really are.

Blood and flesh, life and death, gunpowder and flames of war have been seen a lot, and Hu Yi's understanding of the battlefield has been deeply rooted in his bones.

He just took a look at the small-scale battlefield situation, and he could come up with a whole set of countermeasures in his mind without analyzing the situation between the enemy and us.

Relying on the village to deal with, rationally distributing troops and deploying firepower may not be perfect, but it is completely sufficient to deal with the conceited and lack of heavy firepower of the garrison devils and puppet troops who pretend to be powerful.

Everyone knows that in addition to fighting for firepower, the battlefield is also fighting for casualties.

Compassion does not command soldiers, so the soldiers of the Ninth Battalion seldom grieved needlessly for the casualties.

Every account is written on the devil's head first, and the devil's blood and life are used to wash it away.

However, Hu Yi never arranged to kill one hundred enemies and injure eighty of them.

With the strength of a battalion, against an enemy that is four times stronger than oneself, in addition to courage, guts are also needed.

I have fallen into desperation many times and survived from death.

In the face of a strong enemy, my heart is still calm.

What kind of generals there are, what kind of soldiers there are!

When Luo Fugui, a bandit carrying a machine gun, met Hu Yi, who also loved the firepower of machine guns, for the first time, it was destined that the two would have a unique intersection.

Following Hu Yi, the mule, who sweeps a large area and shrinks his head when he hits a shuttle, has a hard-to-change nature, but the output of machine gun firepower in battle has already been integrated into his bones with Hu Yi.

From being an unqualified big-headed machine gunner, Hu Yi was subtly influenced step by step, and his soul seemed to have become a machine gun.

There are unreasonable battles, and all battles are centered on machine guns.

For the Ninth Battalion, the machine gun position has always directly determined the basic formation. This time the battle seems to be very different from the previous ones!

From Li Xiang who was barely able to shoot grenades out with a grenadier, until now, he was almost as accurate as the second-rate devil grenadiers.

He was fed entirely by live ammunition.

Wan Baxi is a different kind. He is an artilleryman of the national army, but it is absolutely impossible to say how powerful an artilleryman he is.

Just like an oil seller, if you shoot too many shells, even if you can't point to where to shoot, it's probably not a problem to shoot.

Crazy Yang is not a professional artilleryman, he understands the theory of artillery, but unfortunately this guy has too few words, and Wanbai still got a lot of artillery theory from him.

After receiving the battalion commander's order, they quickly arranged for the soldiers to put the mortar grenades on the roof.

Few in the Ninth Battalion could shoot grenades accurately, and this thing doesn't need to be accurate. His idea is also simple, so it can't be accurate, right?
I'll give you a cannon fire coverage!
Eight grenade launchers, five rounds are forty grenades, and if you are lucky, you can kill the little devil commander hiding behind the armored vehicle!

This group of mobs gathered together and each played their own strengths. They kept nearly [-] devils with five armored vehicles and more than a thousand puppet soldiers outside the village, making it difficult for them to advance or retreat.

In the village, Captain Xiao of the militant armed task force looked at the two mortars and the twelve small cannons (bombs) put out by the soldiers led by Wan Baxi, and his heart trembled with excitement.

The Eighth Route Army is poor!

Many regiment-level combat units do not have mortars, and many do not even have heavy machine guns!

Not to mention the rapid development of the Eighth Route Army, most of the teams cannot guarantee that they have guns in their hands.

In the past, mortars were only available at the central and battalion level of the national army. The infantry of the national army generally carried [-] ammunition, and the Ninth Battalion averaged over a hundred, not to mention surpassing the soldiers of the national army, and even comparable to devils!
In the Ninth Battalion, half of the ordinary soldiers in the Ninth Battalion have the shell guns that are only available to the commanders of many teams.

That big dog Tang is even more brazen, saying that the shell gun is cumbersome
The equipment of the Ninth Battalion far exceeded his imagination.
In the three verticals, if any company's infantry can be fully equipped with [-] cover, it will definitely show off the limelight and show off its wealth.

A [-] big cover means killing or injuring a devil!
You must know that fighting a devil in an ambush usually costs the lives of five soldiers, and it is even more difficult to kill a devil on the plain.

However, Jiuying didn't care about Sanba Dagai at all.

In fact, he could also guess that the Ninth Battalion had no choice but to get the devil's rifle, but it was hard to get ammunition.

It is far less easy to deal with than the bullets of the seven or nine rifles.

Many regiment-level units of the Eighth Route Army have small bullet reloading factories. He has seen the bullets of the soldiers of the Ninth Battalion, and there is not a single bullet that is reloaded!
Measuring the combat effectiveness of an army is not just about equipment.

What's more important is the commander's command level, how to fight everything is up to him.

After Jiuying entered the plain, it was like a fish entering water, without any rules and regulations on its head.

Regardless of the common people, everything depends on seizure.

He was also a little worried. This kind of team has no foundation and can do whatever it wants on the plain. Once it is surrounded by devils, there will be no reinforcements at all, and the whole army will be wiped out easily.

Typical military adventurism, as defined by superiors
A voice interrupted his thoughts.

"The distance is one hundred and twenty, press one hundred and three to hit the target: behind the devil's third armored vehicle, the devil's headquarters!" Wan Baxi, who was in charge of the command, shouted.

The soldiers next to him immediately waved the flag and shouted: "Test shot."

The No. [-] grenade fighter pulled the belt, and a grenade rushed out of the barrel
The grenade exploded suddenly at a position more than [-] meters behind the Devil's car.

"Raise the elevation angle by five degrees, and shoot a volley!" Wan Baxi entered the command state and yelled.

The messenger soldier next to him yelled: "Raise the elevation angle by five degrees, prepare to fire a volley!"

Twelve grenadier-wielding fighters on different roofs pulled the firing belt almost simultaneously.

There is a sequence of voices, it sounds like there is only one dull voice
"Second volley." Wan said the order in his thin mouth: "Mortar is ready!"

At a distance of more than 100 meters, the mortar has zero charge, and the muzzle is slightly westward and almost goes straight into the sky.

Troops are being dispatched to prepare for a new round of attack.

Suddenly there was a scream, followed by a grenade bombing behind the armored vehicle.

The ghost observer with a binoculars tried to find out the location of the eighth road where the grenade was fired in the village.

According to the feeling, the Eighth Route in the village seems to be fighting armored vehicles.

It's a pity that Tuba Road is Tuba Road, and it doesn't work well with projectiles.

Surprised, the second lieutenant who was attacked last night said that there were mortars on the eighth road!

Tuba Road has not fired, obviously hiding its firepower.

Suddenly realized that in addition to mortars, the eight roads in the village also have grenade launchers!

It must have been a few grenadiers seized during the surprise attack on the county seat.

There seemed to be a muffled noise that was much louder than before in the village, and then a special whistling sound became louder and harsher.

Dozens of black dots appear one after another in the sky

The observer immediately raised his voice to warn: "The enemy..."

call out.
A bullet flew from nowhere, went straight into the right side of his cheek, and shot back the word "Xi" that he didn't have time to rush out of his mouth.

The big dog hiding in the gap between the millstones behind the wall of the west courtyard of the village proudly pulled the bolt: "Damn you for a long time"

Another bullet burrowed into the chest of one of the additional Devil Grenadiers
The devil's military police lieutenant, who was still looking at the grenade bombing point behind the armored vehicle, suddenly realized something, and immediately turned around and ordered: "Grenade launcher, fight back immediately!"

This man reacted quickly, and after saying this, he went directly to the bottom of the armored vehicle.

The two lieutenants next to them turned their heads, searched for cover, and hid under the armored vehicle one after another.

I feel a little regretful, I seem to have forgotten a "little thing" before: dig a hole or make a bunker as the headquarters.
boom boom boom
The ground behind the third armored vehicle shook violently again and again.

In an instant, a large area of ​​earth and sand was stirred up like a waterfall.

Gunpowder smoke billowed like fog.

Shrapnel shattered the ground like hail and blasted in all directions.

The strange cry of the ugly man resounded instantly.

The grenade falling on the armored vehicle made a loud and crisp sound.
The gunpowder smoke seemed to be reddish, and the armored body was hit by shrapnel, making a dense tinkling sound.

The three-ton body seems to be in the center of a violent storm, making metal friction and creaking sounds
Hu Yi, who was lying on the base of the wall behind the grinder, frowned: "Thousands of thin and dry ones are beautiful, aimed right, the distance is right, and the coverage is perfect!"

(End of this chapter)

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