under fire

Chapter 1389 Fight the enemy with blood

Suzuki felt that he might have misjudged the situation.

The search party did come out from the village after the shots were fired.

But a class of the Imperial Association Army was blinded.

He even collaborated with those anti-Japanese elements.

The unsightly and arrogant attack on himself.

Raising a gun won't do anything to warn these bastards.

Under the dazzling sun, the bullet was pushed and loaded again.

This time, he set his target on the anti-Japanese elements who rushed up from behind the Imperial Association Army.

Kill two and these idiots will be honest.

A gray figure fell in response.

While firing the gun, he exposed his position, and the machine gun in the distance began to suppress it.

Nearby, the cats of the Imperial Association Army sprawled on their waists and fired back indiscriminately.

The gunshots erupted instantly.

The bullets hit the edge of the ditch with a loud puff.

Suzuki was quite satisfied with the effect of this shot.

Mao walked down the ditch bottom to change to a new shooting position. This time, he felt that there was no need to show mercy.

Directly aim at the head of a puppet soldier who is having fun shooting at his previous firing position.

The shot rang out and people fell down.

Pull out the case and put another round in the chamber.

This quick shot didn't have time to hit the head, and hit a puppet soldier in the chest.

After two subordinates died in a row, the pseudo-squad leader was horrified and lost his mind. The "Eight Route" sharpshooter lived up to his reputation.

The moment he lost his mind, he was thrown to the ground by the good brother next to him: "Squad leader, that guy is very good at marksmanship, we have to run away"

The pseudo-squad leader looked at the corpses of the two unlucky brothers next to him, and began to tremble in his heart.

In the face of death, the boneless puppet soldiers were all scared.

It is okay to fight more and take advantage of less, but this time the strong kicked the iron plate.

The opponent didn't fire a lot of guns, and it can be called a hundred shots. Such an opponent is too powerful. If he loses the two brothers, he can't do the job of being a hero!
Thinking about it carefully, the bullet that hit him earlier should have been a warning, and the "eight roads" still had some scruples about burning incense.

But now, if you don't know how to praise, your life will be in danger, and you finally understand why so many autonomous troops lie on the side of the road and dare not show their heads.

Immediately made a decision not to serve as shield envoys to those three princes again!
"Withdraw!" The pseudo-squad leader may not know how to command a battle at all, but when it comes to escaping, he knows it by himself!
After a yell, he spread his legs and ran north.

The nine puppet soldiers prayed in their hearts, Ba Ye, you can see clearly, we really didn't mean to stroke your beard, we all ran away now, you must not dare to fire your gun.

Maybe prayers worked, the "eight-way" sharpshooters in the east really didn't shoot!
Escaping a mile away in one go, nine puppet soldiers jumped into a ditch one after another, panting like a bellows.

Lost shoes, lost guns, pulled caps, lost bullet belts
After counting the number of people, except for the two brothers who died completely, there are nine people, not one of them!
They wiped off their hot sweat, and thanked each other tremblingly for the kindness of Ba Ye not killing him!

Liu Yuanqing, who was following behind the puppet army, became ruthless.

Since he chose to attack, he could not take casualties into account, and ignored the fleeing puppet army.

There was no puppet army blocking the front, and seeing that they were about to enter a distance of [-] meters, they immediately ordered everyone to disperse and charge!

It takes about 100 seconds to charge at a distance of 15 meters, no matter how fast the rifle fires, plus the time to change the magazine.

The devil can only fire three bridge clips and fifteen rounds of bullets at most!
That devil is definitely not an ordinary person!

He decided to fight the little devil sharpshooter with numbers and flesh and blood.

That sniper rifle can match a [-] infantry gun, fifteen for one, it's worth it!
Really like a military police, eh. Balu is really a vegetarian?
Suzuki hoped that the imperial army would come.

It was the Imperial Association Army who came, and he didn't have high hopes for these fearful ghosts.

It's not unexpected to get naked before the battle, and it's easy for them to run away.

Seeing that more than [-] anti-Japanese elements scattered behind, they had rushed to a position nearly [-] meters away from themselves.

Suzuki grinned grinningly and raised his gun again, knocking down an anti-Japanese element who had spread out from the south to the ground, and followed Mao Yao to change positions.

The bullets of the machine guns that returned fire roared overhead, and the messy rifle bullets splashed a cloud of dust in the wilderness.

Suzuki turned a blind eye and continued to retreat eastward, away from the dense impact point.

His body was pressed against the edge of the ditch, and he could feel that there were almost no bullets flying over his head in his current position.

Immediately quickly probe the gun, aim, shoot, and accurately silence the machine gunner who is suppressing on the south side.

Then shrink your head and then withdraw more than ten meters to the east, pressing bullets into the rifle magazine one by one.

Standing up suddenly, sticking half of his head out against the wall of the ditch, he shot and killed the chasing autonomous army one by one again.

Perfect time means that every shot you fire hits a target.

After five bullets were fired, five of the attacking anti-Japanese elements fell, but more bullets were fired back.

Good location is good.

Those anti-Japanese elements want to catch up with themselves, so they can only go to the wilderness as a target!

If you want to chase along the ditch, you can't form a formation, and there is no difference between one person and ten people.

Suzuki retreated while hitting, emptied the magazine again, and retreated to the first supply point.

Wasted time pressing the bullets, he groped from the edge of the ditch to the loaded rifle that was leaning against the ditch before, and raised the gun to aim at a figure.

The distance between the two sides was very close, and the person in the front sight suddenly pulled the trigger.

There was a soft click, but the familiar feeling of recoil hitting his shoulder did not come.

My first reaction was that the rifle jammed or a dud.

Pull the bolt quickly, trying to pull the jammed bullet out of the chamber.
The sight of a neutron bullet jumping out was not expected.

Suddenly, I found that there was a movement on the bulge on the ground that should have been a sand pile.
Suzuki was startled, and a picture subconsciously appeared in his mind: Ninja!
He didn't have time to react any more, he swung his rifle and slammed the thin figure hard.

The figure that suddenly emerged from the grass was able to move left and right in the narrow ditch, swaying quickly close to the ditch wall.

The man held a bright short knife in his hand, and the sharp blade kept shining in the sun.

The reflected sunlight hit Suzuki's eyes from time to time.

The bright light was dazzling, making Suzuki flustered and flustered.

Suzuki's reaction was not slow, and he threw the rifle away.

He swiftly took out the Nanbu pistol at his waist, and when he pulled the trigger, the dusty gray figure was already facing him.

A white light flashed.

A cold feeling came from the left waist, followed by the cold feeling all the way to the right waist.

The barrel of the southern pistol that had not been raised was held by the black shadow and pulled to the right.

Zhang Xiaodao, who was holding the barrel of the gun, immediately withdrew his hand: "I'm burnt to death."

Suzuki turned his arm sideways, trying to kill the gray-clothed man covered in sand and dirt with his pistol.

There was a sudden piercing pain from the abdomen that had been sliced ​​open by the other party.

Looking down, his abdomen was cut horizontally.

There is almost no difference from seppuku, the large and small intestines are dry and the water is pouring on the ground.

Zhang Xiaodao raised his leg quickly, intending to kick the Nannan pistol in the trembling Suzuki's hand: "Hey, I'm not as good as you when it comes to guns, I'm your ancestor when it comes to knives!"

The abdomen was cut open and he would not die immediately. Suzuki endured the great pain, quickly withdrew his hands to avoid Zhang Xiaohao's kick, followed the pistol to point the knife at Zhang Xiaohao, and pulled the trigger.

Zhang Xiaodao didn't expect that this little devil would be able to raise his gun and shoot with all his intestines.

Quickly lean back.

The bullet hit the wall of the ditch where the knife was dodging to the side.

Perhaps because of the trauma to his body, Suzuki half stood up.

Phew. A bullet accurately hit the helmet on Suzuki's head.

It felt like being hit by a car, the battered Suzuki thinking the last moment.

The buzzing mind suddenly remembered the battlefield weapon rules: when you know you are dead in battle, you must destroy the weapons and ammunition you carry with you.

Before dying, this guy even took off the grenade hanging on his chest, and smashed it on the ground with the rifle butt.

Bang bang bang.
Mr. Li, who followed, fired continuously, and a few bullets directly smashed Suzuki into a sieve.

"There are grenades!" Zhang Xiaodao slammed at Li Laosan
Xiao Hongying in the west was sweating profusely.

Originally, he had been aiming at the east, and when he saw Liu Yuanqing leading the charge, he immediately wanted to jump out of the position.

But he was pulled back by the soldiers next to him.

But this item is angry: "let go"

"Why are you so anxious, Mr. Li and the others are outflanking from the east, that devil can't fly!" the observer muttered beside him.

The soldier grabbed Xiao Hongying and didn't let go: "Platoon Leader Liu led more than [-] comrades, and nearly half of them were knocked down by the devils! You can just stay behind obediently and take advantage of it?"

Xiao Hongying was helpless: "What's your name?"

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