under fire

Chapter 1393 Refueling Tactics

Chapter 1393 Refueling Tactics
The observer hidden in the tunnel quietly poked his head out from the base of a certain courtyard wall.

In the narrow field of vision, a group of unlucky devils were poking their heads out, following behind the puppet soldiers in front.

Looking around again, the puppet army of the second echelon is slowly crawling out of the hole in the broken wall full of gunpowder smoke.

The observer shrank his head quickly: "A squad of puppet troops is leading the way, followed by more than a dozen devils, and a large number of puppet troops have entered the ambush range behind."

"A set of grenades is ready." A voice spread in the tunnel.

The floating soil in the corner, the piles of rubble, and the small piles of firewood seemed to start to shake by themselves.

The puppet army following at the back was a little confused, although there had been news from the front that the Eighth Route might have entered the tunnel.

But when I really saw the movement on the ground, I felt a sense of absurdity in my heart, and I was dumbfounded.
Just turned the gun and prepared to shoot.

One after another, smoking grenades have broken through the ground.

The puppet soldiers in the yard were not given more time to react.

Although I can't see the details of how the eight roads that can enter the ground threw the grenade, everyone knows how disastrous the consequences will be if they don't find cover before the iron lump explodes.

There is no such thing as rushing forward and crushing a grenade with your body.

It is the wisest choice to panic and seek cover after lying down.

There is no place to hide in the yard except those little dirt bags in the corner
Not without it, the companion's body
A certain clever puppet army was separated from the grenade by the body of his companion, and was thankful that there was no grenade around him.

With a bang, another grenade landed at his feet, and he could only use his legs to kick the grenade at his feet into the legs of his companion next to him in despair. The companion looked at him.
Panic, anger, despair, helplessness.
The pseudo-squad leader stared wide-eyed at a grenade on the left and right sides of his body.

He picked up a smoking one and stuffed it into the hole in the courtyard wall where the grenade popped out.

Only then did they discover that the other party had already piled up the hole.
A bullet was fired from the hole, knocking the pseudo-squad leader to the corner of the wall.

The pseudo-squad leader, who was shot in the chest, tried to throw the grenade out of the hospital with the last of his strength, but unfortunately he overestimated his own strength.

The smoking grenade staggered and smashed towards the imperial army on the eastern courtyard wall.

Maybe he felt that he was doomed this time, and the pseudo-squad leader suddenly calmed down at this moment.

I thought to myself, is Tubalu crazy?
We don't really want to play with you, you throw so many grenades?

Can't you catch those princes?
There are only a dozen people in my class, and you threw more than a dozen grenades, aren't you bullying?

You are so poor, can't you throw away two less?
Now there are almost no dead ends in the entire yard.
It's not worth wasting so many grenades on us!
The devils in the yard turned their backs to the thrown grenades, and turned their heads when they heard the terrified voices of the puppet soldiers behind them.

Just seeing the smoking iron bumps on the ground, there is no time to dodge.
Boom. Boom. Boom.
The first flash of light expanded violently with gunpowder smoke, and the ever-expanding smoke seemed to compress the air violently.

Followed by the second cloud of gunpowder.
Shrapnel began to rage in the yard, and it was not safe to lie on the ground.

The hot summer sun scorched the ground extremely hot, coupled with the heat generated by the explosion, the temperature in the entire yard suddenly rose.

From the north of the village to the south of the village.

The dense grenades that exploded successively rang in each courtyard.

It seems to be connected into a wall of light blue gunpowder smoke more than ten meters wide.

Seeing the smoking grenades kept being thrown from the root of the wall, some of the puppet troops at the back were lucky, and the delayed grenades gave them a chance to exit the yard.

Puffs of gunpowder smoke rushed out from the hole in the broken wall, and the puppet soldiers stuck to the edge of the wall felt the vibration of the earth, and the wall was shaking and about to fall.

Finally unable to calm down, he put down his rifle and ran straight back, not caring what the squad leader or platoon leader shouted at him.

After the explosion, the courtyard seemed to suddenly turn into night, and there were always those puppet soldiers who were only injured but did not die immediately.

Standing up in the dark gunpowder smoke, I couldn't see anything, my mind was buzzing, and I was completely in a state of bewilderment.

The shock waves generated by the superposition of multiple grenade explosions injured the viscera of the puppet soldiers and devils.

Whether you can survive such a violent explosion, only God knows
The second echelon of puppet troops sandwiched between the north and the south is crawling about [-] meters away from the village.

On the way all the way, Balu almost didn't shoot a single shot. They thought that the brothers who were lying on the ground had already established a line of defense.

As a result, he rushed to the front and found that all the brothers on the ground were lame and broken.

One by one hurriedly shouted at each other and asked six times about the situation, and listened to the reply from the companion who hissed and screamed strangely.

The puppet soldiers who came over stared at each other, and immediately lay down on the ground and did not dare to move.

Suddenly, I heard the continuous explosion of grenades in the village.

Probe quickly, staring at the horrific scene in the village, dumbfounded.

Then it perfectly interprets what cowardice is.

"Fuck, the prince in the village is probably in danger!"

"Not good, I just saw the first battalion followed Taijun into the village"

"Eighth Master is too cruel."

"Fortunately. We crawl slowly."

"Thank you Taishang Laojun" "Thank you Tathagata Buddha."

"Thank you Guanyin Bodhisattva." "Thank you Jade Emperor."

"Thank you Erlang God" "Thank you Roaring Dog"

"Hey, why are you thanking the Xiaotian dog for?"

"None of your business"

Occasionally, rifles rang out in the south of the village.

A Czech light machine gun suddenly began to roar continuously.

The originally cool and sporadic shooting suddenly turned into a ballistic poisonous snake.

Despicably chasing after these puppet troops lying on the ground who were trying to outflank.

Under the glare of the sun, you can't see the ballistic trajectory at all, you can only hear the relentless whistling of the bullets as they sweep past, followed by muffled puffs that splatter flesh and blood, or ear-piercing puffs that splatter dust.

The blood is fluttering, the cold wind is blowing, uh, the cold wind in the summer is biting.

Hearing the continuous reports from the observers, the messengers in front of the battlefield reported the progress of the battlefield in the village.

Seeing the frightening curtain of gunpowder in the village, the lieutenant in charge of the command was terrified.

He knew very well that the decision was not that the imperial warriors' attack on the Eight Routes worked, but that the imperial warriors were ambushed again.

After weighing again and again, I dare not order the Imperial Army and the Imperial Association Army to move forward.

If you send someone to attack again, you will have to ambush if you don't keep it.

At this time, rushing into the village seemed to be of no use at all.

Tuba Road actually used the tunnel to detour to the middle of the imperial army!
This is not a question of many people attacking at all, but a matter of killing people in the village.

Suddenly, I remembered a special tactic that I saw in Chinese military books: refueling tactics.

Of course, I am that poor oil.

Now that there are armored vehicles empty, it is impossible to provide support.

Even if you fight more with less, there is no chance of winning at all.

The lieutenant finally gave the order, and the entire attacking team retreated.

The devils and puppet soldiers didn't dare to turn around at this time. Under the pressure of the heavy trucks in the west of the village, they had to keep pointing their guns at the village and retreating backwards.

(End of this chapter)

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