under fire

Chapter 1390 Reinforcement from the vanguard of the 2nd Brigade

Chapter 1390 Reinforcement from the vanguard of the Second Brigade
Seven were killed by bullets to the head, five were seriously wounded and three were slightly wounded.

All of them were Bao's platoon-level commanders, and half of the platoon was injured or injured.

For the autonomous army, a dozen or so platoon leaders can fully support half of the main regiment!
Such a loss made Xiao Hongying simply unbearable!

Rush forward into the wilderness, one by one, one by one, the eyes of the sacrificed soldiers were leveled.

There is no clarity in the eyes, only endless flames.

She didn't take the sniper rifle handed over by Li Laosan, and turned to stare at Liu Yuanqing: "How do you want me to explain to the political commissar of the division?"

Liu Yuanqing also felt uncomfortable, and didn't answer Xiao Hongying immediately.

He took out what he found from Suzuki, wrapped it in oiled paper, and handed it to Xiao Hongying an unedited full-page bird article newspaper.

Xiao Hongying's dirty face twisted: "What is this?"

"This devil is the God of the North China Army!" Liu Yuanqing looked bitter, and took out another devil reward: "Just because of this, you don't have to tell anyone."

Xiao Hongying couldn't read Niaowen newspapers, but she knew the word "reward".

Holding those pieces of award paper in his hand, looking at those curved bird writings, he picked out a lot of familiar Chinese characters from among them.

After a while, he turned around.

After taking the sniper rifle from Li Laosan, he fumbled for a while, then handed the rifle to Liu Yuanqing: "It should be most suitable for him to follow you."

Liu Yuanqing shook his head with a sincere face: "Zhang Xiaodao is the most suitable."

After speaking, he took the rifle and handed it to Zhang Xiaodao.

Then turned to look at Xiao Hongying, and lowered her voice: "I will bring him out, he will be the devil in the kid's dream."

Zhang Xiaodao was a little confused, he knew very well the importance of this rifle to Instructor Hong.

He was just a little more courageous, although logically speaking, he was indeed the one who seized the gun.

For this rifle, seven platoon-level grassroots commanders were sacrificed.

He didn't feel that he had the honor to carry this rifle, and he felt uneasy: "This, I can't."

Xiao Hongying looked at Zhang Xiaodao with a calm expression: "Take it, if you don't kill seventy devils, I want you to look good."

Zhang Xiaodao trembled in his heart, wouldn't this drive the ducks to the shelves?
In Sanzong, there are only a handful of combat heroes who killed ten devils, and the names of those heroes can be counted on fingers.
Liu Yuanqing thought for a while.

Pulling Xiao Hongying's arm to leave the crowd, she lowered her voice: "Bury these two devils first, and order everyone not to talk about this outside."


"If you don't want to suffer the devil's crazy revenge, you'd better listen to my arrangement."

"How crazy can it be?" Xiao Hongying raised her head and wiped the sweat from her small forehead.

"Devils value honor very much. If they know that we have killed this devil named Suzuki, they may mobilize a division, or even planes and tanks to encircle us."

"Can you really blow?"

"Immediately bury that car in the ground, and kill those nine puppet soldiers!"

Xiao Hongying's face darkened: "They are captives."

Liu Yuanqing shook his head: "With a gun in your hand, you are not a prisoner until you raise your hand and surrender!"

Li Laosan muttered: "We are now a security battalion of the Autonomous Army, so we don't need to be careful?"

Liu Yuanqing turned his head, looked at Li Laosan standing more than ten meters away with a dark face, and yelled: "Is your mother Shunfenger?"

Youngest Li shrank his neck: "You guys are talking too loudly, okay?"

Xiao Hongying took a look at Li Laosan, then looked away and asked Liu Yuanqing, "Why do you think Zhang Xiaodao is suitable for that sniper rifle?"

Liu Yuanqing's face was calm: "A person who can see the target more clearly with his eyes alone than with a telescope is a natural sniper."

"You bastard is blowing to the sky"

"I told you when they were training that his hand with the gun hardly shakes. Although he is very thin, his physical endurance is stronger than that of Li Laosan!"

"This is true." Xiao Hongying thought about the training she gave to the guerrillas two days ago: "Then tell me, what are the specific requirements for becoming a sniper?"

Liu Yuanqing glanced at Xiao Hongying: "Originally, you are also very suitable."

"Hey, I'm only good at marksmanship." Xiao Hongying's previous grief has long been thrown to the Java Kingdom, and she can afford it and let it go, and her kindness and uncontrollable soldiers are deeply taught by Hu Yi.

"Your physical strength is not good. The sniper is not hiding somewhere and waiting for the target to appear."

"I practice sword skills every morning!" Xiao Hongying was dissatisfied with Liu Yuanqing's evaluation of herself.

"Can you soak in the latrine for a day?" Liu Yuanqing had a weird smile on his face.


It is very difficult to bury a car.

More than forty people joined hands.

Nine puppet soldiers were not killed.

Because, the pseudo-squad leader has a certificate of returning to the War of Resistance.

Of course, this person has good eyesight and a lot of knowledge.

People in common people's attire appeared from the east, and when the opponent came over, they spread out into a battle formation.

Immediately understood what was going on, he was a bachelor and didn't run away at all, and knelt on the ground with guns in both hands from a long distance away.

On the plains, except for mules and horses, only ghost cars are left to fight with the eight roads.

The movement of the fighting outside the village is completely incomparable with the scenes in the village.

The devils and puppet troops who besieged the village simply ignored this small scene.

A team of more than fifty people came from the south.

The offensive and defensive battle in the village is still fierce.

The puppet army took the lead, and the devils followed up, and once again "smoothly" broke through the defense line in the west of the village.

The devils curled up against the courtyard wall, keeping their guns out of the way.

Open the way with grenade grenades.

The courtyards under the sun are full of dust and smoke.

The battlefield has entered into a house-by-house search for offensive and defensive battles, and none of the puppet soldiers dared to climb over the wall.

A murmur suddenly came from the top of a certain floor: "Hey, the puppet soldiers outside the village seem to be playing semaphore."

"The puppet army made a semaphore, what the hell are you talking about!"

"No, our semaphore can only play some common troop number numbers, offensive, retreat and other tactical terms, but they keep using [-]"

"What the hell are you learning to stutter? What the hell is nine?"

The observer handed the binoculars to the big dog lying on the roof: "Look behind the puppet army, there is a man with braids on his head. What do you think it could be?"

"Why is there someone who makes smoke?"

"I can't think of anyone but her who would put a hole in the middle of a big-brimmed hat."

"Wasn't Wang Pengying guarding the outside area? How did she get mixed up with the puppet army?"

"Listen well, don't shoot randomly at the puppet army at the western end of the south." The observer looked terrified.

The pseudo-company commander looked at the group of self-governing troops brought back by his subordinates: "Why do you come to reinforce just this few people?"

"Look at what you said, we are the vanguard, and we, Brigadier Cheng, and a large number of people will arrive soon!"

"Are you from the Second Brigade?"

Shopkeeper Cheng Er spoke with a local accent, with an arrogant face: "What? You don't welcome me? I'll go back to the Brigadier now and say no!"

"Wait, how many people did your brigade commander bring?"

"Not much, maybe a thousand numbers."

"Then take a look at the situation first, we have been fighting for three hours, and you will attack later!" The false company commander shook his head.

Now that the head of the regiment was injured, the battalion commander didn't want to see these autonomous troops, so he asked him to approach them, so he had no choice but to comfort them.

Shopkeeper Cheng Er spoke with a local accent, with an arrogant face: "What? You don't welcome me? I'll go back to the Brigadier now and say no!"

"Wait, how many people did your brigade commander bring?"

"Not much, maybe a thousand numbers."

"Then take a look at the situation first, we have been fighting for three hours, and you will attack later!" The false company commander shook his head with a happy expression on his face.

Now that the head of the regiment is injured, the battalion commander doesn't want to see these two-faced self-government army, let him come to approach, comfort them first, let them take the lead

(End of this chapter)

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