under fire

Chapter 1382 How many devils have you killed

Chapter 1382 How many devils have you killed

The Devil's machine gun grenades fired one after another. Except for a few observers hiding behind the millstone, most of the soldiers had already retreated into the tunnel.

This is the main reason why the puppet army did not get shot.

Random gun grenades hit the courtyard wall from time to time, causing ear-piercing explosions and loud puffing noises.

From the smoke, the wretched figures of the puppet soldiers coughed and appeared one after another.

The puppet army is very open, and the distance from the courtyard wall is more than [-] to [-] meters. The target is so big that there is no need to aim at it!
Generally speaking, at this distance, the various departments of the Ninth Battalion should start shooting and throwing grenades.

Hearing the anxious voices of the armed workers who offered to act as observers, the big dog poked his head out from the tunnel: "Are you playing a game of rebellion?" Perhaps because the puppet army didn't even have a gun, the big dog just spied Ma Sihuan pushed the trigger to a critical state and slowly released his index finger.

The puppet army in the south of the village did not move, and the gunfire in the west of the village was loud. Luo Fugui, who came to reinforce the wall with a machine gun in his arms, was sticking to the bottom of the wall, shooting holes, his ugly eyes panting, his eyebrows trembling, his face was wrinkled and his face was ashen, and he was hiding in the tunnel. The big dog poking its head out of the middle muttered: "What is this for? Are you going to play tricks?"

"What the hell, I bet you let them fight devils now, they dare to turn their guns without saying a word, do you believe it??

"Grandma's matter is difficult to deal with, so it's time for Boss Hu to come up with an idea."

"Why can't you accept surrender? If all the puppet troops surrender, our village won't be able to pretend."

"It's really beautiful to think about you."

"Why don't we let them line up to enter the village and let's hand over their guns?" the staff suggested excitedly.

The Devil's machine gun didn't pose much of a threat except for leaving some holes in the rammed-earth courtyard wall and knocking out some pits.

Hu Yi poked his head out of another gap in the millstone.

You don't need a telescope at all, you can't see it from far away.

Nearby, the puppet soldiers were waving towels in one hand, and holding pieces of paper in the other. It seemed that what those guys were holding in their hands should be the certificate of Huixin War of Resistance.

It is human nature to be afraid of death.

He did not give the order to shoot.

Obviously, the devils were discouraged, so they sent the puppet army to take the lead.

You must not be careless, these puppet soldiers now look like frightened sheep, once the devils really break into the village, these puppet troops may become man-eating wolves!
Although worried in my heart, I still sent an order to the people behind to shout, let the puppet army enter the village and accept the surrender!
There are various reasons for these spineless guys to vote for the devils as puppet soldiers. Some have committed heinous crimes and some have been forced to do nothing.

This group of puppet troops came from Handan, and the armed workers who are active in this area cannot be identified for the time being.

Lieutenant Guizi was in a good mood.

Since the machine gun was suppressed and the grenade was covered, all the people in the village did not organize a decent counterattack at all.

The eight roads in the village were so cunning that they didn't attack the Imperial Association Army.

Did they really think that the imperial army didn't know what kind of certificate they issued?

He felt that he had figured out what Eighth Route was thinking, so he immediately decided to let the elites of his fellow infantry lieutenant change into the uniform of the Imperial Association Army and sneak into the Imperial Association Army to launch a sneak attack.

If Tubalu dared to shoot, he had to kill the Imperial Association Army first.

If the Imperial Association Army dies, they will die. At worst, they will be given the honorary title of a good soldier of the Imperial Association when they go back.

So, a dozen devils stripped off the puppet uniforms hidden in the trenches, and quickly changed into them.

As for the weapons, there is not much difference in the appearance of the bayonet with the [-] cover and the [-] rifle in the smoke.

The puppet soldiers who came out of the smoke, with rifles on their backs, lay on the ground and lined up to crawl towards the village.

As a death squad, this group of puppet soldiers suffered almost no casualties except for two of them who were shot coldly when lighting the smoke.

It can be regarded as creating a new round of zero-casualty record for offensive death squads in front of light and heavy machine gun grenades.

"Hey, a few puppet soldiers seem to have not raised their guns above their heads." The observer looked at the few puppet troops who followed out of the smoke and were different.

"Why is the Hebei man so short? Not good, he is a devil!" The big dog stared at the fake soldiers constantly emerging from the smoke.

He quickly shrank his head and raised his gun.

The devils who rushed out of the gunpowder smoke were still in a daze, the Imperial Association Army is so brave?Already broke into the village?
The devils with rifles in front of the trio immediately took it down.

Shooting at close range, whoever has cover will take advantage.

As the big dog shoots, someone immediately follows and shoots.

Due to the dense ballistics of the devil's suppressed machine guns, more and more soldiers emerged from the tunnel behind the courtyard wall.

The rammed-earth courtyard walls in the west of the village are solid and solid. After so many guns and shells, all but the ones that were blown down before are still standing.

"Haha...hehe..." Tang Dagou Laipi, who retracted his head to press the bullet, stepped out of the shooting position with a strange twitching smile on his face: "Why are you so stupid, little devil?"

"What did you say?" the staff member who was shooting with a rifle asked casually.

"What the hell, you little devil, if he changes his clothes but not his shoes, he really thinks we are blind?"

"Hey, that makes sense."

The big dog yelled into the tunnel: "What the hell, hurry up and send an order, as long as anyone wearing military boots is a devil!"

A car full of puppet troops appeared from the southeast.

Wang Pengying arranged a guard post in the ditch in the south of Tibet.

Three thatched military caps poked out, followed by the reconnaissance squad leader temporarily formed by the Ninth Battalion just yesterday: "The little devil's car is really good, and the car has to be squeezed by No. 56!"

The scout next to him patted his thigh: "Oh, hello."

"What the hell are you?" What's the matter?

"Forgot to plant mines on the road"

"You know what a fart, the Autonomous Army belongs to us, this road is an important traffic route, and Battalion Commander Hu won't allow it to be buried."

"But, are these people the autonomous army or the puppet army?"

"The uniforms of the puppet army and the autonomous army are different, this group of people."

"Is it the autonomous army or the puppet army?"

"I don't know, go and report to the company commander!" The squad leader was also not sure, the puppet army and the autonomous army both wore big-brimmed hats and wore similar clothes.

A warrior trotted away along the wet canal to the north.

The roar of the car engine was heard far away, and before the scout soldiers came over, the company commander Wang Peng arranged to be in the south had already spotted the car in the distance.

The distance is too far, and Cao Changjing in his hand can't see the specific situation of the car: "It's just a car, and it came from Wei County. Could it be someone sent by the Autonomous Army?"

In the north-south half-deep canal.

Li Laosan led the four soldiers all the way north.

He looked back at the guerrillas who followed behind him: "Look at your virtue, your body is as thin as a devil's butt, and you are said to be a master of knives."

"Would you like to make gestures?"

"Hahaha, playing with a knife in front of Master Dao. What's your name?"

"My name is Zhang Xiaodao!"

"Why aren't you called Zhang Xiaoquan? I said just throw away that black hatchet of yours." [Note]

"Don't underestimate people." Zhang Xiaodao was reluctant to keep the lancet, which was left to him by his master before his death, and he hoped to use this knife to kill devils to avenge his master.

"Then can you carry my grenade too?"

"Medium." Zhang Xiaodao was ready to share the squad leader's worries.

"Hey, your thin body makes Master Dao regret listening to your poor captain."

"Squad leader, I practiced knives since I was a child. If my family wasn't poor, I wouldn't be so thin."

"You can't stop running and chew dry food!"

"Hey... I'm hungry."

"Which sect is your master?"

"Swallow Gate."

"Have you ever killed a devil?"


"When you approach the village later, you follow behind!"

"Okay!" Zhang Xiaodao agreed and asked again: "Squad leader."

"Yes." Li Laosan replied casually.

"How many devils have you killed?"

"Eh, I didn't kill."

"So you didn't kill him?"

"It's just a few dozen."

"Oh, so you were chanting scriptures with the soldiers."

Li Laosan was serious: "You are right, I am a stinky Taoist priest who recites scriptures."

 During the Qing Dynasty, Zhang Xiaoquan was very famous. Besides scissors, he also produced other knives.
(End of this chapter)

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