under fire

Chapter 1392

The two-winged machine guns suppressed fiercely.

The village did not return fire.

It doesn't take long to climb a distance of more than [-] meters.

The frontal puppet army quickly arrived at a distance of about 50 meters from the village, near where several corpses were left on the ground during the previous attack.

Seeing that his own people finally came up again, the puppet army puppet lying behind a certain corpse began to cry while covering the wound that suddenly oozes blood.

The puppet soldiers who came over finally couldn't bear it, and reluctantly stood up half-kneeling, and began to pull bandages to bandage the wounded puppet soldiers lying on the ground.

The puppet army in charge of vigilance finally took advantage of the corpse of his companion and couldn't help poking his head up to look carefully at the village.

The gunfire in the village seemed to become less and less, and the puppet soldiers continued to move forward.

I have never been so aggrieved before, how low my heads are from the ground, I wish I could bury my heads in the ground and act like an earthen grandson, moving forward like a snake.

30 meters is the most dangerous distance, because the eight roads in the village may throw grenades.

This time the puppet troops attacking from the front were desperately unwilling to advance further, waiting for the puppet troops outflanked by the two wings to advance first.

Guo Erdan's eyes were wide open, and the sight was aimed at the head of a puppet soldier. Those who opened their eyes when aiming were either novices or experts.

The observer next to him suddenly muttered: "You have been aiming for 10 minutes, why didn't you shoot?"

"Ah, don't you want to obey the command?"

"You idiot, you now occupy the position of company commander, if you shoot, everyone will follow suit."

"Hey, I'm still waiting for you to shoot first"

Before the words were finished, the bullet rushed out of the gun in a panic.

Crazy Yang fell in love with Erdan Guo because he could aim with his eyes open when he raised his gun to shoot.

The militia didn't have much opportunity to shoot at all, and there was very little opportunity for live ammunition during training.

Followed the Jiuying to fight the county town, and followed Luo Fugui in the first battle after receiving the rifle outside the devil's barracks, and the first bridge clamp was all empty.

However, when this guy finally surrounded and suppressed the devils who hid in the houses, he was able to hit the devils who were rushing to observe from a distance of 30 meters!

There are very few people with this kind of shooting ability, and they have an innate sense of shooting!
A bullet whizzed past the false squad leader's head.

The pseudo squad leader who was observing was scared to death, and immediately shouted: "Shoot at the bottom of the wall."

Although the puppet soldiers who have been trained by devils are afraid of death, they still have some skills after all.

Immediately raise the gun and shoot back at the base of the wall where you just shot.

Bang bang bang.
There was a burst of gunshots.

Da da da.
The puppet army's machine gunners who were suppressing behind were not at a low level, and the bullets fired at the puppet troops hit the wall where the dust was splashed and suppressed violently.

Generally, most Eighth Route fighters start shooting at the enemy after the commander yells "fight".

The soldiers of the Ninth Battalion seemed to behave differently.

Even if the command position gunshots, no one thinks that it is the beginning of the battle, and everyone should shoot a volley immediately.

The fighters hiding in the shooting positions at the base of the wall seemed to be too calm.

Still according to my own understanding, aim at the target and shoot when you are [-]% sure of hitting the target.

bang bang bang
Mixed with the gunfire of the puppet army returning fire, it was so sparse that it could almost be ignored.

The puppet soldiers lying on the ground kept howling as they covered their thigh wounds that suddenly bled.

A very small number of people who were shot in the head directly became ostriches, and finally got into the ground with the blood of Bai Hua'er.

Under the wall, the squad leader and observer yelled and cursed: "You're going to miss your mother if you're so close."

The soldier felt aggrieved: "I clearly aimed at his thigh, who would have thought that he would suddenly twist his body and bring his head up"

"All aimed at the enemy's thigh!"

"Can you hit the calf?"

"Is it okay to kick your feet?"

The puppet soldiers lying on the ground were constantly shot, either in the thigh or calf.

The puppet soldiers almost screamed at once.

In their subconscious mind, even if they are faked, as long as they lie down, they can survive.

Some clever puppet soldiers immediately lay behind their companions.

Those almost negligible gunshots stopped suddenly.

It seemed that the village had never fired a gun.

A squad of eleven puppet soldiers who are advancing, even if they hide behind the corpse, so what?

The total number of people is just that small, and each puppet army has already been numbered by the eight-way observer in the village.

The observer laughed and sang proudly: "I have a chicken in my left hand and a chicken in my right hand."

"Where are the chickens?" A rough voice came from the back yard.

There was unbearable joy in the voice.

Then he showed an ugly face with open eyebrows and smiling triangle eyes.

"Hey, Captain Luo, why are you here? Aren't you in the south of the village?"

The puppet soldiers attacking from the north of the village were lying on the ground, most of them were injured in their legs and feet, and they secretly rejoiced that they had escaped.

Quickly move your body to hide behind individual dead companions, and quickly connect them in a row.
There was no way, those who turned around and were about to flee back were all shot, and Balu in the village seemed to particularly like to hit their thighs and calves.

The screams of the puppet wounded on the ground seemed to be much lower, and some people were constantly struggling because of pain or to bandage their wounds.

The Bazan in the village did not seem to have fired.

The puppet soldiers seemed to understand something in an instant. There were rumors that there were sharpshooters who beat people's thighs, and then used the target as bait to kill the companions who came to rescue.

At this time, anyone who dares to get up and run will be shot.

A wounded puppet army attacking from the left was pushed to the forefront.

"Your mother's old man isn't dead yet." The one who spoke rolled his eyes and resisted the pain and didn't dare to move. At such a short distance, if the eight roads in the village came over with a shot, he would have to go back to the west.

"It's okay, Balu lacks ammunition, and won't shoot at corpses." The puppet soldiers who were also injured gritted their teeth in pain.

"Then quickly cover my wound."

"Shut up, if Balu knows that you are a wounded person, if you shoot again, you will really turn into a corpse."

"Believe it or not, I will pull the grenade now? Everyone will die in the same year, the same month, and the same day." The fake wounded man knew that if the wound was not bandaged, he would bleed to death sooner or later
"Okay, okay, I'll cover your wound, don't move around."

"Hey, wait like this. It's not an option."

"Then you can climb back and try."

The false battalion commander lay on the ground, and the light machine guns on both sides kept ringing.

Seeing that the attacking platoon had "arrived" more than [-] meters away from the village.

It seems that they are shouting loudly. They also put on an array.

There were only sporadic return shots in the village.

Immediately judged that because the Taijun attacked from the west, the Eighth Route did not have many people deployed in the north of the village.

Hurry up and order the second echelon puppet army to quickly participate in the attack according to the great command skills learned during the training of the imperial army.

First, to increase offensive forces and firepower, and second, to consolidate the "defense line."

Then he yelled at the third echelon to prepare for a full-scale attack!
A company of more than a hundred people is divided into three echelons, and the tactics are not bad!
Village East.

Surrounded by three corners, some puppet troops have been digging "fortifications" all the time, and some are hiding in simple fortifications and waiting.

West of the village.

The puppet soldiers who entered the village followed the devils step by step and slowly moved forward in the endless gunpowder smoke.

One by one with a rifle, holding a grenade, along the base of the wall. I wish I could turn into a picture and stick it on the wall like Sun Monkey.

As low as you can bend your waist, you only need a big-brimmed hat to completely cover your head and make an ostrich see nothing
The devil who was sticking to the wall in front suddenly stopped and turned his head, sticking to the base of the wall with a grim face and kept waving his hands to signal the following puppet army to attack through the hole in the wall.

The puppet soldiers also have some skills. They hide behind the hole in the wall and throw the grenade first.

Immediately after the exploding shrapnel and shock wave, rush towards the gunpowder quickly.

Don't care about anything after the past, first form a team and shoot randomly before looking for cover

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