under fire

Chapter 1387 The God of War with Flooded Brains

Suzuki has his own pride, deep down he looks down on those anti-Japanese guerrillas.

Because the imperial army is invincible!
It has long been known that the resistance elements have grenades, but the grenades fired by those resistance elements last time were really outrageous.

Therefore, he thinks that more than 300 meters is a safe distance for him.

There can't be so many coincidences in the world, but it happened this time.

The grenade exploded right next to him. If the assistant hadn't come over and pushed him away, there was a high possibility of injury.

My head was buzzing, my face was covered in sand and I couldn't keep my eyes open.

He smoothly pushed away the assistant who jumped on him, and then shook his head to shake off the sand on his face.

Wiping his face again, he blinked and opened his eyes.

At a glance, he saw that the head of the assistant who was pushed away by him was half-opened by the shrapnel, and he was already dead.

Suzuki was stunned for a second or so, and immediately recovered.

The assistant had been with him for many years, and he couldn't help but feel a little sadness in his heart: "To be loyal to Tianhuang, death is an honor!"

He didn't feel too sad, and untied his assistant's backpack and put it aside.

Then he took off the Eighth Route Army uniform on the assistant, then pulled out the assistant's military uniform from the backpack, and slowly put it on the corpse.

One by one the buttons are fastened.

Suzuki's movements were not fast, methodical.

Putting the khaki military cap on the broken head of the assistant, he began to sing the soul song.

Looking at the assistant's body, I couldn't help but think of what the other party said about death when I talked with a Chinese literati: As a soldier, you have no regrets when you die in battle.

He knew very well that it was foolish to do things on the battlefield that had nothing to do with combat.

It is very possible to make wrong judgments with sad emotions.

He still does.

He firmly believes that those Eight Routes must pay the price for killing the imperial elite.

After changing the outfit for the assistant's corpse, he changed into his own military uniform.

He straightened his helmet, grabbed the shoulder straps of the two Tomosaka rifles next to him and threw them over his shoulders.

Then hang the four grenades on his chest.

Then he half got up and picked up the sniper rifle that was covered in sand in the ditch next to him.

The honor of the military god and his invincible sense of mission made him never think about running away.

He decides to attack!
The death of the assistant was because the two had been staying in this horizontal ditch, so the anti-Japanese elements constantly adjusted the range of the grenade and accidentally hit the ditch where the two were hiding.

Then he picked up the official rifle of the assistant on the ground, and walked north along the ditch without hesitation.

A rifle weighed more than ten catties, and he didn't find it difficult to carry four rifles in his strap.

Suzuki felt that every rifle should serve its purpose.

He didn't even look back at the assistant's body.

Walking in the vertical and horizontal ditches in the barren fields of the plain, I soon came to the intersection, put a shell gun taken from the eight-way body that attacked the warriors of the imperial army, and put it on the edge of the ditch, and then turned around to the west.

After walking a certain distance, he leaned a seven-nine rifle against the edge of the ditch.

After walking more than [-] meters, he put down the second rifle.

After the three rifles were released, Suzuki had walked nearly [-] meters westward.

After putting down the loaded rifle, it feels a lot easier.

Perhaps it was the sadness in his heart, he seemed to have forgotten what his assistant had said about finding someone in the east.

Even if there are people, he is not afraid!People on the east side are one mile away.

This time he attacked to the west, even if someone came from the east, he was [-]% sure to kill him when the opponent approached.

Previously, in order to catch up with the car, he ran very fast with his assistants, which consumed a lot of energy.

Lie down in the ditch and start to rotate the focal length of the scope.

Looking up and squinting at the sun in the sky, an inexplicable feeling of exhaustion suddenly appeared in my heart.

Perhaps, it was because the death of the assistant affected his mood.

As a sniper, the best thing to do now is actually to go north and meet the imperial army.

Or wait until the imperial army in the north hears the gunshots from the outer guard posts and comes to search.

He is very clear that the current practice is very inappropriate.

There is another voice in my heart: I am ashamed of my assistant.

An idiom appeared in my mind: no hesitation, a lonely hero.

This kind of thing has been done before, with two assistants chasing the more well-equipped national army.

Shengsheng killed a reinforced platoon of more than forty national army soldiers and officers.

These anti-Japanese elements dared to challenge the imperial army because they had two machine guns and a grenade launcher, which was unbearable.

What to do now is to kill ten or eight of them first.

You just need to wait for them to be defeated before chasing after them, maybe you can even set a new record for hunting!

What's more, I have made complete preparations. If the opponent is not defeated during the battle, I have already arranged a retreat route.

As for whether he will die, the military god is a god!
How could it be possible to die?

Li Laosan chased him all the way and ran for more than ten miles in a short period of time. The five people in his party were all panting.

Chasing in hot weather is not easy.

Zhang Xiaodao acted as a vanguard in front, looking out from time to time.

This kid looks thin, but his physical strength is not weak. After taking a few breaths, his physical strength has recovered.

On the contrary, the two student platoon leaders were so exhausted that they gritted their teeth to barely keep up.

"Squad Leader Li, look, there is a Balu coming out in front of you. No, it looks like a devil"

"Rest in place!" Li Laosan finished speaking, and hurriedly picked up the binoculars to observe westward.

Just in time, Suzuki, who was a mile away, was firing a gun into the ditch.

Li Laosan was taken aback for a moment, isn't there two eighth roads disguised as devils over there?

For a while a bit confused.

The two students are both platoon leaders, and they have no dissatisfaction at all with the squad leader Li Laosan.

Seeing the hesitation on Li Laosan's face, one of them carefully expressed his opinion: "The devil is giving himself a way out."

Li Laosan knew the details of these two people, so he didn't dare to trust them, but he was not timid at all: "It's not right, the little devil is alone, why would he dare to talk to the girl and the others in their 50s?"

Zhang Xiaodao squatted in the ditch, looking enviously at the telescope in Li Laosan's hand: "It rained heavily a few days ago, and the little devil's brain got water."

Another guerrilla interjected: "Could it be that the little devil thinks that Xiao Hongying and the others are puppet soldiers?"

"If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb. We just attacked the little devil's car. Do you think the devil is so stupid?" Gang Zhang Xiaodao blushed, and what his companion said was too stupid, so he took the lead in ridiculing.

"Didn't you say that the devil's brain has been flooded?" The guerrillas looked calm.

Another platoon leader next to him suddenly said: "No, a group of puppet troops came from the north."

Li Laosan screamed strangely: "Quickly shrink your head and hide."

The five quickly lowered their heads, Zhang Xiaodao didn't care: "We are in the ditch, the distance is so far, the enemy can't see us."

The student hurriedly took out a camouflaged grass circle from his pocket and handed it to Li Laosan.

Li Laosan, who knew he was too heavy, didn't answer, and glared at the student platoon leader: "You come and observe! Find out the number of enemies and their weapons and equipment."

The platoon leader dressed as a commoner poked his head out with grass on his head, holding the telescope that he had taken over from Mr. Li and had been watching for many days.

"From the west to the north, there are more than ten puppet troops. It should be a squad. There are no devils in the formation. The weapons are all rifles. There should be no machine guns. It is three miles away. They are heading south along the road to the direction of the girls and their cars."

"What are you talking about, there are only a dozen puppet troops?" Li Laosan was taken aback when he heard this, and immediately probed, not afraid of being exposed at all.

"Squad leader, since I'm sure that guy in the west is a devil, why don't I steal the gun he left by the ditch first?"

"Yes!" Li Laosan made up his mind: "Copy the guy, cut off that devil's escape first!"

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