under fire

Chapter 1385

Observers keep briefings on the situation.

Liu Yuanqing yelled five times and six times at the top of his voice: "Go into the ditch to find cover, be careful, watch out for the enemy's sharpshooters!"

Even though the distance was far away, the soldiers who jumped out of the car quickly lay down in the soup on the west side of the road, and some of them hid behind the small undulating slopes in the wilderness eastward.

Xiao Hongying twisted her body a few times on the ground, straightened her posture, raised her little hand, and swiftly took off the gun and pulled the bolt.

With a click, the bullet was quickly loaded, and the front sight was pointed at the distant target.

Then I raised the binoculars again, looked carefully at the deformed scene in the lens, and finally found a target who was shot a mile away.

The observer yelled again: "The two devils in the middle are making semaphore. It seems that they are our own. Don't shoot?"

"Hey, we are the autonomous army, they are devils, of course they are our own people." A certain soldier muttered.

"That's right, we're hitting our own people!" Another immediately agreed.

Adjusting the focus, and seeing the faces of the two devils in the vicinity clearly, Xiao Hongying directly threw aside the four and four pistols beside her, and said, "Auntie is so mad."

Hearing Xiao Hongying muttering, Liu Yuanqing next to him turned his head: "Why are you so angry?"

"Those devils are fakes, Wang Peng's people"

"Wang Peng? Why are they here?"

Xiao Hongying thought for a while: "Most likely he and the fox got together to make trouble again."

After finishing speaking, she raised her hand and stretched out three fingers to the warrior following her, and then stretched out her thumb and index finger to make an eight.

Soon, a Sanba Dagai was placed next to her.

This time, the front sight was roughly pointed at the target more than 400 meters away. First, the [-]-covered sight was set up to make sure to use the [-]-meter fixed sight, and then the head was put close to the gun stock.

Then he yelled at the soldier with the gun next to him: "Find out the 'eight-way' target in the distance."

It doesn't matter if you can't see the target, you can be sure that the enemy is lying in the ditch in the distance.

She believed what Liu Yuanqing said that someone could launch an attack from four to five hundred meters away, because, four to five hundred meters away, she could hit the target with just three or eight blocks.

It's a pity that the air in the hot weather made the distant scenery blurred, and I probably couldn't hit the target, not to mention that the two devils seemed to be moving.

The two soldiers from Wang Pengying who recognized Xiao Hongying crawled towards the road and shouted from a long distance: "Girl, don't shoot, it's us."

"Don't look up, keep crawling!" Liu Yuanqing, who was digging a soldier's pit, warned.

The observer next to him yelled again: "The enemy is approaching us, the distance is 400 meters."

Xiao Hongying held up the binoculars, followed the direction of the observer's finger, and immediately saw a head appearing from time to time.

In normal times, Xiao Hongying might still take two shots to try her luck, but under the current conditions, it would be nonsense if she could hit the target!

The individual soldier pit was roughly formed, and Liu Yuanqing pulled a light machine gun: "Hurry up and put a few sandbags for the girl to get three for cover!"

Caution is the boat.

I've heard for a long time that this brat has good marksmanship, but I haven't seen it with my own eyes to confirm that I have no idea.

"There is no wind, the distance is three hundred kings, and the upper deviation is [-]," the soldier holding up the binoculars beside Xiao Hongying murmured.

"You don't want to die? Hurry up and get down, the devil's marksmanship is terribly accurate!" While speaking, Liu Yuanqing threw a small dirt lump on the back of the half-stretched observer.

Then continue to look at Xiao Hongying, who squinted her left eye, her body undulates regularly with her breathing.

Liu Yuanqing suddenly felt that this scene seemed very familiar, as if he saw the snipers in the previous team.

Unfortunately, that comrade-in-arms died in enemy fire.

Quickly pull the machine gun to find the target.

Xiao Hongying will expose the target after shooting, and with the temper of a devil sniper, she will definitely shoot in retaliation.

If you hit the target in such an environment, this girl must be a talented sniper!
Being an instructor is really too much talent.

Suddenly, she was very looking forward to it, hoping that Xiao Hongying could hit those two fake eight-way.

If you can hit the target at 300 meters away, you can be called a sharpshooter. The target at 400 meters away is very small, and the possibility of hitting the target with a rifle is very low.

"Girl, you are so far away, are you sure?"

"If it wasn't under the sun, it might be possible"

"The enemy is coming, I suggest you wait for them to get closer before attacking!"

Just left the road and fled into the wilderness, and then came back, sacrificing a comrade in the process.

After listening to what the two soldiers said, Xiao Hongying's eyes were a little red: "I'm so pissed off, I don't even have a share in taking down a county town!"
"Girl, don't be distracted, it's those two devils who escaped earlier!" Liu Yuanqing was speechless, the lives of the five of Li Laosan and his party were unpredictable.

At this time, it is really inappropriate to think about things that have nothing to do with the battlefield, and then ordered: "Everyone, prepare to shoot immediately!"

Hearing Liu Yuanqing's words, the little girl who was usually bragging and fooling people came back to her senses, and immediately slid the index finger of her right hand into the trigger hole of the [-] cover.

The atmosphere at the scene was suddenly completely quiet.

Xiao Hongying's heart, eyes and hands are very close, holding the gun in her right hand and shaking the binoculars in her left hand, trying to find the location of the target.

Phew, a bullet flew from a distance and hit the machine gunner on the rear compartment of the car, who was fiddling with the crooked handle.

With the distance approaching 300 meters, Suzuki has a new target, the car.

As long as the car tires can be blown out, none of these badly ventilated autonomous troops will be able to escape.

There was another reason for him to shoot just now: to attract the attention of the imperial army besieging the village in the north.

He had been hit by a wave of bullets from the "Autonomous Army" before, but this time, he didn't intend to fight alone.

Even if all these anti-Japanese elements were wiped out, it would not be worth the life of his assistant, and a fool would do that.

At a distance of 400 meters, the anti-Japanese elements can only be beaten!
Weapons determine the strength gap between the two sides.

So what if the anti-Japanese elements have machine guns?
There are ravines everywhere in the wilderness, whoever can hit more accurately will have the last laugh.

Sometimes, more people can't make up for the gap in weapons.

He was not worried that this group of anti-Japanese elements would climb into the car and escape again because there were a large number of Imperial Army and Imperial Association troops besieging Tuba Road in the north.

This time, we must kill all these guys who are facing three swords again.

"Impact point test, the No. [-] sandbag is in the middle!" After Suzuki finished speaking, he aimed the scope far into the middle of the sandbag in front of Liu Yuanqing.

A sudden shot was fired to allow the assistant next to him to determine the approximate deviation.

The bullet flew over a distance of more than [-] meters and hit the sandbag accurately.

"Twenty to the left, ten to the top." The observer next to him reported the point of impact.

As long as you don't hit the target close to the ground, the deviation is not too big.

Suzuki looked at the anti-Japanese elements in the distance, and sneered in his heart, as long as you dare to stand up, I will beat you on the head!
Suzuki paid attention to every detail, and the anti-Japanese elements actually built two small machine gun bases eastward in a short period of time!
huh huh huh.
Three rounds of machine gun bullets roared.

Then came the sound of three-point shooting.

Liu Yuanqing, who was holding a binoculars, had been trained in the bird country, and immediately saw through the tricks of the devils in the distance, and started to fight back with machine guns without hesitation.

I can't hit you with a machine gun, but I can suppress firepower.

The cannons are gone, the machine guns are the king of war.

Liu Yuanqing expected that the opponent would change shooting positions after firing a shot, so he still emptied a magazine of machine gun bullets with one shuttle.

Although the little devil's hair didn't even touch each other, he wasn't discouraged.

It is also a strategy to confuse the enemy on the battlefield to make the enemy mistakenly think that the level of their machine gunners is low, and showing the enemy weak in a small area.

Slowly accumulate small victories into big victories: "Civil and military, you bastard, quickly hit him with a grenade."

"It's so far away that people can't be seen clearly, and it's almost beyond the range of the grenadier." Wen Wuquan looked more than 400 meters away, and didn't even know where the target was.

"I'm going to be mad at you, the guy in your hand can hit 500 meters, quickly reload it, and hit him based on your feeling." Liu Yuanqing really wanted to beat this guy who didn't obey orders, but he didn't have time now, so write it down first.

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