under fire

Chapter 1391

Chapter 1391

A small group of troops arrived, but did not attract more people's attention.

The battle to attack the village has reached a stalemate.

The devils and puppet troops are superior in strength.

Now the entire western front is fully pressing into the village.

With the experience of encircling and suppressing guerrilla forces from all walks of life many times, both devils and puppet troops have breathed a sigh of relief.

Because, the battle has come to an end without any suspense.

Due to the large number of puppet troops, since the west has entered the village, the south and north are only for vigilance.

If a team of more than a thousand people all participated in the attack, the small village would not be able to accommodate so many people.

The injured pseudo-regiment leader was slightly injured and couldn't go to the front line. He didn't feel dizzy at this time, and the two wounds on his arms didn't seem to hurt.

He began to yell at the messenger to tell his men to press down on the village.

The various departments of the puppet army that received the order had different thoughts at this time.

It's okay to watch the excitement from the sidelines, and it's okay to go to the battlefield with real swords and guns.

There are always some sensible pseudo-officers: "Battle Commander, the machine gun that was fired in the village before did not move, I think the eight roads in the village are holding back their big moves!"

The pseudo-battalion commander in the south poked his big-brimmed hat with his pistol, and his head was covered with sweat as he slid down: "Hey, old rules, machine gun cover! Crawl forward!"

The machine gun team received an order not far away.

"Report to the battalion commander, during the previous attack, the machine gun got into the sand and couldn't fire." The machine gunner who came up to replace him was sweating profusely, lying on the ground and looking at the orderly, without turning his eyes.

"That's right, it's stuck." The new deputy shooter added.

The messenger is the confidant of the false battalion commander, and immediately waved his hands and cursed: "Then why are you still standing there? Hurry up and fix it!"

"Yes!" The machine gunner had a resolute expression on his face.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to install it again" the deputy shooter next to him whispered.

"I'm afraid that it can be installed after dismantling it." The machine gunner smiled.

"Hey." The two puppet military members of the machine gun team were in full bloom.

"Baga, you two are simply scum in the Imperial Association Army!" A majestic voice appeared behind the two puppet soldiers, speaking broken Chinese.

"Taijun?" The machine gunner was taken aback, turned his head quickly, and suddenly saw the self-government army uniform he was wearing, and was about to curse.

Suddenly, he noticed that under the collar of the military uniform of the other side's autonomous army, the yellow Taijun military uniform collar badge was a bit dazzling.

The puppet army's backup machine gunner has never experienced this at all.

For a moment, he was stunned on the spot, and the light machine gun in his hand also fell into the hands of the "Taijun" wearing the uniform of the Autonomous Army.

The Taijun moved quickly, and an assistant next to him spread the tarpaulin on the ground swiftly, and the action of dismantling the machine gun dazzled the two puppet soldiers.

The gun cloth constantly wipes the sand dust off the parts.

The cleaned parts are neatly placed on the oilcloth.

Following the quick assembly, "Taijun" still had enough energy to look at the machine gunner: "Did you deliberately pour sand into the machine gun?"

"No, I swear to God, I never did! If there is a lie, the whole family will die!" The machine gunner turned pale and hurriedly expressed his opinion.

The deputy shooter was trembling and said nothing, and the guy next to him was scolding himself, because he was the one who poured sand into the machine gun's bullet port.

These two are not stupid. To fill the barrel with sand, you only need to replace the spare barrel to start again, and throw a handful of sand directly into the bullet port.

A squad of nine puppet soldiers came back, holding guns without bullets, and dared not pull the bolt at all.

Because you can't see the bullets in the magazine when you pull the bolt, it will be exposed.

When the platoon leader next to him shouted to check the weapons, they each tried to cover it up.
There is no way, lying behind the sun in the sun, the black muzzle of the guns in the hands of eight men eat meat but not vegetarian.

Dead Taoist friends don't die poor monks, those brothers who get along day and night next to me, I'm sorry!
Anyway, surrendering to the devil is also for survival, as long as you surrender to the Eighth Master later, the Eighth Master will not kill you, we have saved the lives of the brothers!

As for the position in the south being overshadowed by the Eight Routes, what impact would it have on the direction of the entire battlefield? Is it important to have one's own life?

The puppet army in the north of the village was originally more than a hundred meters away from the village. Hearing an order from the head of the regiment who was seriously injured in the arm, the commander of the puppet third battalion immediately ordered the troops to spread out and press against the village.

A part of the troops was withdrawn by the regiment commander to the west, and there was actually only one company on hand. The team of nearly a hundred people quickly dispersed into nine squads according to the training requirements of the Imperial Army instructors, and followed the formation.

Three platoons remained in reserve.

The first and second rows are divided into two echelons; the two light machine guns of the whole company are concentrated in the second row, and placed on the two wings for cover and suppression shooting.

The two previous shooters of the machine gun team were accidentally killed by stray bullets one after another, which made the deputy shooter who took over a little inexplicably nervous.

The puppet soldiers always felt that things were a little strange this time. During the last attack, the eight-way machine gun in the village didn't play much role, and two machine gunners died.

According to common sense, if there is a sharpshooter on the Eighth Route, he should also attack the battalion leader first!

The Battalion Commander was not afraid of death, and was yelling loudly to dispatch troops: "The main force will attack in one row, and the three squads will spread out again. The first squad will attack from the front, and the second and third squads will outflank the left and right wings."

Originally invincible offensive formation!
Directly dismembered by the four words "creeping attack" finally issued by the false third battalion commander
Crazy Yang, who turned to the north side through the tunnel, frowned.

Crouching behind the courtyard wall, the rifle sight dangled on the false battalion commander's forehead for almost half an hour!

Originally, he wanted to kill this guy, but he was worried that if the puppet battalion commander died, the puppet army would fall apart.

Therefore, only two puppet army machine gunners were injured.

The reason why they were not killed was very simple. He felt that these puppet soldiers might have been the national army before. After all, they were of the same kind, so they didn't kill them.

Moreover, injuring the enemy on the battlefield is more effective than killing the enemy!

This battle was very boring, the combat effectiveness of the puppet army was too weak, and Battalion Commander Hu's plan was probably in vain.

At the same time, I was very puzzled. I used to hear newspapers saying how powerful the puppet army was, but seeing it today, I have a more intuitive view.

If the puppet army followed the devils to chase the national army or the rout of the Eighth Route, its combat effectiveness would not be much worse than that of the devils!
Just like the palm-sized poodles raised by those noble ladies in Nanjing in the past, they bark louder than tigers when their owners are around.

If the master is not there or encounters a little setback, he dare not make a sound with his tail between his legs.

To let the cowardly puppet army approach without a master, it is necessary to show weakness to the enemy.

Crazy Yang was not interested in continuing to make false claims with the puppet army, and gave up the shooting position to Guo Erdan, a militiaman who had been following him.

The devils and puppet troops were pressing on from the west, attacking house by house, and after retreating into the tunnel, they pulled out their disliked pistols and fumbled into the village.

Guo Erdan is excited. After following the cold-faced Instructor Yang for so long, he finally has a chance to kill the enemy on the front line.

Under the envious gazes of his comrades, he touched the rifle still covered in the sweat of Crazy Yang, and slowly poked his head out from the base of the wall.

According to the shooting essentials, aim at the enemy at a distance of about [-] meters!

Just as he was about to ask the captain behind him when he could shoot, suddenly there was a ballistic whistling in the air.

Shrinking his head in fright.

The ballistics pulled back and forth on the courtyard wall, and ballistics continued to enter the wall.

I feel something is wrong in my heart!

Why did Master Yang lie here and the puppet army didn't even dare to let a fart go? As soon as he left, the puppet army machine gun suddenly started screaming?
Did the puppet army know that the cold-faced killer had left?
After the machine gun bullets passed, he carefully poked his head out again.

It is more than two hundred meters wide in the north of the village.

from afar.

A squad of puppet troops was mainly attacking, and before they set off, they all got down on the ground first.

I have been a militia for so long, and I have never seen the arrogant puppet army fight like this before.

The puppet army has also never seen the Eight Routes fighting in this way, and listened carefully to the gunshots firing northward in the village. There were almost none.

Could it be that the eight roads have been beaten by the imperial army and their companions who rushed into the village, and they have no strength to parry.

Even if they think so, no one is willing to stand up, and even some of the puppet soldiers in the prostrate team are not reckless.

Just crawling on the ground, constantly exchanging legs and kicking the ground to move the body forward, pulling
"Oh, my army uniform is torn, who has needle and thread to lend me a seam."

(End of this chapter)

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