under fire

Chapter 1386 1 send into the soul

Chapter 1386

All the people in the car jumped out, and most of them continued to lie in the ditch and look east.

Hitting the machine gunner on the car from 400 meters away, this time everyone knows how powerful the devil sharpshooter is, and the degree of caution has been greatly increased.

Liu Yuanqing was lonely with twenty rounds of machine gun bullets in a magazine.

Listen to the soldiers from Wang Pengying, who are still immersed in the grief of the sacrifice of their comrades, finish talking about the situation.

The observer reported: "The two devils were very cautious, and they always stayed 300 meters away. The two devils always only fired with one gun!"

Liu Yuanqing looked at Xiao Hongying not far away: "Girl, one of the two devils is an observer, a standard sniper duo!"

Although Xiao Hongying was still a little dazed, the situation on the battlefield gradually became clear: "With the character of a fox, he will not be used as bait in the village. Let Wang Pengying be used as bait is not bad."

Liu Yuanqing roughly figured out the real intention of the two devils hiding not far away: "The devils want to use the gunshots to attract the attention of those devils who are besieging the village commander Hu in the north. We have to retreat immediately."

"Kill them before leaving!" In just a few minutes, three soldiers were shot dead by two devils more than [-] meters away!
Now that the group led by Li Laosan was alive and dead, Xiao Hongying's heart was aroused to be ruthless. She simply did not believe that two platoons could not defeat two devils.

Liu Yuanqing's order to retreat fell on deaf ears.

"There is no cover on the plain. We are no match for the devils at all. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time."

"You go first, I will break later!"

"Don't be self-willed, okay?" Liu Yuanqing had black lines all over his head.

He hoped that the two devils could get closer, more than sixty rifles and two light machine guns fired at the same time, even if the chance of hitting was low, it was entirely possible for the two devils to kill the sharpshooters.

"The fox definitely wants to try out the ability to fight against the enemy's position! If we go over at this time, it may disrupt their plan." Xiao Hongying completely ignored the posture of killing the two devils and not leaving: "It is you who command the battle. As for whether to go or not, I have the final say."

Seeing that the girl was unreasonable, Liu Yuanqing, who didn't quite understand the power of the Eighth Route Army instructor, had no choice but to say, "I've convinced you, those two little devils only have two guns at most, and our team launched the attack separately, so that they can't take care of the tail. "

"No, if we launch an attack, those two devils will definitely run away. Moreover, the devils who besieged Jiuying Village in the north will not come out in large numbers when they hear the gunshots." Xiao Hongying still had hope in her heart.

She always felt that Li Laosan was still hanging behind the devils at this time, dragging the two devils in Eighth Route Army uniforms here, Li Laosan would have a chance.

This time, he was separated from the fox, and missed the feat of killing the devil's plane.

He also missed such a big thing as hitting the county seat.

Another big scene of burning more than a dozen devil cars was missed.

Raiding the devil's car and seizing a car didn't make her depressed mood any better.

"I'm going to remove the stringed landmines on the road." Seeing Xiao Hongying's face was dark and silent, the soldier lying beside him after reporting the situation, thought that Xiao Hongying knew the current situation of the Ninth Battalion, so she shrank her neck and muttered Leave after one sound.

Xiao Hongying stared at the target through the three-eighth cover sight, secretly telling herself to hold her breath.

The situation on the battlefield was not complicated. Since the fox dared to deliberately lure the devils to attack him, he must have a comprehensive plan.

The sound of grenade explosions came from far to the east.

Liu Yuanqing looked at the point where the grenade fell in the distance, and put down the binoculars: "Wen Wuquan, you idiot, the bottom of the grenade must be supported by a hard object, and the grenade can be hit as far as possible by keeping an angle of 45 degrees."

Wen Wuquan didn't know what to do. How could he know what a 45-degree angle is?

In the past, following Li Xiang, we always erected the grenadier upright, so that we could maintain a left-right deviation of two or three meters and a far-near deviation of ten meters when shooting about 100 meters.

400 meters away. Total bullshit.

Because he only has a rough idea of ​​400 meters, and he doesn't know how far it is.

If you can hit the grenade with the grenade, you will be considered a success.
That was the work of Li Xiang and Wan Baxi.
Li Laosan held up his binoculars and looked northwest. There was a car in the distance five miles away.

With constant gunshots and sudden explosions, he immediately understood that most of the cars on the road were little girls.

Did they come into contact with the devil so quickly?
Turning his head and ordering to the four behind: "speed up"

A group of five people continued to walk the ditch to hide their figures, and trot forward in the northwest direction.

After running two miles in a few minutes, Zhang Xiaodao suddenly murmured: "There seems to be someone from us in front."

This guy has such good eyesight?

Li Laosan stopped, stretched his body, and raised his binoculars to look west.

I was a little puzzled. There were people lying on the ground around the car in the distance, and the two people who occasionally popped up on the ground were shooting at the people on the other side of the car.

I was startled, until now I haven't met the guard soldiers outside Wangpeng camp mentioned by traffic.

Could it be that the one on the road is not a girl?
Moreover, how does the traffic officer know that those guarding the periphery must be soldiers from Wang Pengying?
Didn't the little devil set up the outer guard post?

He was at a loss and couldn't figure it out. He thought differently from ordinary people. Those who wore the devil's uniform were not necessarily devils, and those who wore the uniform of the Autonomous Army were not necessarily the Autonomous Army.

Suddenly a flash of inspiration, who can fight against a large number of people with two people?

Combined with the words of the child in the village, I secretly guessed in my heart, could it be those two little devils or some kind of hitters in front of me.

They killed the villagers to grab their clothes, and then used the clothes of the common people to overshadow the outer guard posts arranged by Wang Pengying.

Hey, two eight roads, Master Dao found you!

The five-member team slid down the ditch again.

"Suzuki-kun, it seems that there is an Eighth Route coming from behind us." The assistant's complexion changed a little, and he occasionally looked around, just in time to see Li Laosan who was shrinking his head and waist.

After firing a shot, Suzuki changed the place again, swung the rifle around, finally sighed, and didn't shoot the bullet: "How many people are there and how far is the distance?"

"There are too many ditches in the ground, I can't see how many people there are"

"Could it be the kid who got away?"

"Not sure" the assistant was a little speechless, he felt that Suzuki's idea was very unreasonable.

call out.
Whistling whistles sounded in the sky, and a black dot kept growing in midair.

The grenade only relies on inertia and the acceleration of a heavy object to overlap to form a parabola. After flying over the highest point, the speed of hitting it is not fast.

The assistant with a wounded arm roughly analyzed where the grenade fell, and was startled, and suddenly rushed out of the ditch from the hiding place with all his strength.

There was a strange bird cry in his mouth: "Lie down, Suzuki-kun."

The assistant who rushed out staggered towards Suzuki who turned his head when he heard the screech, before he could find the iron lump in the sky.

The grenade in the sky began to dive downward and accelerate.

A piece of sand splashed in the ditch, followed by a flower of gunpowder smoke,
Like a gray-black firework blooming in the wilderness.

In the black hell fireworks, there are wisps of faint blood red.


The observer held up the binoculars and shook his head and sighed: "It's six or seven meters to the left, civil and military, can you have a snack?"

【Who made the comment? 】

(End of this chapter)

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