under fire

Chapter 1384

Chapter 1384

Under the guidance of traffic officers who are familiar with the road conditions.

After the car ran westward for six or seven miles, it turned around five miles away from Cheng'an County and got on a small road heading north.

The gunfire from the north is getting closer and closer to the battlefield.

Xiao Hongying sat in the driver's cab and held up the binoculars to look north.

She has a blind trust in Hu Yi.

Therefore, she was not worried that something would happen to Hu Yi, who was besieged by the devils and puppet troops.

He was surrounded and chased by devils and puppet troops and even detective teams many times, and he narrowly escaped death several times.

I felt a little uneasy again.

The observer sitting on the roof suddenly knocked on the roof: "Attention, there is a devil's warning post ahead."

Xiao Hongying hadn't regained her senses to look at the field of view of the telescope again.

Liu Yuanqing had already stepped on the brakes slowly.

After the car came to a complete stop, he opened the door and ran back, yelling to the inside of the car: "Give me my backpack"

He started changing clothes in the back of the car in full view.

After a few breaths, a fresh imperial army came out.

Liu Yuanqing jumped into the car again, wiped the steering wheel with one hand, and put the gear on with the other to start the car.

Turning his head to look at the girl: "What are you still doing?"

With a dark face, the little girl consciously climbed into the rear compartment.

It wouldn't make sense if there was a little girl in the devil's car.

The car starts up again soon.

Shopkeeper Cheng Er has never had the experience of sitting in a carriage with a "devil".

Feeling a little uneasy in my heart, I turned my head to look at Liu Yuanqing from time to time: "You really look like a devil."

"&%#¥&*%*" Liu Yuanqing said a string of birdsong.

"What do you say?"

"I said you country bumpkin is ignorant, don't keep pressing your pistol."

"You uh. Why do I want to drill a hole in your head so much?"

Liu Yuanqing had black lines all over his head: "Believe it or not, I told you to get out of the car and walk forward?"

"We attacked the devils, will the devils in front get the news?" Shopkeeper Cheng Er moved his hand away from the handle of the pistol in embarrassment:

"Second shopkeeper, you make plans every day, but you can't just follow me and let your own brain get moldy. Think about it, it took less than an hour to attack the devil. There was no phone near the place where the attack was made. How can you get the news so quickly?"

"That's true, but what shall we do?"

"Either kill them, or"

"Or what?"

"Either a prisoner."

"Tch, we don't have any space in the car, so let's kill him."

Xiao Hongying likes guns, and once owned a "sniper" rifle that ordinary people couldn't shoot accurately.

After listening to Liu Yuanqing's analysis, if he carried it with the devil himself, he probably had no chance of surviving.

Suddenly, another question came to mind. With Jiuying's usual style, it is impossible not to set up peripheral sentries.

But this place is the devil's outer post, there must be something wrong with this matter.

Moreover, it is generally not only one place to put out the perimeter sentry. Could it be that the fox is really surrounded by devils?
The car stopped suddenly.

Because, Liu Yuanqing saw the two devils on the road suddenly turn around, got off the small road and ran east into the wilderness
Xiao Hongying held up the binoculars and looked east, looking at the two escaped devils.

Maybe it was once chased by devils with their footprints hanging, and subconsciously looked at the footprints on the ground.

Suddenly, I found a few blackened streaks on the ground that should be bloodstains.

Put down the binoculars, searched around, but found no corpse
Liu Yuanqing jumped out of the car, ran straight to the blackened blood, stretched out his hand and pinched it, and turned his head when he heard footsteps: "It's blood, it's not completely dry yet."

Xiao Hongying, who followed, was carrying her best four-four lance on her back: "What's the situation?"

Liu Yuanqing frowned, looking at the devil who stopped after running two or three hundred meters away: "There is something wrong with these two guys, why did they run away when they saw me?"

"It looks awkward to me. Why are the devil's trousers so short? Are they popular with short trousers?" Xiao Hongying's eyes behind the binoculars were like bull's eyes.

There were two "devils" lying in the ditch, and a soldier Wang Penglian who had been hiding here before and had not obtained the uniform of the devils.

There was no way, the devils were sent out in teams of two, and the scouts arranged by Wang Peng were in teams of three, and they killed the two devils without wearing military uniforms.

"I can see very clearly that the driver is a devil, and the puppet army pulling a car must be reinforcements for the devil!" A fake "devil" was panting.

"Don't worry, they will definitely have trouble getting through. I have hung up both mines."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? I didn't see that their cars stopped."

"The battalion commander also said that you two are clever, and you two are big idiots! Don't you know how to wait a little longer? Wait until the car is blown up and then run? If you run like this, won't the devils and puppet soldiers realize that something is wrong?"

"That's right, all the devil's cars have stopped, only 30 meters away from where we planted the mines."

"There are at least thirty or forty people in a carload of devils and puppet troops. We are afraid." The "fake devils" were still trembling when they spoke at this time.

"Then let's go back now?" Another fake devil slapped his forehead, annoyed.

"Go back to the fart, our two land mines, blowing up two devils and puppet troops are still good enough to scare people, it is almost useless against devil cars"

"How about we hurry back and report to the company commander?"

"That's not right. The correspondent I mentioned earlier would come here every half an hour. I guess an hour has passed, right? Why hasn't he come here to convey the order?"

The soldier holding the awning on the door was suddenly startled: "Hey, pay attention to the man next to the devil!"

"Isn't it just a puppet army? What's so interesting?"

"Don't you think it looks familiar?"

"What? Are you familiar?"

"Do you know anyone in the puppet army?"

"No, look at the big-brimmed hat on his head."

"Hey, it's the Autonomous Army."

"You idiot, I mean do you see a braid on top of her head?"

"You can really talk. Hey, it's true. I didn't expect that the Autonomous Army also has female soldiers."

"I'm going to be fooled by the two of you. I mean, uh, we entered the county yesterday. Didn't you find that Jiuying lost an acquaintance?"

"With so many acquaintances missing, Ma Liang isn't here, Chen Chong isn't here, and Wang Xiaosan isn't here either. You say that's a little girl?"

"What little girl, you can also call a girl?"

"Hey, it must be her!" The soldier in the Eighth Route Army uniform stood up excitedly.

call out.
Suddenly, a bullet roared from behind.

Passed through the back of the soldier's head, followed by a gunshot.

Gunshots scattered across the wilderness.

Suzuki pulled the bolt to eject the case, and loaded another round.

Raise the gun and aim at the second target.

The ground is very hot, and when it was attacked before, it was already familiar with the deviation of the ballistic trajectory caused by the heat.

The first bullet hit the target accurately.

It made his heart excited!
The speed of the imperial army's march is definitely not for bragging. It was not much slower than the detour cars. They killed two villagers and took their clothes, and killed three Tubalu pretending to be the imperial army!
Although I don't know why those rebels didn't join the Imperial Association Army that attacked the Autonomous Army earlier, but ran eastward and hid in a ditch more than [-] meters away from the road.

But the combination of two imperial troops and one Tubalu can only explain one situation: two despicable Balu out of the three guys attacked the Imperial Army's guard post.

It is not difficult to come to this judgment, the Imperial Army will definitely not be in cahoots with Ba Zan!
Therefore, he directly killed the guy in the Eighth Route Army uniform.

The remaining two targets disappeared far away from the assistant's field of vision: "Judging from the direction of their tilted bodies, they are heading north."

Seeing the vigilant devils on the highway running to the east, an eight-way head popped up.

Still in a daze in his heart, a cloud of blood mist suddenly spewed out from the front of Ba Lu's head.

"The two devils in the ditch more than [-] meters to the east should belong to us!" The observer in the car holding up the binoculars suddenly shouted: "But it's very strange. The person who shot was one mile away to the east. Look at them. The clothes are also eight ways!"

(End of this chapter)

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