under fire

Chapter 1383 One Gun Tops One 1 Infantry Cannon

Li Laosan led the team and trotted northward in the ditch for more than ten minutes panting heavily.

Feeling out of the sight of those two devils, he waved his hand to slow down the team. Before the battle, he must recover some physical strength, and changed from trotting to slow walking.

Follow east around the village.

"Squad leader, aren't there just two devils, so many of us need to be afraid?"

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand." Li Laosan had seen Dagou's amazing marksmanship at the wine station, hitting the target from 300 meters away, no matter how skilled he was, it was useless.

The little girl has always taken good care of Li Laosan, and she obviously wants the rifle in the devil's hand very much.

Therefore, he felt that he should fulfill Xiao Hongying's dream.

The little devil is good at long shots, isn't he?As long as you lead people around into the village, in a complicated environment, no matter how good the little devil's gun is, it's useless to be good at it.

Liu Yuanqing said that the little devil would go north, he believed Liu Yuanqing, because in his eyes Liu Yuanqing was a very powerful person, and of course a person who could speak bird language was very powerful.

Now the bet is luck, as long as the little devil really goes north as Liu Yuanqing said, then he has a chance.

If the little devil doesn't come over, it's nothing more than running a certain distance in vain. It's just a pity in my heart, because it's so rare that the opportunity to take a car is wasted.

All he was thinking about now was how to kill those two devils.

On this land, the vast majority of people have a gnashing hatred for You.

Li Laosan has been with Jiuying for so long, so he can do things that take advantage, but of course he has to avoid things that are obviously disadvantaged.

He was not stupid enough to confront the devil head-on.

Understanding that village is the key, and he is an amateur in commanding battles, but it is no problem to play a little trick.

He held up Xiao Hongying to show him the binoculars and looked carefully for a while, but he didn't find any trace of the two devils.

He couldn't help wondering if the devil would go straight back to Wei county along the highway.

Due to the delay of the detour, Li Laosan didn't know that his party of five had fallen behind the devil.

Suzuki and his assistant were wearing blood-stained Eighth Route Army uniforms, and the rifles on their backs had their scopes removed.

There were three corpses of Balu in the ditch next to it, and not far away, the corpses of two devils who had been stripped naked were covered with bloody devil uniforms.

Suzuki sat on the edge of the ditch with a gloomy expression, holding up his binoculars and looking north.

The assistant threw aside the colorful jacket that had been taken off, changed into the Eighth Route Army uniform that had just been taken off, and then inserted a shell gun into his waist: "If it weren't for this suit, maybe there would be a commotion."

There was no other expression on Suzuki's face at all: "It's about five miles away from the battlefield."

Hearing the dense gunshots and explosions in the north, the assistant looked around the environment: "This should be a guard post of the imperial army. The despicable Eight Routes killed them and pretended to be a guard post."

Suzuki nodded: "Be careful, there should be eight outlying troops nearby."

The assistant took the map and marked it carefully from time to time, analyzed it, and kept thinking in his mind: "The most likely possibility is that Balu deliberately set up bait in the northern village, and then deployed anti-encirclement troops on the periphery. "

Suzuki was not worried about whether the imperial army in the north could eat up the Eight Routes in the village: "We must first find out the origin of the imperial alliance army that came to attack us from the south just now!"

"Now we can only confirm that there are at least two teams of anti-Japanese elements on the periphery of the battlefield."

"The puppet army that attacked our car has a master!" Suzuki decided to fight back, so he didn't plan to enter the battlefield now.

Take their back later and wipe them out one by one!

Even though there are only two of us, we might not be at a disadvantage against the Eighth Route Army in the wilderness.

The assistant carefully studied the footprints on the ground for a while, and whispered to Suzuki for a while.

The two turned west along the ditch.

Li Laosan led people into the village quietly, and suddenly heard crying in the village.

Li San didn't speak, and used the latest gestures that he had only recently learned from Liu Yuanqing.

Instruct the guerrillas and students to stick to the base of the wall and approach the crying place from both sides.

He himself continued to whisk the dust openly and approached the courtyard where there was crying.

The crying gradually became clearer.

Li Laosan pushed open the half-covered door, and in the yard, a boy in his teens was shaking the two dead bodies of a man and a woman in boxers on the ground: "Father, mother, talk to me, I'm so scared, huh huh huh .”

"Father, ah, ah."

The creaking sound of Li Laosan pushing the courtyard door didn't alert the child immersed in grief and fear.

Li Laosan stuck to the door frame and held up the shell gun and looked around. After pointing at the muzzle of the gun, he found that there was nothing unusual.

On the roof, a small knife showed his face, and he signed a sign language that was not very proficient in representing safety.

The third child put the gun in his back and yelled at the crying child, "Hey kid!"

Hearing someone's voice, the crying child turned his head, his dirty face covered in tears and snot was completely deformed.

After seeing clearly how Taoist priest Li was dressed, sadness came from it, and the mourning voice became louder: "Wow!"

Li Laosan looked at the naked body in the pool of blood on the ground, and tried to maintain a calm expression: "Boy, tell the Taoist what happened?"

The two big eyes blurred by tears instantly became watery: "It's a devil, the devil beat my father and mother"

"Why didn't you leave here?"

"Our whole family is a good citizen. Every spring and summer, we pay food to the maintenance committee on time. I go to school in the county town. My parents are waiting for me to come back today. When I was about to enter the village, I saw two devils coming from the south. Those two devils After seeing me, I chased after me and ran home in fear." The child then begged in a childish and pitiful voice: "Grandpa Dao, save my father and mother, I will kowtow to you."

Until now, children still have not accepted the result that their parents are dead.

Li Laosan was stunned for a moment, and said in an anxious tone, "You mean two devils have entered the village?"

"My father hid in the tunnel and was afraid that the devil would hit me. He came out of the tunnel and said good things to the devil. The devil beat my father and my mother. My mother told me to run and then I saw the devil. Out of the village wearing my parents' clothes," the child continued intermittently.

"Where did the devil go?" Li Laosan's heart sank. The devil entered the village obviously to steal the villagers' clothes, that is to say, the devil changed into ordinary people's clothes.

"They ran north and fast"

In the bumpy car, Xiao Hongying was yelling with Liu Yuanqing who was driving: "Your marksmanship is so good, why don't you dare to confront the devils?"

"Silly girl, the little devil's gun is unusual, and he can't beat it."

"Do you think Mr. Li can get that gun?"

"How would I know."

"Have you seen that kind of gun before?" Xiao Hongying asked knowingly.

"What have you seen? There were quite a few in the previous team."

If we all have this kind of gun, don't you think we are.
"What nonsense, do you know how much that gun costs?"

"Hey, you said that I seem to be short of money."

"One of this kind of gun is almost equal to a [-] infantry artillery!" Liu Yuanqing curled his lips.

"What? So expensive?" Xiao Hongying's eyes widened. She really didn't know how much the [-] infantry artillery was worth.
"What do you think? The Devil's 7000 gun only costs [-] yuan. The gun in the devil's hand is different. It is estimated to be worth five or six thousand yuan."

"Then it's better to grab it." 5000 Yuan Dayang is nothing to Xiao Hongying who knows Luo Fugui's background, but one piece costs five or six thousand, and it's not enough to sell Luo Fugui to equip a team. Since it can be snatched , why spend money?
"And this gun also has shortcomings. Because it has a scope, it is not suitable for large-scale battles. It can only be used when both sides have cover. Moreover, even if ordinary people hold it, it may not be of much use."


"Because, it is not suitable for hitting fast-moving targets."

Xiao Hongying's marksmanship is good, and all the soldiers in the Ninth Battalion know it.

But she is still quite lacking in shooting moving targets. She said so much because she just wanted to dig out some real skills from Liu Yuanqing.

This guy can hit dirt lumps thrown to the sky.

Hearing that the sniper rifle was not suitable for hitting fast-moving targets, her mind gradually changed.

This kind of gun is not available on the market at all. Since it cannot be equipped on a large scale, it does not seem to be very useful to hold it.

The little devil is so powerful, wouldn't he be able to beat five or sixty people and flee?
Xiao Hongying's thinking gradually changed, no matter how powerful a person is, he is useless in front of a large number of devils.

Excessive pursuit of individual equipment is not suitable for the current development trend of the Ninth Battalion.

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