under fire

Chapter 1388

The sun is hot.

The air close to the ground is heated and rises to disturb the light, and the scenery a little further away is blurred.

"Platoon Leader Liu, the puppet army squad is one mile away from the north!" The observers reported one after another: "There is a devil lying in the ditch more than 200 meters to the east."

"Catch them alive." Liu Yuanqing, who was sweating profusely, was so hot from the sun that he didn't even bother to look at it.

"There seems to be someone a mile away on the east side, and I can't see it clearly."

"Continue to observe." Xiao Hongying wanted the devil's sniper rifle, but Liu Yuanqing did not give the order to retreat immediately.

He is very clear that a high-precision sniper rifle can kill important enemy targets at a long distance on the battlefield, which is very useful.

"Do you think that little devil ate the bear's heart and the leopard's gall?" Xiao Hongying behind the sandbag suddenly asked.

"The little devil who became crazy is not afraid of death, and dares to go up the mountain of swords and down the pan of oil."

"Even if the little devil is a sharpshooter, he won't be so bold that he thinks he has the ability to single out our two platoons, right?" Xiao Hongying looked at the devil who occasionally flinched, and had no chance to shoot at all.

"The little devil is abnormal, and he can't be judged by common sense." Liu Yuanqing's words were quite profound.

Xiao Hongying didn't quite understand the meaning of the words in Liu Yuanqing's words for a while, she turned her head to look at Wen Wuquan: "Now the devil is close, let's add another grenade!"

Wen Wuquan was beside him with his head drooping under the sun: "I've already fired five rounds."

No one answered him.

He himself didn't know that he had killed an enemy by mistake.

Liu Yuanqing looked at the devils who were approaching in the ditch on the east side, and seemed to be talking to himself: "When a little devil comes out, we must first determine whether this guy is a sniper or an observer."

"I'll let him die in that ditch today!" The student machine gunner next to him poked his head out and shook his light machine gun.

call out.
A bullet whistled past overhead.

Fortunately, he just took a look and shrank his head, and was almost opened by the devil. The machine gunner turned pale with fright and yelled: "The little devil is so fucking powerful!"

Wen Wuquan took out a grenade, although he was a bit reluctant, he still stuffed it into the grenade.

I couldn't see where the devil fired his gun at all, so he let it go indiscriminately.
More than a dozen puppet troops in the north saw the imperial army shooting grenades, and the sweaty troops pointed and laughed.

On the road, the autonomous army was lying on the ground, and there were three imperial troops on the ground to the east, and the puppet troops who were getting closer were a little dazed.

The puppet soldiers who don't know why haven't seen the devils hiding in the wilderness far to the east for the time being.

Seeing that the people lying around the car did not move at all,
When the puppet army saw that these people were all lying on the side of the road, they immediately became nervous and approached the car position with their waists down.

Relying on being superior to the autonomous army, the squad leader of the puppet army began to shout from a long distance: "Which part do you belong to?"

"The commander of the Second Journey of the Autonomous Army." Someone answered immediately.

"I said, on such a hot day, do you guys lie on your stomach and play with your butt?"

"Eight roads have blocked the outer guard post of the Taijun, and planted landmines on the road." The autonomous army lying on the ground did not show their heads at all, and answered the puppet army's joking questions loudly.

Seeing that the guns of the people on the ground were all facing east, and there were two stretchers parked where the car tires were, the pseudo-squad leader asked again: "Is there an eighth road to the east?"

"There is an eight-way sharpshooter in the east, and we have injured three of them, and we are trying to find a way to encircle and suppress them." Shopkeeper Cheng Er said seriously.

"Why are there women in your team?"

"Hehe, the girl from the Brigadier's family has nothing to do and came out for a walk."

"What happened to the three imperial soldiers?"

"I said, you have a lot of questions, you should ask the Taijun yourself."

"How many anti-Japanese elements are there in the east?"


The pseudo-squad leader was stunned for a moment, his eyes turned contemptuous, the autonomous army is a scumbag: "Hey, you have five NO.60, you are so overwhelmed by two eight roads?"

"We are timid, we don't compare with you big brother, this time we have to ask for your tactical guidance."

"I can't say it's a guide, but I have experience in this kind of situation."

"I also ask the elder brother to guide me a lot."

Although there are many people on the other side, no matter how many there are, the pseudo-squad leader has a serious face: "I think it is possible to charge frontally and outflank the two wings. There are only two people on the eighth road. He is hard to beat with two fists and four hands. Right now we add up to more than 100 hand"

We didn't have the good fortune to train with the imperial army, otherwise, I will trouble you guys today
"Hey, yours. Come here." Liu Yuanqing directly waved his hand to let the puppet soldiers who were muttering behind him come over: "Over there, the eight-way one. Yours was killed?"

Seeing that the imperial army didn't dare to show their heads, the pseudo-squad leader immediately became proud: "Yes, Taijun, just watch it!"

Suzuki adjusted the focal length of the sniper scope, and the muzzle shook from side to side.

He clearly saw a squad of Huangxie troops coming out of the village to check the situation, but he didn't expect that squad of Huangxie troops to mix with the anti-Japanese elements on the side of the road.

My head is full of puzzles, now there are two possibilities, that group of autonomous army has something to do with the Huangxie Army who came out of the village, that is, the Huangxie Army has defected.

Or this group of imperial association troops was blinded by the self-governing army on the road.

The second possibility is very high, because one of the three people who were killed earlier was Balu.

The situation on the scene became clear, because he saw that a Ban Huangxie army coming out of the village began to search and advance eastward.

After fighting for so many years and having rich battlefield experience, Suzuki instantly understood the current situation.

In other words, the anti-Japanese elements hiding on the side of the road are using this Banhuang Alliance Army to attack themselves.

The puppet soldiers who rushed to check the situation when they heard the gunshots were yelled at by the prince who was lying on the ground, and there was no way to refuse.

After walking a certain distance, a puppet soldier immediately lowered his voice: "Squad leader, I think something is wrong."

"What's wrong?" The false squad leader walked behind the trio.

"Think about it, so many of them can't do anything to deal with a Balu lying on their stomachs, why did they let us do it?"

"What do you want to say?"

"I think there must be a conspiracy in the middle."

"What conspiracy?"

"The eight roads in the east must be as good at marksmanship as the eight roads in the village. They want us to die."

"There are shelters on the eight roads in the village. In this wilderness, I'm afraid of him."

"Hey, but why should we serve as cannon fodder for the autonomous army?"

"There are two imperial troops over there, besides, we have already entered the pit."

"Hey, there are more than 200 meters between the two of them. When we reach more than [-] meters in a while, we just spread our legs and run north. Who can do anything to us?"

The pseudo-squad leader felt that his subordinate's suggestion was very reasonable. In his opinion, shooting at a distance of more than 100 meters was nonsense.

Liu Yuanqing didn't have much hope for this class of puppet troops.

The sound of gunfire in the village was dense and sparse from time to time.

Based on his understanding of Hu Yi, it is absolutely impossible for Hu Yi to commit suicide.

Therefore, now we must find a way to get in touch with Commander Hu.

Looking at the puppet army going east, it happened to be between the devil and himself.

He said to the two soldiers next to him: "Look at the little girl!"

After speaking, he ordered to attack left and right.

Then he raised his machine gun and retreated to the side of the road under the cover of puppet troops and sandbag bunkers in the wilderness.

Quickly ran to the wilderness behind the puppet army, and then waved to the soldiers in the wilderness: "Pay attention to the position of the devil, there is a puppet army in front of him, all press quickly!"

The team followed the puppet army to the east in the wilderness, and suddenly there was a faint gunshot in the distance from the east.

The gunshot did not make the pseudo-squad leader who was running ahead feel more nervous, but felt relieved.

Because, he found that the guy hiding in the east who didn't even dare to show his head had bad marksmanship, and the bullet hit the feet of the brother in front.

Moreover, a large number of people from the autonomous army behind followed.

There was no way to escape to the north according to the previous idea, so we had to bite the bullet and lead the team to continue eastward.

Go straight in the direction of the gunfire.

The puppet army has no bones, as long as the devil yells, he has to be obedient.
Boltou was on his way when he suddenly heard the sound of a machine gun behind him.

Liu Yuanqing didn't hesitate at all, just because when a person is standing, his sight is much less disturbed by the hot air on the ground.

From a distance, I saw that the rifle that the devil had put on the ground before seemed to be being torn away by a hand.
The duo of devils and snipers shouldn't do such meaningless things.

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