under fire

Chapter 1381 I pinched a stinging wasp

Different positions have completely inconsistent understandings of the battlefield.

Hu Yi needs a radio station if he wants to spread the news of the large-scale deployment of devils in Hulila quickly.

The military headquarters of the autonomous army has a radio station, but the autonomous army is not monolithic, and the devil has telecommunication detection methods, and he is only guessing about the devil's conspiracy, and the autonomous army may not take this risk and have to attack Cheng'an County.

Hu Yi has a deep understanding of the devil's garrison and the puppet army. In fact, the enemy is indeed vulnerable, so he followed the devil who came to ambush to see the situation.

The self-governing army is playing cover, it is completely with the mentality of being a fool not to take advantage of it.

From the standpoint of the devils and puppet troops, eliminating the anti-Japanese elements seems to be their strategic goal.

But there is a big difference between devils and puppet soldiers.

In order to plunder resources, the devils must ensure long-term peace and stability in the occupied area.

Last year, the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army was wiped out, and this year, all the national troops north of the Yellow River in the Central Plains were defeated. Almost all the arrogant devils thought that they could sit back and relax from now on.

However, the reality slapped him in the face and was beaten by the guerrillas. Counting the lieutenant of the county garrison and the lieutenant who was attacked last night, the imperial army lost four lieutenants!
A large number of warriors of the imperial army died in battle. Even if they encountered the established national army, they had never been beaten so hard.

I thought it was a fly that I was pinching in my palm, but after I was bitten hard, I finally realized that this group of Eight Routes is not a fly, but a bumble bee!

The Lieutenant of the Gendarmerie naturally became the Supreme Commander.

Finally came to his senses, it doesn't matter if he loses troops or generals, the hornet is still besieged in the village right now, the imperial army has suffered a small loss for a while, it's nothing serious!

The imperial army can take hundreds of county towns, and it is no problem to flatten such a small village.

This time, I didn't dare to be careless, slipped into the battlefield dug by the puppet army and kept shouting six times to build the headquarters, so that the armored tank in the middle, which lost its commander, retreated to the trench as a cover!
The soy sauce puppet army naturally has no strategic goals, but the thoughts in their hearts are not simple: in order to fight smoothly, they must go to the battlefield without worrying about their lives.

In the past few years, he followed the imperial army, arrested some anti-Japanese elements or suspected elements of the Eight Routes, made some small fortunes after some extortion, and now he has settled down in the city and lived a good life.

In the early years, there was an opportunity to blatantly rob wealthy households.

After the devils raided and looted many times, robbing rich households has long been a thing of the past.
Right now, there is no way to fight the wind, and it is very likely that you will lose your life when you enter the village, and all kinds of thoughts begin to flood.

If he died, his wife and daughter would have to take advantage of others.

Work hard?That's about the same for the paupers who join the newcomers.

The pseudo regiment leader is well aware of the situation of the Eighth Route troops in the village.

Although Balu has more than ten grenade launchers and one or two mortars, it is actually not very good in terms of strength.

If he dared to work hard, there would be no problem in taking down this small village.

It's a pity that the eighth road occupies the favorable terrain of the village. Even if he leads his brothers to attack and win, he will only fight the eighth road for casualties, and kill the eighth road in the village in exchange for his life. not worth it.

Therefore, he acted decisively and pretended to be killed when he was shot, but he didn't expect his loyal subordinates to give him an extra shot when he was unconscious so that he could pass the test smoothly in front of the Taijun.

This shot woke him up in pain instead, and he looked at the pseudo-battalion commander resentfully with his teeth cleft and tears in his eyes, his buttocks and arms hurt and his heart was filled with mixed emotions, and he couldn't speak for a while.

The west of the village is about 80 meters away from the edge of the village.

The tank lieutenant was seriously wounded, the infantry lieutenant was killed.

The lieutenant of the gendarmerie held his binoculars and lay on the command post under the armored vehicle, gnashing his teeth and furious in his heart.

Watching the situation in the village, listening to the continuous reports from the assistants and summarizing the situation from the observers and messengers, racking your brains to think about various cases in the textbooks.
Looking at the smoky battlefield, he thought of the smoke
He seemed to have finally thought of a good way.

Immediately decided to sacrifice the long-lost secret of the invincibility of the imperial army: light some firewood to raise smoke and create a smoke screen!Then cover it with grenade artillery fire, open the way with grenades, suppress machine guns, protrude from the front, and outflank the two wings!
You have a grenade, don't the imperial army have one?
You have a sharpshooter, you have the terrain, I will create smoke and fog, and make all your advantages disappear.

I have a lot of people, so as long as I can get involved with the eight roads in the village, it's only a matter of time before I crush this hornet to death.

As for those imperial association troops, although they are useless, they must be death squads this time!
To borrow the words of the Chinese, it is called raising pigs for a thousand days and using soldiers for one day.

After receiving the order sent by the imperial army, the puppet head who had just woken up fainted again.

The commander of the Puppet First Battalion rolled his eyes, not daring to disobey the orders of the imperial army.

But you can't do the death squad.

Now that the imperial army is preparing to set off a smoke screen, there is a lot to be said for the article in the middle!
There were many puppet soldiers, and they scattered around to collect firewood, and scattered them in a mess to light fire and smoke.

At first, some people covered their mouths and noses with wet towels.

"Advance! The three platoons on the north road are drawn apart, firing alternately to advance! Approach the west of the village!"

"Middle Road.." "South Road."

It was less than a hundred meters away. I knew that there were sharpshooters on the eighth road in the village, but they didn't respond at all.

The battle begins with smoke.

When the puppet army, holding firewood, began to crawl forward on the ground, the village finally fired shots.

A scream from a puppet army finally triggered heavy fire from the impatient devils.

One grenade after another flew in the blue sky towards those houses in the west of the village that might be Tibetans.

The heavy machine gun of the armored vehicle opened fire, and the bullet belts rushed towards the west of the village aimlessly.

The devil's three-point shot was orderly, and the Czech-style light machine gun of the puppet army was intermittent like a sheep pulling beans or rushed like a storm.

The grenade smashed into the village like a burst of iron hail and disappeared, followed by a bang, and clouds of gunpowder smoke rose and filled the air.

The trajectory of the machine gun tore out strange patterns from the drifting gunpowder smoke.

The ground was trembling, and the clods of soil and sand blasted into the air fell down with a clatter.

The sound of machine gun bullets entering the wall was endless.

In the west of the village, a metal whirlwind seemed to blow in an instant.The puppet soldiers began to get into the smoke step by step.

The puppet soldiers lying on the ground were full of bullets roaring above their heads, left and right.

Although he knew that the imperial army was providing cover for him, the sound of the gunshots sounded scary, okay?
Heart pounding into throat.

The road of smoke tens of meters ahead seems very long.

And it is really long, so long that some people will use up the rest of their lives.

The devil's translator was killed, and the lieutenant of the devil's gendarmerie who knew Chinese gave the order himself.

It's just that this guy directly translated commando into death squad!
The puppet soldiers who rushed into the smoke with their waists bent, who would not know what death squads mean?
That is a team that dares to die!

If I hadn't been afraid of death, grandpa would have voted you little devil with the infamy of being stabbed in the back?

You want me to die, if you don't see that the devil has an armored vehicle, I will be anyway now!

It's a big deal to go east for more than a hundred miles and go to Liangshan to become a hero
Although the pseudo-battalion commander didn't say it clearly, he told the ghosts under his command both inside and outside.

As long as you get down on the ground immediately after getting into the smoke screen, you won't die.

Slowly crawl to save your life.

It is said that Ba Ye is actually very loyal, and he must not take a gun after he bursts out of the smoke.

Finally, wave a white towel and hold a small notebook in your hand. It is said that you can save your life with a certificate of returning to the war.

The crawling time was very long. Although the towel soaked in water could block most of the smoke that choked the mouth and nose, it was a pity that the eyes were not opened at all in the smoke.
It's fuming!

Coughing everywhere.

The puppet army seemed to have exhausted all their energy, and a few fast crawlers finally emerged from the smoke
The towel in his hand waved the smoke around.

Ba Ye is indeed righteous!

Didn't really shoot.
the village.

The armed workers looked anxious: "Hey, if you kill them now, you can get the guns and bullets in the hands of the puppet army!"

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