under fire

Chapter 1380 Specializing in Important Targets

For hundreds of years, artillery has been the most arrogant existence.

Devil three lieutenants luxury configuration.

Originally thought that it was easy to catch a turtle in the urn, but the situation took a sudden turn for the worse.

In their smooth military career, they have never been covered by heavy artillery fire.

In their cognition, they have always chased the fleeing Tubalu to fight, and killing those Tubalu with bullets and bayonets is called a battlefield.

Stabbing and killing those disobedient ordinary people at will is a daily routine.

Anti-gun training, in the eyes of all devils, is a child's play.

There is a first time for everything.

For many devils, the first time they were shelled was also the last time their dogs would hit them.

Gunpowder smoke completely enveloped the third armored vehicle.

Fragments formed by forty grenade grenades and ten rounds of [-] mortar shells tore the body full of holes without finding cover in the covered area.

The devils who didn't hurt their vitals were stunned by the shock wave of the explosion.

Except for the quickest responder, the lieutenant of the devil military police under the car, the scene was a mess of flesh and blood, and no one moved.

Lieutenant Dori of the Gendarmerie buzzed, and just raised his head to figure out what was going on, when the top of his head hit the steel plate on the bottom of the car, and became dizzy again.

The two lieutenants who were following him, who were also preparing to get under the car, were not so lucky.

Even during the shelling of Baza, their assistants rushed forward desperately and tried to block the shrapnel with their bodies, but they still failed to escape the dense shrapnel.

The ghosts of the puppet army of the reserve team lying in the shallow pit were stunned at the "command" that was filled with gunpowder and was in a mess.

This seems to barely qualify as artillery coverage?
The shelling appears to be over.

Rifles came and went in the village.

Bullets roared in the smoke.

After a long while, the second lieutenant of the devil's reserve team got up from the ground in embarrassment, screaming strangely: "Help me."

The enraged second lieutenant rushed into the gunpowder first, crying loudly, "Your Excellency, lieutenant."

The gunpowder smoke glared at the eyes and choked the nose, the second lieutenant had no choice but to withdraw from the gunpowder smoke, trying to catch his breath.
The grenadiers have been changed for a round, and this eight-way sharpshooter who has completely forgotten that there are sharpshooters in the village at this time.

call out.
An arrogant bullet flew from a distance, knocking the impatient second lieutenant to the ground.

The second lieutenant stared at the sky with his eyes wide open, blood was spraying from his nose and mouth, his eyes blinked constantly, aggrieved!

How could the imperial warriors die so uselessly?
Will not!
It's just that he was shot in the right chest and was injured. If he was treated in time, he shouldn't die.
I feel a little relieved that the health guards are bandaging themselves
Nearly three hundred devils were present.

The death commando that rushed into the village was almost wiped out.

More than half of the first team of the reinforcement squadron participated in the attack suffered casualties, and the western wall of the village that had been seized fell into the hands of the village's Eighth Route Army again.

The second echelon was lying on the ground more than [-] meters away from the west courtyard wall of the village.

The third squad leader of the reserve team was seriously injured, and Sergeant Cao, who was supposed to take over the command immediately, couldn't make up his mind for a while.

He believes that according to the current battlefield situation, the two captains in front are the best candidates to take over the command.

Hurry up and shout to the armored vehicle commander next to him for cover with heavy machine guns.

Let the messenger call the second team leader to come back and take over the command.

"You brag about your marksmanship every day, and you can't hit the devil's head at a distance of more than sixty meters?" The observer's tone was sarcasm.

Thinking of his brother who died tragically, the big dog with a ferocious face twisted his mouth: "You know what, if you hurt a devil commander, the little devil will come up with an assistant and then a medic."

With that said, pull the trigger.

Arrogantly interrupting the arm of the devil medical soldier who was bandaging the shot second lieutenant.
I have never heard of such a wonderful rule of not fighting medical soldiers on the battlefield, and there is no such thing as three disciplines and eight attentions!
"Big dog, are you going back as you live? I can hit such a big target with my eyes closed."

"You know what a fart, you see I'm hitting his right leg now." The big dog raised his gun and muttered.

The bullet with the eyes accurately hit the devil's health soldier's right calf.

"Hey, big dog. There seem to be two eyes under the machine gun of the armored vehicle."

The big dog was stunned for a moment, and aimed at it with wide eyes: "Hey, what the hell, you can see clearly, how did I blow his dog's eyes?"

South of the village.

The puppet army has concentrated two companies, and the puppet battalion commander has just received an order from the regiment commander, and will prepare for the main attack later.

The imperial army seemed to have been bombed, and the smoke filled the air for a while without knowing the situation.

The pseudo-battalion commander thought that the Eighth Route Army planted a lot of landmines in the west of the village in advance.

However, after waiting for a long time, they did not find that the imperial army from the west cooperated to launch a feint attack first.
Until the observer under him yelled in horror: "Not good battalion commander, there are artillery on the eighth road in the village!"

"What do you say?"

The observer emphasized: "I can see very clearly that the eight roads in the village opened fire!"

"Damn your mother, whoever has a cannon can still be called Balu?"

The observer was confused: "What's that called?"

"You have to be called Baye!" The pseudo-battalion commander rolled his eyes and said, "Give me a bright spot in the tricks, and spread out quickly, don't squeeze into a ball."

The false company commander next to him who was ready to attack again asked in a low voice, "Then shall we continue the main attack?"

The pseudo-battalion commander rolled his eyes, Ren'er: "I beat your mother, and even the imperial army with armored vehicles was beaten. Do you think that your boy, the Taishang Laojun possessed, is worse than the imperial army?"

The Second Lieutenant of the Devil's Second Squad swayed left and right, crawled to the side of the armored vehicle, and suddenly his body shook.

A bullet pierced through the chrysanthemum from the back, and after the bullet hit the pelvis, it swirled and tore apart a lot of water in the abdominal cavity.

Perhaps the muscles were not injured.

The guy immediately jumped eight feet high on the spot, and let out a miserable howl that didn't sound like a human voice.

"No, the second lieutenant was shot, hurry up and rescue him!" Sergeant Cao waved immediately after him.

call out.
The arm broke instantly
Commanders, grenadiers, machine gunners and other important targets were constantly killed, and the devil observer finally found out: "Pay attention, there are eight-way sharpshooters hiding in the rock piles in the corner of the courtyard!"

The devils who lost the command of the lieutenant and second lieutenant were a little confused.

Observers are heard yelling.

The well-trained devils who are invincible in the world are chaotic but not defeated.

Throwing grenades, light and heavy machine guns, and rifles immediately shot violently at the rotten millstones and chaotic stones on the wall of the west courtyard of the village.

The pseudo-head who had just left Taijun's headquarters had lingering fears.

Watching the gunpowder smoke gradually dissipate, and the scene near the imperial army headquarters with corpses and blood all over the place, my heart sank.

If I hadn't come out and arranged for my subordinates to attack, I might have ended up with the two Taijun lieutenants at this time!
Well, the lieutenant of the imperial army seems to be dead, and I can't be alone!
Gritting his teeth, he ordered his confidants: "Quick, shoot me in the arm."

"What?" My heart froze for a moment.

"Hurry up and shoot Lao Tzu in the arm, or I won't be able to explain it."

Confidant and considerate: "It's not easy to play with a knife and gun after an arm is injured. I think spanking is better."

Another confidant seconded: "It makes sense"

"I think, the Imperial Army's [-]th cover is more penetrating, why don't you borrow one from the Imperial Army?"

The pseudo-regiment leader listened to the mutterings of the two men with a dark face, and drew out his pistol: "Use my small-caliber pistol."

"Ah!" The false head let out a scream and jumped up from the trench.

"Hygienist, hurry up and bandage!" Another confidant next to him hurriedly lowered the head of the group, so don't be caught by Eight Roads at this time.

The pseudo-battalion commander next to him suddenly muttered: "I got shot in the butt. It doesn't seem like a big deal, does it?"

The confidant turned his head and asked, "What did you say?"

"That would mean we're running away!"

"Then what do you mean?"

"I think it's better to take a shot in the arm."

"Fuck you." The left buttock was shot and two holes were shot horizontally, and the false regiment commander who had just finished bandaging kicked the proposed pseudo-battalion commander in the stomach: "Why didn't you say it sooner. "

"It's still so fierce after being shot, the commander is a bullshit!" The false battalion commander put on the big-brimmed hat.

"Don't worry, Captain, there is absolutely no injury to the muscles and bones, and there are no major blood vessels in this place." The one who shot earlier shrank his neck.

As soon as he finished speaking, he found that the leader suddenly stopped moving, and he probably passed out from the pain: "I was shot in the butt, does it hurt so much?"

The pseudo-battalion commander suggested again: "Fill another shot in the arm! The imperial army is not easy to fool."

So the pseudo-regiment leader who fainted was shot again.

"What are you looking at me for?" The confidant looked wary.

"I don't want to lead people to attack either." The false battalion commander cried mournfully

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